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FYI: I was in asia awhile ago and one of the cell phone options they had was a tracking system built in. Meaning anyone can track your ass down if they know your number. they'll know which part of the tri-state area your at but not a specific area like st. or ave....(ex. flushing, bayside, elmhurst, upper or lower manhattan, bronx & etc) Once again they will not know which specific st or ave your at...

So if you had a jealous so call boyfriend or girlfriend or stalker he or she would know where u at and not at home. But cool thing is u can check who has been tracking u and can block the person...

So beware of the technology thats coming out esp. with your cell phone who knows u might have that program already......

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I just got the new Sanyo 8100 for Sprint PCS...it's got GPS tracking, so supposedly, I can be found to within a few feet. I love the phone, but that's a scary feature, no matter how you look at it. Thankfully, if I want, I can shut off that option so that only E-911 can track me.

I don't know of any applications yet where you can locate people with the new GPS service (all new Sprint Phones should be getting this, I don't know about other carriers), but I'm sure that it should be available soon.

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There is also another function which they are having a trial test which has a finger print scan on the cell phone so you can input your credit card number so you don't have to carry much anymore.

There is an infra-red light on your phone so you point to a small machine so you can make payment and as for securitybefore you make payment you would have to scan your finger and than input a security code. The fingerprint scanner scans the second or third layer of your skin. US is not ready for this technology yet but eventually like 7 to 10 years it will explode into the market..So you won't have to carry much at all. ...

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and paranoid people like me.... i don't know which i fear the most - that E-911 can track you from anywhere within 10 feet, or that new yorkers have alerady paid 200 million in taxes for the service and it has yet to be implemented... and the 200mm went to the NYPD's stationary fund?

we are buying technology that would make the KGB moist... total information awareness has changed its name to "terrorist" information awareness, but has not changed its mission - to invade the privacy of every american citizen under the guise of fighting terrorists. DARPA has been collecting proposals for LifeLog, a project that would eventually create a device that people would have which would record EVERY bit of information about a user, and make it searchable (e.g. everything you say, everyone you see, everywhere you go, everything you write). now the technological benefits of such a device (e.g. a personal memoir) is incredible, especially if you're a stoner and can't remember whose turn it is when you play monopoly, but to give the DoD that much access to your personal sensory experience is not something any free person should ever be asked to do.

DARPA (defense department advanced research projects) has funded some really amazing work (e.g. THE INTERNET) but it is all in the name of eventual military application. this is good because it makes our military stronger - but when the enemy is the citizens of the united states then that means YOU are a suspect and you are the enemy, and you can and will be spied upon. Why has DARPA plunged 100 million dollars into speech recognition? Would the game be easier if i said that they funnelled 100mm into speech recognition on untrained speakers in noisy environments such as the telephone? that's right, kids.

for more on LifeLog:


for more on TIA (total *ahem* terrorist information awareness - the program whose very own logo shows the great seal, the pyramid with the ever watchful eye spying on America) check it out here:


especially check out the dubious flowchart that leads to "Foreign terrorist threat" with a line going through it like "no smoking" hehe :P

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Gulliani's team has made a agreement for a company in korea to produce a palm pilot size finger print scanner for the police department that would have on file of every criminal on record so if a person is suspected of a crime he would get scanned on the spot without going downtown first to check on they're data base. They can carry the technology with them....

spooky isn't it.

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yes i've done a little work with companies that produce things like this. they do a 3-d scan of your fingerprint, not like ink. so if you try and beat it with a plaster or cement mold all the person has to do is jiggle once during the molding process to fuck it up. the only way to beat it is to cut off someone's hand, and even then you only have about a 20-25 minute window before the skin shrinks or the finger goes limp from blood loss.

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