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'Dirty bomb' only a matter of time, says MI5 chief

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A biological, chemical or nuclear terrorist attack on a Western city is "only a matter of time", the head of Britain's internal security service said today.

What is a dirty bomb?

Eliza Manningham-Buller, the director-general of M15, issued a blunt warning that al-Qaeda remains an organisation capable of a "deadly terrorist attack" which could include weapons of mass destruction.

In her first on the record briefing since she took over the job in October, she said: "We are faced with a realistic possibility of a form of unconventional attack that could include chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) weapons.

"It is only a matter of time before a crude version of a CBRN is launched on a Western city."

Ms Manningham-Butler said intelligence suggested that "renegade scientists" had given terrorist groups the information they needed to create such weapons and that they would become more sophisticated.

She singled out al-Qaeda as "the first truly global threat" and warned that defeating them will not be easy.

"The threat from international terrorism is with us for a good long time," she told a conference at the Royal United Services Institute in Central London.

"If this is a war that can be won, it is not going to be won soon.

"The supply of potential terrorists among extreme elements is unlikely to diminish.

"Breaking the link between terrorism and religious ideology is difficult."

Since becoming director-general of MI5, she has already had to confront the potential threat from a CBRN weapon when the poison ricin was found at a flat in North London in early January.

Last month information from the intelligence services led to a ring of concrete protection being placed around the Houses of Parliament.

Britain was put on its second highest security alert last month and would move to the top alert if there was specific intelligence about a time, place or target for an attack.

Meanwhile, a congressional report in the United States has concluded that devices containing radioactive material have been distributed, an in many cases lost, around the world.

The report issued yesterday by the General Accounting Office said that nearly ten million devices that contain radioactive material exist in the United States and the 49 countries responding to a survey.

The countries said that a total of 612 devices had been reported lost or stolen since 1995 with almost a third of them never recovered.

Of particular concern were hundreds of electric generators spread across rural Russia, containing strontium-90 which could be enough for a so-called "dirty bomb" if a number of generators were stripped of the material, nuclear experts have warned.

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isn't this why bush decided to break the ATB treaty of 1972 with russia and resume their defend missile shield system? :rolleyes:

anything can happen at any time, true. but most likely it won't happen here......funny, people talk about how strong and powerful the government and its subsidaries are, but when it comes to matters like this, all of a sudden they are small and defenseless.

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Originally posted by sassa


isn't this why bush decided to break the ATB treaty of 1972 with russia and resume their defend missile shield system? :rolleyes:

anything can happen at any time, true. but most likely it won't happen here......funny, people talk about how strong and powerful the government and its subsidaries are, but when it comes to matters like this, all of a sudden they are small and defenseless.

Sweet heart the U.S withdrew from the ATB treaty to develop a missile defense system for us and our allies. The shield would protect us from ROGUE nations like Iran and N.Korea or what ever country in that cess pool you call home decides a nuke is the best way to spread their Muslim extremism... It would not protect us from a loon with some uranium & C4 strapped to his chest to walking into times square and detonating it...

How do you protect against that.. If chances are a device would be set off by a muslim extremist and the country is wrong for watching young muslim closely then what should we do?? see how you contradict yourselve?? Can you even see how irational you sound? I will ask you this one more time and I will bet my left nut to your turben you shoot it down..

How would you protect us from terrorism if you ran the country???(God Forbid)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Sweet heart the U.S withdrew from the ATB treaty to develop a missile defense system for us and our allies. The shield would protect us from ROGUE nations like Iran and N.Korea or what ever country in that cess pool you call home decides a nuke is the best way to spread their Muslim extremism... It would not protect us from a loon with some uranium & C4 strapped to his chest to walking into times square and detonating it...

How do you protect against that.. If chances are a device would be set off by a muslim extremist and the country is wrong for watching young muslim closely then what should we do?? see how you contradict yourselve?? Can you even see how irational you sound? I will ask you this one more time and I will bet my left nut to your turben you shoot it down..

How would you protect us from terrorism if you ran the country???(God Forbid)

dude, their breaking the treaty also signified a political move. one that would say we would now be alone to protect ourselves in the event of any attack, whether it's from korea or some pissed off american making a bomb in his backyard.

i don't see how i contradict myself :rolleyes: but i sure see a lot of flaws in your argument. but you are stubborn, and that is not a bad trait.

btw, i wouldn't talk about what i'd do over this thread, maybe if we ever (that's a big if) met and i knew you were cool...but i doubt that would ever happen.

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Originally posted by sassa

dude, their breaking the treaty also signified a political move. one that would say we would now be alone to protect ourselves in the event of any attack, whether it's from korea or some pissed off american making a bomb in his backyard.

i don't see how i contradict myself :rolleyes: but i sure see a lot of flaws in your argument. but you are stubborn, and that is not a bad trait.

btw, i wouldn't talk about what i'd do over this thread, maybe if we ever (that's a big if) met and i knew you were cool...but i doubt that would ever happen.

1) How does a missle defense system protect us from a dirty bomb??? Do you even know what a missle defense system does ? or are you talking out of your :bootysha:

2) Where are the flaws in my argument?

3) Ahh I knew you would dodge the question because you would rather put your resources in bashing the gov't instaed of coming up with a solution.. so typical of a left wing nut....

Pleas tell us on this board change our minds about you show some of thoise brains you claim to have.. If you want my answer no promblem why is SO hard for you????

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:laugh: first of all, don't call me sweetheart.

second, i never once directly said i was smarter than you. my views come from certain experiences i've had, people i've met, and shit i've seen. i can tell you a lot about a lot, that's all i can say.

i know what a missile defense system is, you see, you're thinking on literal terms. politics is just not literal. there is a lot of figurative thinking. often, an act is symbolic and indirectly tells someone what a state is going to do or considers doing.

anyways, it's too early for me to discuss this now...

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Originally posted by sassa

:laugh: first of all, don't call me sweetheart.

second, i never once directly said i was smarter than you. my views come from certain experiences i've had, people i've met, and shit i've seen. i can tell you a lot about a lot, that's all i can say.

i know what a missile defense system is, you see, you're thinking on literal terms. politics is just not literal. there is a lot of figurative thinking. often, an act is symbolic and indirectly tells someone what a state is going to do or considers doing.

anyways, it's too early for me to discuss this now...

Honey we withdrew from the treaty because it says that we couldn't persue a missle defese system..

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