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Smack Down is pre taped for tonight......

from pwtorch.com


No pyros, just straight to Piper's Pit. Mcmahon interrupts and says Zach Gowan deserves a contract because he has overcome so much in his life and calls out Gowan. Mr. America and Gowan come down where McMahon challenges Gowan to an arm wrestling match. "You have two arms right?" O'Haire distracts Mr America, Piper gets on all fours behind Gowan, and McMahon pushes Gowan down. After they leave, Mr. America and Gowan play to the crowd.

(1) Undertaker beat Chuck Palumbo, Typical match, pretty good. Anyone who says Taker is too old, watch him leapfrog over Palumbo. Impressive. After the match Taker fends off all three FBI members.

(2) Los Guerreros beat The Basham Brothers - non-title match. Pretty nice spots. The Basham Brothers could end up being pretty good. Tajiri was good to. Eddie got a huge pop due to the Anaheim crowd being very much Latino.

Angle comes out to a HUGE pop. Everyone was really excited to see him. He gets on the mic and says while he was in the hospital someone became his friend because he always called and always visited to make sure he was ok. This person is....WELL, WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW. Show comes out and says he doesn't give a damn about Angle being back, next week when he defeats Brock for the title MAYBE he will give Angle one. Angle reminds him he won the Olympic gold medal and wrestled the main event at Mania with a broken friggin' neck. Show tries to intimidate him and Angle says with all due respect to Austin, whoever wants to see me open a can of Whoop Ass on the Big Show, "give me A YOU SUCK." Show grabs Angle to chokeslam when Brock comes down. Show leaves and Angle and Brock have a staredown, then Angle tells the crowd Brock is the man who visited him and they are friends and truly respect each other. They shake hands and hug and raise each others' hands. Sweet segment, great in person.

They show Mysterio's wife in the crowd with her two kids.

(3) John Cena beat Chris Benoit. Rhyno came down when Cena was gonna use the chain but accidentally hits Benoit with the chain. Benoit looks like he was really knocked out as trainers come down.

(4) Rikishi & Torrie beat Nidia & Jamie Knoble. Typical Match not bad with post match dancing. Torrie as always looked hot.

Vince tells Steph if she signs Gowan, she's fired. He then introduces her new assistant, Sable. Interesting!

(5) Rey Mysterio beat Matt Hardy to win the Cruiserweight Title. Great match, saw all the big spots hit. I was surprised it was the main event, but it made sense when Mysterio came out and the loudest pop of the night was heard. That pop doubles when Mysterio rolled up Matt after the 619. The crowd was way into this match. After the match Mysterio's son comes into the ring and poses with his dad while Mysterio's wife sheds a tear by ringside.

Notes: All in all a great Smackdown, much better than the last few weeks have been. I almost didn't get to go, but got tickets at 1 p.m. today. I had all right seats and when I got to the Pond I had them upgraded to floor seats cause the lady thought my little brother was cute. That was sweet! We still couldn't see well, so another lady saw my brother trying to look so she took us even farther up front and we got to stay in the aisle and see everything from about 10 feet. Not bad for having bought the ticket at 1 p.m.! The place was about 80 percent full which seemed weird to me.

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Originally posted by thesandman

Angle comes out to a HUGE pop. Everyone was really excited to see him. He gets on the mic and says while he was in the hospital someone became his friend because he always called and always visited to make sure he was ok. This person is....WELL, WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW. Show comes out and says he doesn't give a damn about Angle being back, next week when he defeats Brock for the title MAYBE he will give Angle one. Angle reminds him he won the Olympic gold medal and wrestled the main event at Mania with a broken friggin' neck. Show tries to intimidate him and Angle says with all due respect to Austin, whoever wants to see me open a can of Whoop Ass on the Big Show, "give me A YOU SUCK." Show grabs Angle to chokeslam when Brock comes down. Show leaves and Angle and Brock have a staredown, then Angle tells the crowd Brock is the man who visited him and they are friends and truly respect each other. They shake hands and hug and raise each others' hands. Sweet segment, great in person.

SANDMAN!!! Why'd you do that???? Now I don't have anything to watch tonight!!! Bastid! :mad:

Brock is a beast by the way.

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