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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

bro, whats up with the line throuh the wall street sign??


lol... i was getting lit up in the mkt last week, and just had it up to here with all the bs thats going on down here... its all rubbish... i have to put it back to normal now though just havent had the time...

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I figuired it all out...

OJ did it...

Biggie and tupac committed a double suicide...

And Elvis indeed is alive, with plastic surgery he is actually refered to as Osama bin laden...

The reason why he attacked the us? you ponder...

All to do with the dip in elvis record sales...



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Originally posted by sassa


wait a sec....let me think..

we agree or rather see eye to eye on two posts so far in a row...within the same week????


Keep this up and I think Im gonna be in love.... I mean...maybe even ask you out on a cyber date...lmao..

YOur mouse or mine??;)

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Originally posted by sassa

oh please...:rolleyes: you're trying to compare what happened in germany with this? :blank:

obviously the united states government has NOT learnt from history, otherwise they would not be pulling the bullshit policies they are right now on the world. they are retreating, rather than advancing.


good job on throwing out some baseless accusations without one shred of a fact


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Originally posted by sexxyme


no ..seriously...do u know how fucking stupid u sound??

ive held back for a while..but u shouldnt ever ever ever in your life talk about politics...u dont know ANYTHING

youre a perfect example of why there's so much bullshit in the world..youre attitude is the reason 3000+ people perished on 9/11....stay outta politics

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

good job on throwing out some baseless accusations without one shred of a fact


bullshit policies?

such as?? name one!

all we are doing is protecting our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and these same rights of other les fortunate pople in the world. one of these peoples is Israel, which has been nagged by senseless hatred around it, and countless invasions (which were caused by nothing but hate) wich were repelled

certain people want to take these rights away from others, and i say, FUCK YOU to them. Certain governments have clearly supported these sort of people in the past, and are doing so currently. Hussein's regime, the syrian regime, and the Taliban are all examples of this. and i say FUCK YOU to them too.

i want my government to do whatever is necessary to protect my way of life against those who oppose it.

would you fight for the US if there was to be a draft and you were called into the Middle East?

if you dare say no, then you dont belong in this country and are a two-faced hypocritical leech who ungratefully sucks the benefits that this country gives you. why dont you go live in syria for a bit if you so support their cause? ah, cause its a lot easier to flap your mouth here and talk senseless and baseless bullshit for the hell of it.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

no ..seriously...do u know how fucking stupid u sound??

ive held back for a while..but u shouldnt ever ever ever in your life talk about politics...u dont know ANYTHING

youre a perfect example of why there's so much bullshit in the world..youre attitude is the reason 3000+ people perished on 9/11....stay outta politics

No1 asked for your opinion:blown:
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Originally posted by dgmodel

no, dont be stupid... i am a trader... and every time the terror alert changes the market tanks... everytime theres a terrorist bombing or rumor of, the market tanks...

What are Al-Quada stocks trading at lately...............maybe I can capitalize on this Code Orange.

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Originally posted by sexxyme

No1 asked for your opinion:blown:

im giving u my opinion on your assinine posts . u put yourself out there and opened yourself up to criticism...

i dont talk out my ass..u know that very well..when i talk about politics i back it up with facts...u back it up with hate and ignorance...

im not the only person here who thinks ur an idiot....

as for me worrying about my own shit...i am worried about it...because of people like u ..i gota worry about getting on the subway every morning to go to work ...cause of people like u i gota worry about boarding a plane...

dont get into an intellectual argument with me...u..me...and the rest of the world know ur gona lose


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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

bullshit policies?

such as?? name one!

all we are doing is protecting our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and these same rights of other les fortunate pople in the world. one of these peoples is Israel, which has been nagged by senseless hatred around it, and countless invasions (which were caused by nothing but hate) wich were repelled

certain people want to take these rights away from others, and i say, FUCK YOU to them. Certain governments have clearly supported these sort of people in the past, and are doing so currently. Hussein's regime, the syrian regime, and the Taliban are all examples of this. and i say FUCK YOU to them too.

i want my government to do whatever is necessary to protect my way of life against those who oppose it.

would you fight for the US if there was to be a draft and you were called into the Middle East?

if you dare say no, then you dont belong in this country and are a two-faced hypocritical leech who ungratefully sucks the benefits that this country gives you. why dont you go live in syria for a bit if you so support their cause? ah, cause its a lot easier to flap your mouth here and talk senseless and baseless bullshit for the hell of it.

