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"You're too good for me"


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What the Heck does this mean?/

This girl's been saying this to me lately. I'm not exactly an angel, but i figure, with all the asshole guys out there, im a good, wholesome guy who likes to take risks, and do fun things.

:confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

What the Heck does this mean?/

This girl's been saying this to me lately. I'm not exactly an angel, but i figure, with all the asshole guys out there, im a good, wholesome guy who likes to take risks, and do fun things.

:confused: :confused:

maybe she has an insecurity problem

i get told this all the time..what can i say im a hot comodity :D

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btw a fun thing to do is to tell these exact words "you´re too good/nice for me" to GIRLS hehe ;)! if they are attracted only a little bit, they are going to object BIG TIME and go out of their way to show what a "bad girl" she can be. yep yep, that lead the way to many ONS cause she put herself in the "bad, party girl" mindset...

i am sometimes still amazed how such a small comment can hardcore change a WHOLE interaction....

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Originally posted by tastey

btw a fun thing to do is to tell these exact words "you´re too good/nice for me" to GIRLS hehe ;)! if they are attracted only a little bit, they are going to object BIG TIME and go out of their way to show what a "bad girl" she can be. yep yep, that lead the way to many ONS cause she put herself in the "bad, party girl" mindset...

i am sometimes still amazed how such a small comment can hardcore change a WHOLE interaction....

yeah, i was wondering what would happen if i "turn the tables" , so to say....

But i think the girl says this just as a fuckin excuse to distance herself. Either that, or she's got issues about not being good enough, or some shit...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

So i should just leave the situation then, right?

better for you, yes. i predict you and that girl will go NOWHERE, maybe as friends but nowhere relationship-wise or sex-wise.

oh wait, there IS a way she could jump on you. introduce her to a "jerk", well not jerk but more a more jerklike guy, someone you know that "uses" women. once she´s off of him again (give her a couple of weeks/months) she WILL want a nice guy...someone to be there for her... as contrast hehe ;)! but don´t expect it to last long as she´ll soon seek the "thrill" of a bad boy again.

when i was a nice guys back in the days, like around when i was 16 or so, that was my way to get laid lol. i always kept my share of asshole friends i could introduce new girls to. and when they realized they were nothing for them, guess who was there? hehe :D

essentially, you can´t change these women.

stay who you are if you want, but try to understand the dynamics (listen to people like chula22 that DON`T bullshit) and know who plays which game. then weed out the girls till you find yourself a nice girl that matches your expectations. good luck finding her dude!

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Originally posted by therunner

"you're too good for me" = She doesn't feel the same for you as you feel for her. Not to say she is looking for an asshole guy, but it just means that she can't give you the same affection that you are providing to her.

This sounds right on the ball. Unfortunately, i wish i could be with her. But i can't help it if we have different forms of affection (me= A LOT, her= not much :(

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Originally posted by gmccookny

yeah, i was wondering what would happen if i "turn the tables" , so to say....

But i think the girl says this just as a fuckin excuse to distance herself. Either that, or she's got issues about not being good enough, or some shit...

about turning the tables. i always do that shit and it´s the most entertaining thing i´ve discovered in my life. it´s just sooo damn entertaining and on the side, a lot of women will flock to you.

if you really want to know whats the deal... if she thinks she is not good enough or if it´s just an excuse... when she says the comment, say "it´s okay", stroke with the back of your fingers over her cheek, tell her to close her eyes, lean in and kiss her.

best way to tell it, really. and it´s 100%

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Originally posted by tastey

if you really want to know whats the deal... if she thinks she is not good enough or if it´s just an excuse... when she says the comment, say "it´s okay", stroke with the back of your fingers over her cheek, tell her to close her eyes, lean in and kiss her.

best way to tell it, really. and it´s 100%

wow. that sounds moving :eek:

And what sign will i look for afterwards to see if it's true or not ?

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Yes. Just leave the girl be. If shes playing the "chase after me because I want attention" game then she is assed out.

But There has got to be other smurfs out there for a PAPA Smurf. Come on! You are the top smurf, the king of your jungle, the ruler of your pencil box!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

wow. that sounds moving :eek:

And what sign will i look for afterwards to see if it's true or not ?

who cares? if she goes for it you´re making out with her no? you do not know this yet (you´re still a virgin right?), but once you have really "made love" to a woman the situation will be A WHOLE LOT different. trust me on this. it has a MAJOR effect on her feelings towards you.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Yeah, thats what i was thinking.

She seems to have some signs of insecurity ...

seems to have?

no she does have

if she's using the "you're too good for me" line, then she wants you to pursue her over and over bc she craves the attention. no woman, who truly wants a good man, is going to say that line, no matter how good the man is.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

What the Heck does this mean?/

This girl's been saying this to me lately. I'm not exactly an angel, but i figure, with all the asshole guys out there, im a good, wholesome guy who likes to take risks, and do fun things.

:confused: :confused:

its a nice way of saying, not intersted and putting the blame on her side this way you dont feel bad... another famous one that falls into this category is "i dont want to ruin our friendship..."

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Originally posted by dgmodel

its a nice way of saying, not intersted and putting the blame on her side this way you dont feel bad... another famous one that falls into this category is "i dont want to ruin our friendship..."

Or Seinfeld's... "its not you, its me"

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Originally posted by Destiny

seems to have?

no she does have

if she's using the "you're too good for me" line, then she wants you to pursue her over and over bc she craves the attention. no woman, who truly wants a good man, is going to say that line, no matter how good the man is.

i think she wants someone bad. But how is that possible :confused:

How would anyone want someone who treats them shitty ?

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Originally posted by gmccookny

How would anyone want someone who treats them shitty ?

so is life... you ever been to a friends house with a group of ppl??? and this friend owns a dog... and in this group of ppl there are tons of ppl, touching the dog, saying how cute it is, and loving it up... however the dog runs away.. and goes to who??? the only person at the party who hates dogs, or doesnt give it any attention... hhrrrm.. why is that? why is it also the guys who treat girls like shit and do not give them any attention or special treatment the ones who also get them??? hrrrm??? its in human nature to want to be loved, to want to be accepted, etc... and when when we dont recieve it we tend to want what we cant have more, than what we can have or already have... what i say, the right person will show you all the love care and affection more importantly the time you need to come together... and will not make you play these "games" or have to use pyschobabble to figure out where you stand in the relationship... if youre working this hard towards something and its going anywhere it may not be the thing for you... my advice (not that you asked for it) is put this one behind brother, youve been obsessed and infatuated for too long, and i hate to say it shes not worth it... shes taken up your time, your energy and most importantly your heart... why why why give here these things if she doesnt even want them??? why drive your car fullspeed towards a dead end??? pack your luck up, count your gains, cut your losses and walk up away from the table...

(sorry wrote this in a rush not sure if it makes sense)

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