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Friday & Saturday Set Times @ 34


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Originally posted by klubveteran

and guess what? Space agrees with us too. But they're too Stubborn and the relationship with edgar has gotten ridiculous. You remember your fights with your high school girlfriend how silly they would be?? when deep down you like each other and are just playing games? This reminds me of that.

so hence they book Padilla. and if Space wasnt like that they couldve been better. thats right i said Better. yes they are one of the worlds top venues but for one they could be open on two nights instead of one. dont believe the "we dont need to" rap. a club is short lived. why not get the most out of it. Crobar is pretty full night in night out Thurs- Sunday.They give a little to get something back in return. How long can Space just take take take with out giving much back?

well I think the relationship is strained at both ends. I think LP would be the first to tell you, he has the utmost respect for EV.he has said the same, several times before on this board. imo in spite of whatever went on within, their professional relationship (which we really don’t know). I doubt his opinion has changed that much. given the style music for tonight. it would seem that Padilla, would be the most appropriate choice to close. in retrospect Roly would not have been, the right choice to close tonight. imo Roly is a house dj, and his style would not match the nites music. I’m pleased as hell though, that he will be rocking the terrace. for those of us who enjoy a mixture of styles.

as far Space being open for two nights, I think based on there past experience with different genres of music from trance to house on Friday’s. the audience is simply not there for them on Friday, unless they have a major dj. I’m not quite sure why this is the case, but we already know it to be a fact.. so why open just to loose money ?? that would not seem to be a prudent business move..

as far as space not giving back, call me biased if you like. but I think a club that offers free admission until 12midnight most nights, reduced admission for special events, a limited open bar most nights, and puts forth the best local and international dj’s week in and week out. is most certainly giving back to the scene.

what else would you like them, to do to earn your respect ??

the question should really be. what are we doing to support, what the venues and promoters are doing ??

it seems to me our little CP community, enjoys a love hate relationship with Space 34.which at times is very entertaining to see played out on CP. imo the rest of the local scene, could really care less what the local gossip is with regard to space.. ultimately they will go to the hottest club in town, and like it or not right now at the forefront is Space 34.

crobar's success is something they have worked hard for, by carving out a niche in the market that seems to be receptive to what they offer. conversely Space 34, Maze, and every other successful venue has done the same. there continued success will be, determined by how creative, resourceful, and attentive they are to needs and desires of the entire scene; not just CP folks.

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Originally posted by sobeton

well I think the relationship is strained at both ends. ,their professional relationship (which we really don’t know).

what else would you like them, to do to earn your respect ??


I do know exactly what happend since i was in the middle of it all. and i tell you its silly on both sides. but its a far too beaten subject anyways. so...........

Pal, believe you me when i tell you i doubt nobody has more respect for them since i saw it build from ground up when it was just an idea. so thats why i have the audacity to say that Knowing Louis for as long as i have. and as great as they are i know they can be better. its that simple

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Originally posted by klubveteran

Pal, believe you me when i tell you i doubt nobody has more respect for them since i saw it build from ground up when it was just an idea. so thats why i have the audacity to say that Knowing Louis for as long as i have. and as great as they are i know they can be better. its that simple

"Pal" :D ..complacency does not seem to be a trait of LP’s, from what I have seen.. we are all always striving for improvement, life would be a little dull if we didn’t..

p.s. my comment "what else would you like them, to do to earn your respect ?? " is more a generalization directed our CP community.. it’s obvious to me that you know LP, on a different level then most of us. ;)

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