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George Acosta @ Maze


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There is no doubt in my mind that George still has a following in Miami and elswhere. I also have little doubt that if he decides to take the Saturday residency there, they will do well. The real question is can Maze make the night happen?

LP brought George to Spin and did a great job of marketing it...the night worked. It never really did work after LP was gone. Maze is a great venue and the people who I have met in Maze management are very nice people who believe in what they are doing but...let's face it, they have still got a rough road ahead. I have read here that the Saturday "Gay Night" was a huge success that afforded them the ability to do different things on Fridays. If so, why bring in GA? I can only assume that the Saturday was not so successful. They are bringing in a crowd on Fridays but if you let people in for free and give them free drinks that's easy...what's hard is making money that way. I have been there on Fridays after the open bar is done and I can tell you the place clears out pretty quick. Having owned a place, I can tell you that the numbers on those Fridays are less than stellar.

My point is that Maze has to find a steady, reliable way to insure cash flow or they will be gone. GA may be just the thing they need. I know how much money he made me and how loyal his fans are. Good luck to Maze and GA.


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well, i think george will do well there and things have come together nicely, and having two successful and prosperous nights is better than one obviously.

however, i have to differ on george's success at spin. as a paying VIP table customer on new year's, i was disgusted at the emptiness and on several other nights is simply was not busy, with the exception of SoBe spots nights, which of course have their drawbacks also.

LP did not pay much attention to spin while it was under his control for the period that george was there. i think that maze may be the opportunity for him to shine again in the miami scene

as to the open bar, i don't think maze has done one since about 6 weeks ago. maze tends to stay busy til 4am or so, so i have never noticed it clear out like that- and besides, does george acosta's crowd really care about an open bar? i know the crowd at space doesn't, hence their title in the new times, ''best place to roll on ecstacy" and just about every club gives something away to gain something- promoters, traffic parties, open bar comp admiss., vip cards, etc. opium has a guestlist too, don't they?

best of luck to all

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I dont think they should give goerge a residency....once again george every week is not what we need in miami anymore....he should come once every couple of months so the peole will be hungry to hear him....people got george overload from shadow and level...he needs to travel across the pond and soiltify himself as a superstar again, and occasionally come back here to remind us y he is where he is, thats my O pinion...do with it what u will

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LP did not pay much attention to spin while it was under his control for the period that george was there. i think that maze may be the opportunity for him to shine again in the miami scene

You may be right...I really never went to Spin while GA was there but I know a lot of the former Shadow peeps loved it.

and besides, does george acosta's crowd really care about an open bar? i know the crowd at space doesn't, hence their title in the new times, ''best place to roll on ecstacy" and just about every club gives something away to gain something- promoters, traffic parties, open bar comp admiss., vip cards, etc. opium has a guestlist too, don't they?

I'm really surprised that you would actually support this stereotype. Our liquor sales numbers at Shadow were among the highest in the market for Saturday nights with GA so I can tell you that they do, in fact, care about an open bar.. I am sure that Space sells a ton of booze as well. It really is bullshit that there are more people rolling at a "trance" party than at other parties. The percentage of people on X at any club is about the same at any given time.

As for "giving something away to gain something", I agree that there are times when it's a good idea. I just think that if you're going to do it, you should be sure that it will pay off...IN CASH. I think Maze is a great venue with a lot of potential but they have yet to capture the attention of the market and are still a question mark. I also have spoken to a dozen people who said that they are going to Maze "for the open bar" and then to either Nerve or Space tonight. So Maze will actually get little, if anything, out of these peeps. It's an expensive and inefficient way to build a business. As far as Opium having a guestlist, sure they do but you have to get there early and either have to get a table or be a guest at a local hotel so Opium still gets theirs.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

I'm really surprised that you would actually support this stereotype. Our liquor sales numbers at Shadow were among the highest in the market for Saturday nights with GA so I can tell you that they do, in fact, care about an open bar.. I am sure that Space sells a ton of booze as well. It really is bullshit that there are more people rolling at a "trance" party than at other parties. The percentage of people on X at any club is about the same at any given time.

i totally agree with ya on that one Dade...:aright:

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you speak the truth for the most part, and i was a major contributor to both yours and bobby's pockets, and of course george's also, so i know very well. (besides being friends with a majority of the staff) i rarely missed a satruday night. shadow lounge was the best saturday night party to ever grace miami in my opinion!

however, i agree that an open bar may not be the *best* marketing tool, but in some circumstances it is effective, like when you are up again a huge night at space AND a formidable one at crobar. otherwise, there is not normally an 'extended' open bar. also, as you know, an open bar is not whatever you want- it is what is put together in a promotional deal with liquor sponsors. such as one type of vodka drink only, not Petron, not Blue Label, etc.

also, it is my understanding that maze is not an 'open door' of free admission, and many of the guests are there on one of the various promoters lists, if not they pay. common in the biz. maze is still in the process of proving itself as a great venue, and is doing a fantastic job of such. ask anyone who has been in the last say 2 months on a friday- the turnout has been anywhere from good to fucking packed, as it was for robbie rivera (who is an awesome dj & producer but lacks the name recognition of even someone like edgar or acosta, let alone a PVD or Oakie). oh, and let's not forget the location issue that maze has- it is not on the main strip, and actually is difficult to find even for people who live and party on the beach that may not have been around when salvation was there.

the point i am making is that EVERYTHING TAKES TIME, and maze's time has come. everytime i go there, the vibe is good and the people are all very nice, and as a regular- it is nice to have a staff that seems to care about its customers when sometimes it seems like we are just *numbers*

as to the attention of the market, maze seems to have everyone's attention lately, even the space staff concedes such- imagine that...

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Originally posted by Shadowz


you speak the truth for the most part, and i was a major contributor to both yours and bobby's pockets, and of course george's also, so i know very well. (besides being friends with a majority of the staff) i rarely missed a satruday night. shadow lounge was the best saturday night party to ever grace miami in my opinion!

however, i agree that an open bar may not be the *best* marketing tool, but in some circumstances it is effective, like when you are up again a huge night at space AND a formidable one at crobar. otherwise, there is not normally an 'extended' open bar. also, as you know, an open bar is not whatever you want- it is what is put together in a promotional deal with liquor sponsors. such as one type of vodka drink only, not Petron, not Blue Label, etc.

also, it is my understanding that maze is not an 'open door' of free admission, and many of the guests are there on one of the various promoters lists, if not they pay. common in the biz. maze is still in the process of proving itself as a great venue, and is doing a fantastic job of such. ask anyone who has been in the last say 2 months on a friday- the turnout has been anywhere from good to fucking packed, as it was for robbie rivera (who is an awesome dj & producer but lacks the name recognition of even someone like edgar or acosta, let alone a PVD or Oakie). oh, and let's not forget the location issue that maze has- it is not on the main strip, and actually is difficult to find even for people who live and party on the beach that may not have been around when salvation was there.

the point i am making is that EVERYTHING TAKES TIME, and maze's time has come. everytime i go there, the vibe is good and the people are all very nice, and as a regular- it is nice to have a staff that seems to care about its customers when sometimes it seems like we are just *numbers*

as to the attention of the market, maze seems to have everyone's attention lately, even the space staff concedes such- imagine that...


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