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No weapons, no problem for Bush


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Originally posted by nycmuzik

Yeah cause ignoring threats to this country's national security like Clinton did over his 8 years in office is the right thing to do....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

We live in a diff. time and place now....Fuck what the rest of the world thinks...It has never helped us nor does it give a shit about us....Pre-emptive strikes against our enemy's is the way to go....We didnt start the fight but we sure as hell will finish this....

This is the surest possible mentality to get WWIII started in a hurry.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Yeah and a dirty bomb set off in Times square is any better???

Grow a pair pal... power is respected that is the only way to deal with these lunatics...

I have no problem locking down homeland security nice and tight. But, a unilarteral extermination of all of your "perceived" enemies will never be an effective course of action. It didn't work for Hitler, it won't work for the US either.

As glorious and powerful as the US Military force is, I don't think it is strong enough to over-ride the entire rest of the world. Who knows, maybe 5, 10, 50 years from now, think country's ego will have grow so large we'll feel it necessary to over-run, as raver_mania put it, our perceived enemies who are not necessarily friends with the us and are building their country's strength. What's the one and only thing men in power want? Easy answer...............MORE POWER. Maybe someday the UN decides the US is the world's biggest threat to peace and an alliance is created to counter-attack that threat. I can think of plenty of countries that wouldn't mind joining that team.

I realize my notion seems somewhat ludicrous at this time, but hey, I can't dream can't I?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Good post

1 question...

Do you still beleive that Iraq has or had WMD???

I have no doubt they had WMD, although perhaps not at the level of stockpiles we were told...but I have no doubt they had a program and weapons

When I speak of massive intelligence failure (today), I am speaking of our inability to find them sooner, root out where they were hidden or destroyed, or worst of all, where they have gone (other countries or terrorists)...plus, our inability to find the scientists is disappointing...

Now, another flavor of an intelligence failure, would be if the US never finds anything, ever(unlikely)...this truly would be a massive intelligence failure....not just he US, but other foreign intelligence services, who all claimed Iraq had WMD

I still am going to give the administration the benefit of the doubt, since Iraq is a master of deceipt, and this is going to take some time

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Yeah and a dirty bomb set off in Times square is any better???

Grow a pair pal... power is respected that is the only way to deal with these lunatics...

obviously if someone thinks like you, then they are scared and need to grow a pair themselves.

with this kind of mentality, you're just going to create a lot more enemies for yourself, as well as turn most of the world against you. i don't think that would be a good solution for world peace. but then again, when did the united states ever give a shit for world peace? they may talk the talk, but they definitely don't walk the walk.....:blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

obviously if someone thinks like you, then they are scared and need to grow a pair themselves.

with this kind of mentality, you're just going to create a lot more enemies for yourself, as well as turn most of the world against you. i don't think that would be a good solution for world peace. but then again, when did the united states ever give a shit for world peace? they may talk the talk, but they definitely don't walk the walk.....:blown:

Reagen won the Cold war with strength not appeasment for the enemy... You should know that your towel head freinds respect power not weakness..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Reagen won the Cold war with strength not appeasment for the enemy... You should know that your towel head freinds respect power not weakness..

you really make me nauseous with this ignorant comment....

reagan didn't win shit. he even wanted to end the cold war years before it did, but the administration he had at the time would not allow it. there is an infamous incident where reagan met with gorbachev in the north and they discussed this. he was forced to take back his words a day or two afterwards....

the cold war ended because the soviet union could no longer keep up with the US in making huge bombs, this crippled its economy (which was always shit to begin with) and it collapsed. there is also the perestroika and glasnost thing in question as well.


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Originally posted by sassa

you really make me nauseous with this ignorant comment....

reagan didn't win shit. he even wanted to end the cold war years before it did, but the administration he had at the time would not allow it. there is an infamous incident where reagan met with gorbachev in the north and they discussed this. he was forced to take back his words a day or two afterwards....

the cold war ended because the soviet union could no longer keep up with the US in making huge bombs, this crippled its economy (which was always shit to begin with) and it collapsed. there is also the perestroika and glasnost thing in question as well.


Shut the fuck up imbecile....you have no idea what you are talking about...

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Originally posted by sassa

you really make me nauseous with this ignorant comment....

reagan didn't win shit. he even wanted to end the cold war years before it did, but the administration he had at the time would not allow it. there is an infamous incident where reagan met with gorbachev in the north and they discussed this. he was forced to take back his words a day or two afterwards....

the cold war ended because the soviet union could no longer keep up with the US in making huge bombs, this crippled its economy (which was always shit to begin with) and it collapsed. there is also the perestroika and glasnost thing in question as well.


You are lost..

If Reagen pushed for increased spending on defense which bankrupt the Soviet Union how did he not win the Cold war??

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Originally posted by mr mahs

You are lost..

If Reagen pushed for increased spending on defense which bankrupt the Soviet Union how did he not win the Cold war??

oh yeah! reagan is the sole person responsible for the end of the cold war...yeah right...

and igloo, watch your mouth.

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Originally posted by sassa

oh yeah! reagan is the sole person responsible for the end of the cold war...yeah right...

and igloo, watch your mouth.

Listen seriously I beleive you are intelligent but please reseasrch what happened at the end of the 70's when a Carter a democratic president ran the military into the ground by cutting military spending... The U.S was a joke just look at the fiasco that happened in Iran in the 70's as well.. Also the Soviet Union was spreading it's Iron Curtain west ward and there wasn't anyone around to stop them... Then came Reagen a conservative stepped in and put some balls back in to the countries shorts and the arms race began because he beleived that the Soviet Union was a evil empire and he believed deep down that human civilization was in danger..

We put our balls to the wall and the Soviets fell, case closed Reagen won the COLD WAR....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Listen seriously I beleive you are intelligent but please reseasrch what happened at the end of the 70's when a Carter a democratic president ran the military into the ground by cutting military spending... The U.S was a joke just look at the fiasco that happened in Iran in the 70's as well.. Also the Soviet Union was spreading it's Iron Curtain west ward and there wasn't anyone around to stop them... Then came Reagen a conservative stepped in and put some balls back in to the countries shorts and the arms race began because he beleived that the Soviet Union was a evil empire and he believed deep down that human civilization was in danger..

We put our balls to the wall and the Soviets fell, case closed Reagen won the COLD WAR....

i can agree that the US did have a hand in ending the cold War, but i cannot believe reagan was solely responsible for it.

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Originally posted by sassa

i can agree that the US did have a hand in ending the cold War, but i cannot believe reagan was solely responsible for it.

Look... in the U.S the president submits the budget the other parts of the government approves or rejects it. Who do you think wanted to increase miltary spending if it was written into the budget..

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