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Saturday Night Pre-Game!!!

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I have a permenant pet carrier in my truck for Tigger...

She goes everywhere with me...

There will be no break in this team...

She chews through all the leashes when I try to tie her up... investing in a chain and studded collar for her...

Need to keep her around...

Who else could tolerate my temporary down's syndrome uncontrollable flaggelations????

I vill drop 8 as well.. ooooofffffffff.........

tough keepin up with Tigger...

Stacked... I think we need to put a gate up at the house this weekend to keep these to aneeeeeemals in the house... and out of trouble...


Fuck it... let the girls stir some shit up... I love stomping ass and breaking bones....

let the fun begin!!!

I am going to the mens room...

A big shot of test in honor of the newly donned..

Iron Sisters

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hey bus dont forget about your uncontrollable Terrets that u suffer from...nipple biter yyayayaayaya and vvvvvvvvvvulva....lololol he is the greatest wingman!!!! and thats that!! I love the fact that we have such an effect on each other..crazy shit this weekend....i feel like dancin yeah!!!! rock on!!! and for the record my pet carrier is Burberry...tigga's ass too fine for that other shit!! lolol i kill me..xoxoxo tigga

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Wow...Tigga..I back that daily routine HARD!

To be honest the Stacked is feeling a little run down...I didn't leave work until 9 last night...I need a little Iron Sister Love tonight...Yup Fill up the bath tub...I am jumping in head first! I will probably watch re runs of Miami Vice ...you know that one episode where Phil Collins is ripping lines and everyone is geting tweaked....Yeah...That will make the Stacked rage

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i feel ya stacked....i downed some Nyquil and drugged my ass to a niiiiiiiiiiiiice deep sleep while Bus slept next to me and his nightly drool fest on me pillows!!!! he is too much but ya gotta lub him cuz i do...

hey i love reruns of Miami Vice...did uever catch the flick Hurly Burly? Sean Penn wakes up and does a gram of coke and starts tokin in a bong we call that the breakfast of champions.....

got milk? xoxoxoo tigga

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diggas checking in, woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks!!!! i stuck my head out the window gave my neighbor a big ol WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! turned on the AMP, DENONS, and TURN TABLES and woke the neighborhood reminding them the MDW is right around the corner!!!!!!!

rods head is slowly gettin back to normal, which for some would have them already checked into a PSYCH WARD, which means i am doing FINE!!!!!!!

im coming out this weekend, but not sure if im ready to break the glass on diggas emergency MED KIT!!! filled w/ tic tacs, and assorted PIXIE STICKS................................

diggas got some business to take care of and prob will not make the SLINKY COOK OUT, but i will hopefully be showing face sat. night, i will be sportin my brotha in the skies 44 jersey!!! just in case a slinky steps outta line and says, "E,E,E,EXCUSE ME SIR, B,B,BUT ARE YOU RODDIGGA"................... digga will run the ol, inside BLITZ as bus, don, stacked, bigtime and tiggers take on the lead blockers........and take the poors soles head off and wear it around my neck and drink the blood out of his head like a FISH BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!..............................

so slinkies please step away and make room, PAIN IS TEMPORARY BUT PRIDE IS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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and who am i rollin with................ TIGGAAAAAAAAAAA and........................DIGGAAAAAAAAAAAA, ya better get it right you better get it right......................!!!!!!!!!!

digga had a dream last night, T-MAC was hoverin over my bed, just like i remembered him, he slapped me on the face, told me to put out my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gave digga an imortal BUMP!!! told me that "the party never ends, get back to your LIFE..........just be smart, be safe, and that he's lookin over me!!!!!!!!".................woke in a deep sweat!!!!!!!, and i had to PLAY SOME LOUD MUSIC!!!!!!!!! played tracks from 2003 for him so he could leave.................freaked digga out......................

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thats what i though rod...holla back now whoo whoo whoo

can i get a what.what what..HOLLA BACK NOW

I hope you have a fatty daddy ensamble to die for this weekend?

bumps anyone yes please....

thanks mochi for the compliment I am a handful of bumps for the bus meister..but he canhang...r u headin to the shore this weekend? maybe we hang yes?

bring it ROD because ya know what U COMPLETE ME... and u didnt have me at hello......yes u did...

xoxoox tigga is in the hizouse....

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Tigga takes a beating without a helmet....

You returned one the other night...

Popped my shoulder out of the socket, and left me cat scratched and bleeding on the bed while you cooked dinner....

Nothing like a anger rape n a meal....

I need some fucking hockey pads for goin a few rounds with Tigger....

She takes it all in stride and returns the beating quite well..

All I heard was " oh bus... right there...." and next thing I know I woke up in the emergency room... blacked out from lack of oxygen to the cranium...

Ease up on the choke hold baby... did I say two hands?? Better make it one...

Big Rod... good to have the captain back... the ship was drifting without your guidance....

Stacked... now you guys know why I up the dosage on the test to superhuman levels...

See what I have to keep up with...

There is no rest for the wicked...

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you couldnt have said it better babe...ya know me grrrrrrrrr i am an animal when it comes to the beatings..yippee!!!

I thought i did use 2 hands that time you passed out what a rudh right?

me likey alot...

cant wait for this weekend IRON style!!!

bring it boyz tigga and bus r ready

xoxo tigga

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