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Memorial Day @ South Beach...


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Originally posted by sobeton

you can't handle the truth, thats why you don't care about the articles. try and get a table at a restaurant, book a hotel room, etc they are packed..when the holiday is over , the bottom line will be reviewed, and contrary to your politically correct insecure bullshit. you will see that numbers talk and bullshit walks. it will be the same next year, and every year there after . as long as the city is making money. so grab a cookie and get over it.. "woo-who...whatever..."

Politically correct insecure bullshit??? I hope you are not confusing The Funk for a racist, that's not my sport...I actually went for a walk down Washington Ave last night and mixed up with the "hip-hop" crowd...nice looking butts all over the place I must add...it just bothers me that this fucking holiday doesn't limit itself to the commercial area of SouthBeach and I have to have all kinds of gangs drinking and smoking weed outside of my house, wich is located on a residential area, with nothing to see and nothing for this fuckers to do...capice?

I respect you a lot and I know your intentions are good, I'm speaking from a South Beach resident point of view and I do not want to own the truth...this Memorial Day madness is a pain in the ass...the rest is bullshit...as far as media control goes, those articles are just as bullshit as the man on the moon.

I grabbed a cookie and it worked...I'm over it!!! :D



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Originally posted by funketeer

Politically correct insecure bullshit??? I hope you are not confusing The Funk for a racist, that's not my sport...I actually went for a walk down Washington Ave last night and mixed up with the "hip-hop" crowd...nice looking butts all over the place I must add...it just bothers me that this fucking holiday doesn't limit itself to the commercial area of SouthBeach and I have to have all kinds of gangs drinking and smoking weed outside of my house, wich is located on a residential area, with nothing to see and nothing for this fuckers to do...capice?

I respect you a lot and I know your intentions are good, I'm speaking from a South Beach resident point of view and I do not want to own the truth...this Memorial Day madness is a pain in the ass...the rest is bullshit...as far as media control goes, those articles are just as bullshit as the man on the moon.

I grabbed a cookie and it worked...I'm over it!!! :D



racist was the furthest thing from my mind. insecurity and political correctness does not necessarily equate to racism; unless you yourself believe it to be so. I to live on the beach, in a residential area .where I lived for over three years. I had no problems at my end of town, speaking from a residential point of view. you're taking an insolated incident, and making a prelude for an entire holiday. if the incident so enraged you then why not just call the cops?? lord knows there was enough them around, but whatever that your choice.

my intentions, which you alluded to. are to hopefully enlighten people, beyond the negative bullshit a majority of the media dishes out.

hope where all clear now.. ;)

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Originally posted by sobeton

racist was the furthest thing from my mind. insecurity and political correctness does not necessarily equate to racism; unless you yourself believe it to be so. I to live on the beach, in a residential area .where I lived for over three years. I had no problems at my end of town, speaking from a residential point of view. you're taking an insolated incident, and making a prelude for an entire holiday. if the incident so enraged you then why not just call the cops?? lord knows there was enough them around, but whatever that your choice.

my intentions, which you alluded to. are to hopefully enlighten people, beyond the negative bullshit a majority of the media dishes out.

hope where all clear now.. ;)

We where clear from the begining, I'm against-it and you are pro-it...no biggie...

peace and have a great week


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i hate to tell people 'i told you so', but.... i told you so.

a few weeks back when we were all talking about maze the night that stryke vs. falcon both performed, the hip hop room upstairs was more packed than the main even down stairs.

my post iterated that this year from memorial day through labor day, south beach will have a record number of shootings, stabbings, assaults, batteries, and any other methods of violence. why?

hip hop.

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Originally posted by spinstar

my post iterated that this year from memorial day through labor day, south beach will have a record number of shootings, stabbings, assaults, batteries, and any other methods of violence. why?

hip hop.

what proof do you have to support your claims ?? why ?? because without proof to support your claims, it's mere speculation.which seems to be spreading ,through our community like a bad rash. "if you don't like the picture that's being painted, then grab a canvas and paint a new one. with the hope that people will buy it." translation : if you don't like what scene on sobe has become, then change it or accept it as it is.
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Everything that's wrong with South Beach has everything to do with this fucking "urban" crap.

