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Iron Update...

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How are my brothers and sisters feeling????

Bus is recoverying nicely from the weekend antics...

Monday spent all day in bed with Tigger, eating, scooping, and playing hide the ham....

250mg of test injected this morning...

Four meals so far....

and one Iron Chest Workout on da waaaaaaaaay............

Report back brothers and sisters....

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At this point i think i may had done damage for life...MY head is killing me and I cant think..............I actually asked my boy at work to kick me in the head to jumpstart things up there.. I feel like i went 12 rounds with Tyson in the early 1990's........

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due to my obvious lack of size pointed out by the hefty and hearty overweight fellas of the club scene.....I too have eaten twice as much today and will do double sessions in the gym all week........sorry I cant match ya on the cc's bus.......so I will have to double scoop my celltech and eat twice the protein bars for a boost.....is that good enough for you Brian1500....you shredded lean machine you!!!!.....ha ha ha ha....all in good fun gorilla1500......dont black ball me from CP!!!!

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Sunday pin toast and pre-surf shoot up this Sunday!!!

I am not happy with your lack of speedy recovery...

Carb intake may need to be looked at....

K does not count as a carb source!!!!

Still waiting for further updates from the team...

Stacked, Digga, Tigga, Court and Sandi...

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riggsy im in bad shape bro!! the entire vascular in not working. glad to see you still alive. at least i did a lil hide the night stick as well. i believe thats what kept my heart beating. think i just need injections ----]]]]]]]]]----I ( supposed to be a pin) by the way you r girl is very nice, good to meet her. give a call this week so we can have meathead awareness sessions

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riggsy im in bad shape bro!! the entire vascular in not working. glad to see you still alive. at least i did a lil hide the night stick as well. i believe thats what kept my heart beating. think i just need injections ----]]]]]]]]]----I ( supposed to be a pin) by the way you r girl is very nice, good to meet her. give a call this week so we can have meathead awareness sessions

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i still feel and look like PADDINGTON BEAR,............ IRON at heart but still filled w/ cotton stuffing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................

we were limited to 1 meal a day over at the crib down the shore, i have trying to eat everything in site just to get the proper nutrients back into my body..........................

my thughts are still foggy, but i am now able to generate complete sentences...........................

i took a shit this mornig and it felt like i was shitting out pieces of corn, when i checked the toilet i found two caps to my jars!!!!!!!!..........the sound of the microwave going off at work has me breaking out in sweats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the bottom corner of my lip is swollen b/c i used it as a CHEW TOY.......................i've had the shakes and my voice is GONE!!!! i have not anwered my phone all mornin unless its been one of my boys..........................my eyes are still burning and i cant hear a thing!!!!!!!!!!

other than that bus, im felling GREAT...cant wait till next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank GOD for SISCOKID and hisBOTTLE OF 5 HTP.............works wonders.....................

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The Stacked was up at 4:50 and once again was the ifrst one t open up the NYSC in Colonia...I had a decent chest workout....nothing special .....incline 225 for 15, 12, 10, 8, 6...I just hate putting wait...WEIGHTED DIPS, MACHINE FLYES, HAMMER STRENGTH MACHINE, CABLE X-OVER.....The highlight of my gym experience this morning was going into the aerobics room...and blasting the SLINKY STOMPING CD...this trainer chick I know came in at 5:45 and was like this cd is sick....I was jumping like i was rolling and pounding the fuck out of that room....20mins! with a few rests in between!

breakfast: Oatmeal 50 carbs

Shake 55 protein

mid morning snack : protein shake 55g

lunch: 12 oz steak

thats my update

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Awsome weekend guys!

Thanks for my new title as an iron sister but where is my induction kiss court and stef? :) I had the most amazing weekend, hurtin' now but i love it and im ready for round 2!! In the words of Dave, Bring It!!! lol

We gotta be ready for double dutch finals at temps at the end of the summer, lots of practice sessions until then,lol, this time with my shoes on the entire nite. Cant wait to do it all over again, maybe without all the weirdos, aka: iron face man, benny licks,

and billy and kellys fav, the swingers.

Shout out to 209 jersey ave, i love you guys and thanks for an unbelievable weekend!!!

Padded Room!!!!!!!!!! i had to give you that shout out hunnie;)

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Sandi...Congrats on the title! You deserve it! And know you will wear it with great pride...I back you hard! You and Dave make a nice couple!

Sandi..I am sure there will be more "Evil Sessions" @ Tempts...Remember picking us up in the Taxi...how ironic?

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Originally posted by njbigtime

At this point i think i may had done damage for life...MY head is killing me and I cant think..............I actually asked my boy at work to kick me in the head to jumpstart things up there.. I feel like i went 12 rounds with Tyson in the early 1990's........

That was me not Tyson(just kidding) At one point you gave me a bear hug and I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head(more than they were already)

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Originally posted by babes14x

Awsome weekend guys!

Thanks for my new title as an iron sister but where is my induction kiss court and stef? :) I had the most amazing weekend, hurtin' now but i love it and im ready for round 2!! In the words of Dave, Bring It!!! lol

We gotta be ready for double dutch finals at temps at the end of the summer, lots of practice sessions until then,lol, this time with my shoes on the entire nite. Cant wait to do it all over again, maybe without all the weirdos, aka: iron face man, benny licks,

and billy and kellys fav, the swingers.

Shout out to 209 jersey ave, i love you guys and thanks for an unbelievable weekend!!!

Padded Room!!!!!!!!!! i had to give you that shout out hunnie;)

look who decides to join, remember to come strapped at all times:laugh:

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