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Karma lounge, Sick new summer line up


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Sup all @ CP!!!been awhile.

Sorry this is a bit long but we got a lot new stuff as

I have been busy getting together some top new parties for Karma Lounge in Fort Lauderdale

Also I wanted to thank everyone that came to support our 1st Lust party with Mark Grant,

Vaughan and the gang once again put on a hell of an event (nothing new there) it was insane, & great to see so many fellow househed's together in a Lauderdale club

(Vaughan & Saleen are probably laughing their asses off at me right now."I am too a Househed guys")


The next LUST event with Vaughan & Sheldon's deep house goings on is next Friday June 20th

and as always @ Karma ..NEVER A COVER




Summer session Tuesdays

3rd Tuesday of the month

Opens June 17th

Housey shenanigins with Todd Russell


CATCH Wednesdays

Fort Lauderdale’s answer to Back door Bamby

The wildest party you've never heard of

Sneak preview Wednesday, June 18 & 25

sexy house, random rock, and retro

Grand opening Wednesday July 2nd


Thursday June 26th

Wilhelmina Model scouting party

The worlds biggest scouting agency is throwing a party to find

Models actors & actresses with or with out experience


Fridays & Saturdays

Londons Paul Head tears it up weekly on his US/UK House tip


Admission as always is free


www.karmafl.com (great looking website check it out)

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Guest saleen351

whats up focker... someone was asking me about you last night, well at least for houshed, your true identity will remain guarded;)

Good stuff, i can't wait to check it out...

Paul Head is a great dj... Grooving house.. Love to see what he could do in a larger club.. Though tell him to keep the tunes down till 1am ish, they play it too loud and ruins our social drinking hour...:(

Tell the S&V i said whats up!!!!!!!!

and your wife owes me a date with her model friend :mad:

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Sup Saleen! hows my fave hate filled club planeteer?lol

Talking about me last night eh? nothing good I hope?

I,ll pass on your request to my wife when she gets back or tell her yourself we are gonna be at the Lust Bash next Friday

If its models ya like you wanna see the gang that runs the agency that i'm doing that scouting party with on the 26th...OMG

I nearly pole vaulted out of the meeting



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Hey Househed, I was able to finally check out Karma last week and really like the joint. Glad to see Ft.. Laudy picking up with the house.

I just have questions about your upcoming "model event". Having worked in the industry, I know about the current and ongoing scam with "Wilhelmina" scouting, TCT talent, Edge talent, etc. other names they change to every couple of months. Just don't want you guys to get burned. If it is this company be very leery of them, if it the reputable Wilamina Modeling agency then you are golden. I was at the party at Prive back in May and had a great time.

Check out what kinda crowd will be Karma for the "model" party

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Thanks Erik for the info,

I think everything is good they are great people and just really want to throw a party, but I have heard about the options thing that you speak of,and will be wary for our customers sake

They never approached me in a mall yet..bstards


We are just supplying the venue for the party (A beautiful venue for beautiful people! you get my idea)

and also I am glad you like the place, Karma lounge is definitely a jewel in the otherwise tarnished crown of downtown fort Lauderdale (oooh profound Househed)



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Originally posted by househed


I only forgot to mention that for Catch wednesdays official opening night on July 2nd the guest DJ will be Crobar's


alongside grammy nominated percusionist TONY CHOW

Ya know, I've been hearing that Cedric's been rippin' shit up at Crobar... I'll definately try to make this party!:D

No going out for me tonight....... Matrix DvD and chinese food:D

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