Disgusting how the beach is transformed over one weekend into this...

garbage and trash EVERYWHERE...I have stories from friends who had some errand on the beach this weekend of people banging on their cars...etc etc.

Level mased? 150+ arrests?

no way in hell can you say it's because of 200,000 people in one area...

WMC comes and goes with little to NO incidents to disrupt...

this will be the ruin of south beach...


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I think its really funny how the city is trying to get Ultra moved out of here, and in the meantime the only time of year that has the most violence is MDW :confused:

There have been paddy wagons lined up on the street next to my apartment all week, I cant even drive down most of the streets cuz they are blocked off. Does this happen during any other event here? NO! The city should concentrate more on the things that are damaging this city and not the ones that are beneficial.

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Though remember, it's the city of Miami that is concerned about Ultra, not Miami Beach...MB kicked Ultra out a long time ago :)

Technically, Ultra could happen on the beach again, it's just that the main audience (kids) could not attend.

But still, you're right...the city gets all concerned about dance clubs, and then they go on and let a messy event like this weekend go ahead.

Though this year went off pretty well officially, I've heard all sorts of unofficial complaints from residents and businesses alike...

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But they had Washington, Collins, and Ocean closed all yesterday morning cuz there was a shoot out and they had to go searching each hotel for the guys who did it :confused: I dont see how that can be classified as going off well...

true about the two city differences but you get my general point, I just dont get how any of this holiday helps MB or Miami :confused:

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Just chill out and climb a mountain next Memorial Day :D

i can move, I can move any mountain...I can move, I can move any mountain...utah saints...u...u...u...utah saints!

sorry, see what you made me do? :D

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Originally posted by southof5th

Everything that's wrong with South Beach has everything to do with this fucking "urban" crap.

Disgusting how the beach is transformed over one weekend into this...

garbage and trash EVERYWHERE...I have stories from friends who had some errand on the beach this weekend of people banging on their cars...etc etc.

Level mased? 150+ arrests?

no way in hell can you say it's because of 200,000 people in one area...

WMC comes and goes with little to NO incidents to disrupt...

this will be the ruin of south beach...


216 arrest over a 3 day period, a typical Saturday with less then a 1/4 of the amount people yields 30 arrest. :rolleyes: stories , rumours, etc. blah ! Blah ! stick to the facts. and as far as going back to "Fucking Atlanta " fuck you and the horse you rode in on.. The Beach Is For Everybody ! MWD on SOBE is here to stay, and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it. So deal with it !

And as a point of information, WMC doesn’t come under the heavy scrutiny MDW does. Hence if there where arrest, etc. you wouldn’t know because, the MB Police department does not hold daily press conferences during WMC. they do during MWD. Hmmmmm! makes you wonder …


Associated Press Writer

May 27, 2003, 6:58 AM EDT

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -- Police made more arrests over the Memorial Day weekend on South Beach than they did last year, but officials still declared the busiest tourism weekend of the year a success.

Through Monday evening, 216 people had been arrested over the holiday weekend, well above last year's Memorial Day weekend total of 148 arrests.

Final arrest totals for the weekend would be released later Tuesday, police spokesman Bobby Hernandez said.

Of the 216 arrests, 43 were on felony weapons, drug or assault charges. At least one person was cited for playing an automobile's radio too loudly; most other arrests were for misdemeanors such as disorderly conduct or public drinking, officials said.

Police responded to a shooting Sunday night, but the 23-year-old victim had only graze wounds and refused hospitalization.

This year's arrest figures exceeded the 211 reported during the same weekend in 2001, when raucous crowds overwhelmed police. But the overall behavior of the 200,000 estimated revelers who partied on South Beach this past weekend was in no way reminiscent of the out-of-control scenes on the beach two years ago, city manager Jorge Gonzalez said.

"It's night and day," Gonzalez told The Miami Herald for its Tuesday editions. "The crowd is a lot more behaved and the city is a lot more prepared to handle anything that comes up in the hot spots. By all accounts, people seemed to have a pretty good time."