then i am a leech, but that's not up to you to decide. who the fuck do you think you are. i have said time and again i have nothing against the country, but i do have a problem with the government. these people are voted in through knowing certain people and getting money from the right types of organizations, whom of course, will ask for favors later on while these men occupy their offices....convenient isn't it. :blank:

i don't have to live in syria to support their cause. you seem to think that if someone has something negative to say about this government, then they are a traitor and want nothing to do with the place. well, guess what einstein you are wrong. this country was built on many freedoms, one of which is the right to publicly and freely express my dissent whenever i fucking please. that is what i am doing now. i suppose you expect everyone to be mindless drones (1984 style) waving the american flags from their SUV's and suburban homes, chanting the anthem, and not questioning the government. i'm sorry, but i won't be decieved by bullshit. and if you are, then that's your problem. but there really is no need to tell me to get the fuck out of the country i was born and raised in. :rolleyes::blown:

i will always question and chastize governments and individuals who are not acting for the goodwill of the people. that's what they are voted into office for, they better do their job.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

good job on throwing out some baseless accusations without one shred of a fact


Well think on this then.............during WWII the US had the support many allies, including 2 other major world powers of the time Britain and Russia. There was an entire alliance of countries that was formed to combat Germany and the Nazis

I'm sure you've heard countless times that the US had very little support in this war from other nations, so that right there should be somewhat of an indication, don't you think, unless the rest of the world is all just stupid, uneducated and naive.

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Originally posted by ou812

Well think on this then.............during WWII the US had the support many allies, including 2 other major world powers of the time Britain and Russia. There was an entire alliance of countries that was formed to combat Germany and the Nazis

I'm sure you've heard countless times that the US had very little support in this war from other nations, so that right there should be somewhat of an indication, don't you think, unless the rest of the world is all just stupid, uneducated and naive.

i think this is what most people in this country assume (subtlely and unfairly). why is our education faltering? why is our economy shit? hmmm...aren't we supposed to be the superpower of the world? well, the tables are turning and times are changing. the US cannot continue to hold this position without resentment from the rest of the world, and it's time americans faced up to that.

it's either going to change into something that resembles the george orwell book 1984, or shapeless entities will continue to shape the world's future for the next 10 years.

either way, the US is falling...and you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

when you look into many of their policies, you will see that many are tied with certain fortune 500 companies...now, don't you ever wonder why this is so? what does business have to do with politics? after all, there is a law that states business cannot donate more than a certain amount to political parties, right? or not?

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Originally posted by ou812

This should probably be sent to the Current Events board before the discussion gets any uglier. lololol

there's already enough bullshit and irritating people's posts there.....:D
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Originally posted by sassa

then i am a leech, but that's not up to you to decide. who the fuck do you think you are. i have said time and again i have nothing against the country, but i do have a problem with the government. these people are voted in through knowing certain people and getting money from the right types of organizations, whom of course, will ask for favors later on while these men occupy their offices....convenient isn't it. :blank:

i don't have to live in syria to support their cause. you seem to think that if someone has something negative to say about this government, then they are a traitor and want nothing to do with the place. well, guess what einstein you are wrong. this country was built on many freedoms, one of which is the right to publicly and freely express my dissent whenever i fucking please. that is what i am doing now. i suppose you expect everyone to be mindless drones (1984 style) waving the american flags from their SUV's and suburban homes, chanting the anthem, and not questioning the government. i'm sorry, but i won't be decieved by bullshit. and if you are, then that's your problem. but there really is no need to tell me to get the fuck out of the country i was born and raised in. :rolleyes::blown:

i will always question and chastize governments and individuals who are not acting for the goodwill of the people. that's what they are voted into office for, they better do their job.

i dont think you would ever consider a govt to act for the godwill of the people. and its not even about that. you simply want to go against the govt and talk shit. bottom line.

get in touch with reality and how the world works. favors (a.k.a. lobbyin) is how things work. thats how they work in domestic and international politics. you live in a dream world which doesnt coincide one bit with reality. our govt represents what the people want, which is why Bush's approval rating stays high.

our foreign policy is meant to protect us and enhanc our way of life. its exactly what every sountry strives to do, only we seem to do it better, at the same time providing many of the same benefits to a lot of other nations around the world.

you think you are the voice of reason, the one going against the trend and thus supporting the freedoms that our constitution provides

but thats kind of like someone coming out and saying you know what, we were idiots for outlawing slavery, or that we were stupid to promote univesal sufferage. do you really think every argument needs another side?

oh, and yes i'm going to compare whats going on now to what happened in Germany. in both instances there are madmen who are responsible for the killing of countless innocent civilian lives for their personal horrible causes

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im giving u my opinion on your assinine posts . u put yourself out there and opened yourself up to criticism...

i dont talk out my ass..u know that very well..when i talk about politics i back it up with facts...u back it up with hate and ignorance...

im not the only person here who thinks ur an idiot....

as for me worrying about my own shit...i am worried about it...because of people like u ..i gota worry about getting on the subway every morning to go to work ...cause of people like u i gota worry about boarding a plane...

dont get into an intellectual argument with me...u..me...and the rest of the world know ur gona lose


Think I'm an idiot? Great...! You've made my day...

