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the tiesto hype will die off soon enough. pvd is the shit, and picotto is a god. tiesto falls somewhere below that, albeit closely...

and the funny thing is, three years ago, no one in miami knew who tiesto was. he was playing the old space on fridays, $20 cover. i was there, the music was awesome. now a couple years later comes the hype...

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Originally posted by Shadowz

picotto is a god. tiesto falls somewhere below that, albeit closely...

sorry to say...that many people thought Tiesto's set was much better than Picotto's...and i hate to say it, Marco Carola's opening set for Picotto was also better than Picotto (WMC 2003)

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put mauro inside instead of on the patio, you know, give him the club, and you will see. ask anyone who was at the old space the last time he was there... their highest grossing night i was told. so go check with your people...

oh, and you missed the whole point- of course some people are under the influence of the hype when it comes to both tiesto & pvd, and a few other BIG NAMES. those people are the closed minded ones that think only 'tiesto is best'

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PVD has been at the forefront for sometime, and now Tiesto is reaching that level. imo it’s about the energy behind the tracks. Tiesto brings that energy, everytime I have heard him play. whether he is the dj flavor of the month, and can sustain longevity remains to be seen. right now he is at the top of his game, and that’s really something, which can’t be denied.

give Tiesto his props , he earned them..

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i give them to him! he does deserve props, always will.

more than a dj, it is his time in the studio as a producer that makes him stand out. but then again, the majority of the clubbing population doesn't understand that most tracks that dj's spin are ***not theirs*** with the exception of people like mauro, pvd, tiesto, sasha, etc.

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Hey Shadow I gotta give it up to you I remember that night at SPACE as well three years back and even before that at the MIX afterhours the place was dead I was in front of the dj booth the whole night while he was handing out Signed Vinyl and dropping some sick tunes especially Ralphie B's Massive before it got played out. Those were the day's

Does anyone remember Oakie live on the decks at Shadow Lounge in 99 I miss those days they are certainly gone forever.......

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i was there for oakie a few times at shadow- always was incredible- and the crowd was crazy and beautiful, and the place always was jamming with him there... i remember when he played his last time there with hernan cataneo-

god i miss shadow lounge!!!!!!!

times sure are changing huh? it's just not s much fun as it used to be!

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