Tourists Cyeada Smith, 21, and Andrea Tilghmay, 20, from Piscataway, N.J., were among those still enjoying the sights and sounds well into Monday evening.

"I heard it was really packed during the week," Smith said.

She and Tilghmay, wearing tank tops and short skirts, had just posed for pictures for a young man who had stopped them and asked if they minded.

The friends said that earlier in the day, when the crowd was still spilling off the sidewalks into the streets, they were often approached by men who wanted their names and wanted to take photos for their Web sites.

"It was just too many demanding guys," Smith said.

Following the 2001 trouble, city officials created a major event plan that has been used the past two years. Hernandez said that "has really made the difference."

More than 500 police officers worked the entertainment district, three-quarters of them on the 6 p.m to 6 a.m shift.

"Everybody had a good time. That's what we wanted," Hernandez said. "Those who came looking for trouble, they found it and they were arrested."

Copyright © 2003, The Associated Press

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Originally posted by sobeton

216 arrest over a 3 day period, a typical Saturday with less then a 1/4 of the amount people yields 30 arrest. :rolleyes: stories , rumours, etc. blah ! Blah ! stick to the facts. and as far as going back to "Fucking Atlanta " fuck you and the horse you rode in on.. The Beach Is For Everybody ! MWD on SOBE is here to stay, and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it. So deal with it !

And as a point of information, WMC doesn’t come under the heavy scrutiny MDW does. Hence if there where arrest, etc. you wouldn’t know because, the MB Police department does not hold daily press conferences during WMC. they do during MWD. Hmmmmm! makes you wonder …

Facts aside, no one can dispute the fact that the atmosphere changes DRAMATICALLY...if you like it, ok....if you don't...the scene is RUINED for you...it does not change this drastically during WMC...

I don't like ANYTHING about this scene...the music...the fashion...it does nothing for me...it's just being THROWN IN MY FACE...

The beach is for everyone?? I guess...too bad the clubs are whoring themselves...clubs who used to scrutinze who they let in...I personally like the fascist door policies some clubs have...it lets the good looking people in and the rest out...

Deal with it? I will...probably move off the beach...too bad for me...I'm just lamenting this unfortunate turn of events...

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I'm not for fascist door policies, unless the club explcitly is geared as a location for celebrities and starfuckers...BED, Rumi, and Mynt can have them, since they never have good music, good crowds, or good DJs...they can go hang as far as I'm concerned, they keep the people I don't like cordoned off.

As for other clubs where good DJs play, a fascist door policy isn't a good idea. Most good DJs draw a crowd that would probably lynch the doorperson if he or she made undue demands of a dresscode. Take a look at some of the posts on here...Stefan at Space, Fabrizio of crobar, and their ilk are on a lot of hitlists at some point.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to screen out people from good events...though the event itself will often act as a screener in and of itself. You won't get ghetto-ness at a Layo and Bushwacka set for example...

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I know I have settled my dispute with Tony about Memorial Day @ South Beach sucking major ass...but, I'd like to reiterate that it doesn't matter what race, creed or nationality the visitors to our beloved city are...if they're going to raise hell, disrespect authority and basicly behave like cattle...they shouldn't be allowed to have their shit-convention here...are we so desperate??? Hum...well, I guess we are...bad economy has made a whore out of South Beach...it was an ugly scene, honestly...also, what a bunch of posers...damn boyee...I don't know what the fuck is going on with our youth...these fuckers all represent I don't know what portion of our nation's population...but it has to be the one that is going to send this country straight to hip-hop hell...with so much drama in the lbc it's kinda hard being snoop d...o...double g...but I, somehow, some way, keep coming up with funky ass hits like every single day...hip-hop is not the problem...a youth with no personality and no identity is the problem...I look all fucked up=I'm cool...I have no manners =I'm cool...my ass is sticking out of my pants= I'm cool, my pants are falling off=I'm cool...serioulsy and for the last time...yo whattup, you know what I'm saying boyee, ignorant bastards with no future...that's what it all boils down to...a lost generation....wasting their time and minds on some marketing fabricated bullshit that makes them first, look like morons...then steals their individuality...I mean...what is the fun part of everyone dressing alike??? Everyone is dressed up like a basketball player!!! Even some huge fat ass is dressed up as a basketball player...who are they kidding??? Basketball my ass...fuckers can't even run three steps let alone jump after all the chronic blunts they smoke a day...you better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it, sucks ass, you better never let it go yo...sucks ass!!!!!


