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Surf Club sunday night....

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Insane.. just got in 3:00am now.. and I think I must have gotten there around 3pm. haha.. Surf Club, jersey shore.. you hear about it. You know it's off the hook, you know you can have a great time, and this time it was no exception.

I love that fuckin place.. music was SiCk!!!!!, drinks were intoxifiing, girls were .. girls were .. oh my god the girls.. all I have to say is.. I think the hottest.. the finest.. ladies in NJ just make it a sunday thing to hit that club, cause you have never seen better.. definitly a better, if not the best of times at surf club.. music guest djs were insane.. ktu was insane.. and it acctually looks like not one fight..damn thats some thing new for NJ..but what the fuck it's all about the feelin.. and they saw that it was GOOD!!

Oh yeah one more thing...Liz.. thanks for the drinks.. and FYI, I told you that I'd tell you to your face.. that you're all good honey..

Welcome to Summertime my friends.. Surf Club is open for buisness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D:cool:

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It was definitely a great time even with the crap weather and almost no sleep I went and felt the energy and vibe all over the place, and whoever was djin'g played some really good tracks also.... I can't wait to see Oscar G on the tables there next month

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i was there from 330-7...........its a phat summer club..... but i have this thing where i just cant get into the jersey shore crowd.... and the music was pretty terrible :cheese: until tsettos came on (at least i think he came on at 6) :confused: either way, yea its a good time, but its hard when u compare it to parties like tiesto @ roxy or picotto @ arc... u cant compare the 2.... and i guess i just prefer international talent and city spots where the vibe is all about the music instead of muscleheads and how much they can drink/ how many girls they can grab within the 1st hour they get there

but :rock: to anyone who prefers this scene :)

the only cool thing about clubs like that is its a beach club, its summer so it feels like ur partying on vacation... the people are dressed in cute summer clothes... and everyones there to have a good time.. but its hard when i dont drink to try and get into a drinking crowd, u know?

i know this is the jersey board, but does anyone else agree with me on this?

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tru i noticed that also... its just a totally different scene altogether.. no sense in really comparing them... i just found it hard to get into the crowd... i cant stand ktu cheese... and they were playing sandstorm and party in the ghetto.... i mean... seriously :blank:

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Originally posted by linabina

tru i noticed that also... its just a totally different scene altogether.. no sense in really comparing them... i just found it hard to get into the crowd... i cant stand ktu cheese... and they were playing sandstorm and party in the ghetto.... i mean... seriously :blank:

Well also, 3 to 7 is definately a more relaxed vibe. Epsecially when the weather is warmer and everyone is laying out and stuff. They play more classics and chill music, and they serve drinks on the beach.

It's not usually till around like after 8 or 9 once everyone's gotten off the beach, gone home, showered, changed and returned in the evening that the music picks up with better shit.

Then again, it is apples and oranges like you said, so you have to take it for what it's worth.

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Hey I hear ya on that as well... NYC clubs.. and DJs definitly can't really compare to Jersey Clubs.. thank god for them though..cause I think NYC is the energy NJ takes on to create bigger and better.. Jersey got somethings to learn when it comes to great clubs, and greats djs but then again we realy don't give a fuck.. we are staight up partiers.. and the fact is the Jersey croud, usually makes the NYC club all that it is.. altough I have no clue how it's all gonna turn out now with the ban on smokin in clubs.. and higher fines on illegally parked cars..

But to summarize.. NYC you rock.. that crazy energy from god.. and NJ we'll just keep being that fuel that lights ya... ;) ;) ;)

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It's obvious that the party scene in NYC has taken a nose dive. There's no denying it. Fortunately for the youngins of today, they don't know about how it used to be, so for them that's good.

But, the years of really kickass parties at Roxy, Factory, Exit/Carbon and Twilo in and around 97-99 are long gone. To be honest, I don't think they'll ever get that good again either. The scene has changed and the rules have changed.

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Originally posted by paul76

Funny thing.. where are ya from.. I know this isn't her.. but I use to know a girl.. that we use to call tinabina.. lol

popular last name.. and soo unique...:cool:

lol my name really isnt lina bina.. and bina definitely isnt my last name ;)
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