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Originally posted by xfactor834

it's so not worth it. can you really get involved with him without having any of your emotions involved?

and even if you actually can, will your conscience hold up to the fact that you're ruining a marriage?

would you want your eventual-husband to do that with some other girl?

what goes around comes around.

your call.

Yup, I feel the same way. I think if you hook up with a married person, if you get married, it will happen to you.

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I have a friend at work that FLirts Really hard also. Hes probably not as "HOT" as your guy but stil i find him attractive to an extent.

Anyhow I never thought to ask him if he was married or anything because I just assumed that anyone flirting that hard COULD NOT be married. But he is. So to throw him off whenever he flirts with me I bring up his wife.

Like when he starts talking about how nice i look and stuff, I tell him things like, "Do you think your wife would say the same thing?" HAHA! He says she knows he is a flirt, but I doubt she really knows how hard he flirts.

My point is just tell him that You dont appreciate him fmaking you uncomfortable and that you dont thikn his wife would appreciate it either. Let him know that there is nothing wrong with you guys being kool or even the occasional lunch together would be ok. As long as he knows wassup.

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i think it's in human nature to preen and want to be noticed. maybe this guy is not getting enough attention from his wife at home, maybe he doesn't feel attracted to her, maybe she's giving him a lot of shit. otherwise, why would someone marry someone else if they did not make them completely happy? (unless of course, they got married for the many fucked up reasons that seem to exist today).

if it's casual flirting here and there, i don't see the problem, but buying you shit and offering you a ride from the airport? wtf? doesn't he have a school play or a storybook to read to his kids? doesn't he have time to have dinner with his wife? sounds like an asshole to me. but you know what, if you don't become the other woman someone else surely will jump on that bandwagon. if he's offering, there's millions of skanky hoes who have no self-conscience and no self-respect for themselves to accept it. never let yourself be degraded like that. we are women and we should honor ourselves more than that, it's bad enough that society always depicts us either as sex objects, housewives, or just the weaker sex.

in all honesty, women are so much stronger than men in terms of psychological and even physical terms. try getting a man to squeeze a baby out of a sensitive part of your body, getting their period every month, or going through menopause. try getting them to raise a family, please their husbands, and work all at the same time. we are more stronger than we give ourselves credit for. therefore, we should never let a man walk all over us or put us in a demeaning position.

i hope you know what you have to do. good luck......and remember that casual flirting is ok, but when it crosses the line to other areas then you're putting yourself in a position that isn't so easy to get out of.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So this guy I know I always flirt with him at work. He is so freakin hot I can't stand it. So the other day he offers to pick me up from the airport on saturday cause im coming back from texas so im like yes this guy is really into me. So Im talking bout how im really feelin him to another co-worker and hes like...."dude hes married with 2 kids"


I almost died. This is the second time this has happened with a married guy. So now what should I do? He buys me lunch everyday, he sometimes gives me rides home, he flirts with me so much and he wants to pick me up from the airport on saturday. Should I approach him or just let it ride the way it is?

fuck it tell him you will be the mother of his 2 kids

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Originally posted by sassa

i think it's in human nature to preen and want to be noticed. maybe this guy is not getting enough attention from his wife at home, maybe he doesn't feel attracted to her, maybe she's giving him a lot of shit. otherwise, why would someone marry someone else if they did not make them completely happy? (unless of course, they got married for the many fucked up reasons that seem to exist today).

if it's casual flirting here and there, i don't see the problem, but buying you shit and offering you a ride from the airport? wtf? doesn't he have a school play or a storybook to read to his kids? doesn't he have time to have dinner with his wife? sounds like an asshole to me. but you know what, if you don't become the other woman someone else surely will jump on that bandwagon. if he's offering, there's millions of skanky hoes who have no self-conscience and no self-respect for themselves to accept it. never let yourself be degraded like that. we are women and we should honor ourselves more than that, it's bad enough that society always depicts us either as sex objects, housewives, or just the weaker sex.

in all honesty, women are so much stronger than men in terms of psychological and even physical terms. try getting a man to squeeze a baby out of a sensitive part of your body, getting their period every month, or going through menopause. try getting them to raise a family, please their husbands, and work all at the same time. we are more stronger than we give ourselves credit for. therefore, we should never let a man walk all over us or put us in a demeaning position.

i hope you know what you have to do. good luck......and remember that casual flirting is ok, but when it crosses the line to other areas then you're putting yourself in a position that isn't so easy to get out of.

PREACH ON !!! :)

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Originally posted by phatman

werd...keep it up...esp cause he's sooo hot....if you're lucky you can be the sparkplug to the divorce and a broken home for the kids....:rolleyes:

...i swear your the equivalent to a guy that thinks with just his penis....WAAAAAAAAAAKE THHHHHHE FUCKKKKKKKKK UP!...and use that thing right above your neck....for christ's sake...sheesh...

:laugh: this is some funny stuff...

on a serious note though.... women nowadays have developed a thicker skin, morals arent such a big issue n e more (goes both ways). If a woman sees something she wants, better tell the kiddies to scamper for dear lives :laugh: nothing short of the wifey chasing the "other" woman down the street with a rolling pin with the kids in tow will change her mind.

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Originally posted by smokesum

homewreckers need to be beat with an iron pipe

remember it takes two to tango - seems like this guy needs more slapping than our friend ;)

honestly I can't believe that a guy makes a secret of his marriage - ppl at work must know about his status.

Ask him how he spent his weekend... and how about his wife and the two kids.

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