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the atmosphere changes on Sobe during MDW, doesn’t bother me. people are people; I don’t care what there social, economic, racial, etc. background is.. the scene should reflect diversity.. I’m all about people being able to enjoy themselves, be who they are, while respecting themselves and the community. if you can’t respect the community, laws and the people that live in it, then yes I agree with Funketer your arse doesn’t belong on the beach or any other place for that matter. conversely the negative behavior of a few, should not cast a shadow over an entire group. it’s not fair, and to be quite frank it down right ignorant. I’m sure many on CP will recall the outrage on this board, when the Mayor of Miami wanted to close down Ultrafest. remember why he wanted to close it down?? think about it .. scrutinizing folks has no place, in a social setting, or any other setting as far as I am concerned. I’m as comfortable during MDW , as I am during WMC. I realize in different social settings the people, I am interacting with may not share my taste in music, educational background, etc. however I don’t let that intimidate me in anyway, I accept them as they are and hope that they do the same with respect to me.

lack of understanding, leads to fear which imo leads to misinterpretation.. which is the direction, I for one hope this MDW issue does not go.

having things thrown in your face, and dealing with the same is what life is all about. the unfortunate thing is when people, let there own insecurities preclude them from enjoying themselves. social skills are cultured at home, not in the streets.

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  • 1 year later...
the atmosphere changes on Sobe during MDW, doesn’t bother me. people are people; I don’t care what there social, economic, racial, etc. background is.. the scene should reflect diversity.. I’m all about people being able to enjoy themselves, be who they are, while respecting themselves and the community. if you can’t respect the community, laws and the people that live in it, then yes I agree with Funketer your arse doesn’t belong on the beach or any other place for that matter. conversely the negative behavior of a few, should not cast a shadow over an entire group. it’s not fair, and to be quite frank it down right ignorant. I’m sure many on CP will recall the outrage on this board, when the Mayor of Miami wanted to close down Ultrafest. remember why he wanted to close it down?? think about it .. scrutinizing folks has no place, in a social setting, or any other setting as far as I am concerned. I’m as comfortable during MDW , as I am during WMC. I realize in different social settings the people, I am interacting with may not share my taste in music, educational background, etc. however I don’t let that intimidate me in anyway, I accept them as they are and hope that they do the same with respect to me.

lack of understanding, leads to fear which imo leads to misinterpretation.. which is the direction, I for one hope this MDW issue does not go.

having things thrown in your face, and dealing with the same is what life is all about. the unfortunate thing is when people, let there own insecurities preclude them from enjoying themselves. social skills are cultured at home, not in the streets.

I agree, Tony. :laugh2:

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Hip Hop MDW or not, Funk & Sobeton have a valid point on today's youth. It all starts at home, and with each other. When that is lost, all is lost. Surely out of all those kids, a portion will eventually question things, and learn to think for themsleves. They use to call some of us *cough* older *cough* posters, "generation X", and I'm certainly no slacker..anymore :D

Our current state is a sad fact of life, but hey at least there will be less competition for scholarships, grants, and good jobs, survival of the fittest, so to speak..

As far as tastes go, everyone should have their weekend or confrence. Believe it or not, some people actually hate our music and clothes.. at least ours is the most non violent scene..we seem to believe in the 'make love not war' mantra! :D

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I just want to know how everyone can afford the bentleys and benz's...because I saw a lot of them

obviously I'm doing something wrong...

through my chosen career path you don't get that kind of cash until your in upper management...

anyone know? Everyone can't be in music production or sports...has to be some other form of sole proprietorship...clothing?

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