#1...read what I wrote at 1st over and try to educate yourself a little more..., then reply with an answer!!!!:blown:

All I said was...that I wish all the terrorists would gather themselves and blow themselves up, if you don't agree with it..then go on your marry way and enjoy your life, because I couldn't care less about what you nor anyone else who thinks "I'm an idiot" thinks about it....so please...spare me your criticism...I have enough things to worry about..YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THEM


I'm done here ;)

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

i dont think you would ever consider a govt to act for the godwill of the people. and its not even about that. you simply want to go against the govt and talk shit. bottom line.

get in touch with reality and how the world works. favors (a.k.a. lobbyin) is how things work. thats how they work in domestic and international politics. you live in a dream world which doesnt coincide one bit with reality. our govt represents what the people want, which is why Bush's approval rating stays high.

our foreign policy is meant to protect us and enhanc our way of life. its exactly what every sountry strives to do, only we seem to do it better, at the same time providing many of the same benefits to a lot of other nations around the world.

you think you are the voice of reason, the one going against the trend and thus supporting the freedoms that our constitution provides

but thats kind of like someone coming out and saying you know what, we were idiots for outlawing slavery, or that we were stupid to promote univesal sufferage. do you really think every argument needs another side?

oh, and yes i'm going to compare whats going on now to what happened in Germany. in both instances there are madmen who are responsible for the killing of countless innocent civilian lives for their personal horrible causes

aha. so essentially you are promoting that we maintain the status quo, despite the fact that problems continue to grow every day, not just here but abroad. bush's ratings are high? what a big surprise, it's because people aren't understand the real deal behind his words. they listen to him on telly, watch cnn and think they know what's up. they don't bother to delve into history, economic/social/political problems to see what really is wrong or right. they take everything for face value. i've encountered thousands if not more people, who think like this.

tell me why we are supposed to be the most advanced country in the world, yet we rank one of the lower 50 in a group of 100 best countries in education?

tell me why the majority of the world (except those who are kissing our asses in hopes of scoring in on major economic deals) are against us and our policies?

do you mean to tell me that there can't be another side to this situation? that we should just sit back and swallow everything this fucking asshole cowboy of a president spews? i don't think so, buddy.

maybe you choose to be disillusioned and live in la-la land, but not me....not me! :blown:

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Originally posted by sexxyme

Think I'm an idiot? Great...! You've made my day...

#1...read what I wrote at 1st over and try to educate yourself a little more..., then reply with an answer!!!!:blown:

All I said was...that I wish all the terrorists would gather themselves and blow themselves up, if you don't agree with it..then go on your marry way and enjoy your life, because I couldn't care less about what you nor anyone else who thinks "I'm an idiot" thinks about it....so please...spare me your criticism...I have enough things to worry about..YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THEM


I'm done here ;)

this isnt just pretaning to one particular post..uve made an ass out of yourself several times...i just dont know y no one calls u out on it...

i dont need to educate myself..im pretty educated...thats y before i talk i think things through...u act on pure emotion..and thats the fuckin problem...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

this isnt just pretaning to one particular post..uve made an ass out of yourself several times...i just dont know y no one calls u out on it...

i dont need to educate myself..im pretty educated...thats y before i talk i think things through...u act on pure emotion..and thats the fuckin problem...

Serg im soo soo glad u called me on it instead of all these assholes letting me prance around like an ignoramus, thank u, i love u dearly and i wish u the best of everything especially luck with girls!! ;)
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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im glad u understand how much brain matter youre truly lacking :aright: ...as for the prancing...uve "pranced" enough for 10 people

Serg dont be mad just "keep it gutter..like free lunches..quarter water and loosies..."...stop being such a hater i know u're mad but u know what bad things happen to pseudo-intellectuals people too!!! (and the pseudo-intellectual people is pertaining to u sweety)

oh and stop making me question my own maturity by replying to your stupid ass deaded lovers quarrel

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yo tell your cousin to stop writing your posts...u know damn well u have no clue what a "pseudo-intellectual" is ...the only reason u even know the word PSEUDO is because theyre used to b open decks there every thursday...

who brought up a lovers quarell? my post ..in its entirety..was dedicated to YOUR SIMPLICITY AND UR RELENTLESS PROPENSITY TO FLOOD THE POLITICAL THREADS WITH DRIBBLE ...

ask your cousin to translate relentless and propensity..im sure she's sitting right there next to u...

u might have some trouble with ENTIRETY too...

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