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"You're too good for me"


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Originally posted by dgmodel

so is life... you ever been to a friends house with a group of ppl??? and this friend owns a dog... and in this group of ppl there are tons of ppl, touching the dog, saying how cute it is, and loving it up... however the dog runs away.. and goes to who??? the only person at the party who hates dogs, or doesnt give it any attention... hhrrrm.. why is that? why is it also the guys who treat girls like shit and do not give them any attention or special treatment the ones who also get them??? hrrrm??? its in human nature to want to be loved, to want to be accepted, etc... and when when we dont recieve it we tend to want what we cant have more, than what we can have or already have... what i say, the right person will show you all the love care and affection more importantly the time you need to come together... and will not make you play these "games" or have to use pyschobabble to figure out where you stand in the relationship... if youre working this hard towards something and its going anywhere it may not be the thing for you... my advice (not that you asked for it) is put this one behind brother, youve been obsessed and infatuated for too long, and i hate to say it shes not worth it... shes taken up your time, your energy and most importantly your heart... why why why give here these things if she doesnt even want them??? why drive your car fullspeed towards a dead end??? pack your luck up, count your gains, cut your losses and walk up away from the table...

(sorry wrote this in a rush not sure if it makes sense)

HEHEH, i've heard that dog story from you at least 3 times :laugh2:

I kinda agree with it. I mean, whether people ignore the dog or not, i think the dog will be drawn to who he / she wants to.

But overall, it's crazy how someone would want to be with someone who treats them bad. It's totally unlike me, and if that's what she's looking for, then i best get a move on~!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

But overall, it's crazy how someone would want to be with someone who treats them bad. It's totally unlike me, and if that's what she's looking for, then i best get a move on~!

if unlike you = what she wants

and like you = not what she wants

then the answer is either to change yourself for her or get rid of her.

but really, why would you want to be with someone who doesn't like you for who you are?

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Originally posted by wideskies

but really, why would you want to be with someone who doesn't like you for who you are?

Seriously.......I don't think it'd be the best idea to become an asshole just b/c 1 person is giving you the run around...Fuck that....For as many women who don't appreciate your sincerety...There are plenty that will & when you find someone who does it will all be worth the wait

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Seriously.......I don't think it'd be the best idea to become an asshole just b/c 1 person is giving you the run around...Fuck that....For as many women who don't appreciate your sincerety...There are plenty that will & when you find someone who does it will all be worth the wait

Well, im not choosing to be an asshole. Like D said, i don't think i can become that :laugh2:

but i am going to just put my foot down and be more forthright about what i want. I've been too sappy and laid back. I think, when i've met girls, i come across as "a nice guy to have as a friend, but nothing more..". So im just gonna get a lil more naughty, so to say :hat:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

i think she wants someone bad. But how is that possible :confused:

How would anyone want someone who treats them shitty ?

some girls are airheads, and just don't care and they find guys that treat them like crap cute

other girls are genuinely in love with them, and feels that its hard to break away even though she knows she should because he's never going to change

others think they can change them from bad to good...it becomes a mission in some ways. theyre insecure and want the guy to "change" then the girl feels all good bc supposedly she was the one to change a bad guy to good

....or she genuinely believes that he has a chance of changing and has no other selfish intentions other then to be there for him

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Well, im not choosing to be an asshole. Like D said, i don't think i can become that :laugh2:

but i am going to just put my foot down and be more forthright about what i want. I've been too sappy and laid back. I think, when i've met girls, i come across as "a nice guy to have as a friend, but nothing more..". So im just gonna get a lil more naughty, so to say :hat:

dude, please don't change. someone will come along and will appreciate you for being just the way you are. don't give up to society's demands. be who you are. you are unique. fuck everyone else. and fuck half the bitches you meet. one day a smurfette with a nice ass will come along and will grab you. that will be the One for you.

as for this girl, oh well...another fish in the sea...there's millions more.....and don't look for love, it will never come to you like that. it only comes when you least expect it.

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well.. this guy i'm talking to says the same shit.. his life is a mess and that I'm too good for him.. that it's def not me that's making him not want to date me..but whatever.. i like him and i'll wait around. she might need someone like you in her life, ya know. but it depends on what she meant by good...

Good meaning: good morals, values blah blah


good meaning: youhave money/a job/ look too good for her?

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Originally posted by gmccookny

What the Heck does this mean?/

This girl's been saying this to me lately. I'm not exactly an angel, but i figure, with all the asshole guys out there, im a good, wholesome guy who likes to take risks, and do fun things.

:confused: :confused:

just thought 2 give my $0.02...hope u dont mind.....

relationships are like a card game...it doesnt matter if u r a good guy: (translation)... if u play u r cards right and STILL tip u r hand,...u r doomed !!

think about this for a minute... u did everything right, but u still got the ol' heave ho.

No matter what, u HAVE to maintain u r mistique. if the girl u were seeing at the time got your ass all figured out,..she will play you like a fiddle goin outta style. Re-inventing yourself wont solve your querry...... it may be hard to retract your actions to when she "suddenly" lost interest, but that may be your queue to what happened to u r bliss relationship.

its a fact, women or in general, mates are attracted to the mysterious phenom,...u lose that, then u can kiss it all goodbye. u got made kiddo.

if u decide to re-invent u r self, this time, hold u r cards close to u r chest... but this time, if u got a killer 'hand'... deal it appropriately..

Guys rule #24 : thou shalt not wear the dress,..unless if u r in the bedroom roleplaying...

hope this helps :aright:

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Originally posted by kaysersoze

Guys rule #24 : thou shalt not wear the dress,..unless if u r in the bedroom roleplaying...

elaborate, please??

this relationship stuff is such a crock of shit...too many games...too many rules to follow....too much of a hassle...:blown:

nothing should be that complicated... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by solbeam

elaborate, please??

this relationship stuff is such a crock of shit...

what i meant was, being a 2 goody shoes in a relationship is a good thing to some extent... case in point, our buddy gm.. he was good in all aspects according to him, but the girl played him..sad, but true. it works for girls too. guys love a girl who keeps reinventing themselves, when they get lax and sit back, the guys eyes start to wander...proverbial..."girl who lets herself slide"

its not really about rules when it comes 2 girls..i dunno how to xplain it..... but for guys, u always have to be one step ahead. like u quoted b4, relationships get doomed when rules are incorporated. Lets try this, when u as girl are in a relationship, dont take it for granted that u got the hottest looking guy as a free pass to sit back and watch the other girls fish.

incase u deliberately 'forgot'...u are as 'hot' as the next girl....if for some reason she has an edge on u...u better watch u r back...best friend or not. u will get sidelined for the 'new and hotter version"...am i making any sense??

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Originally posted by kaysersoze

in case u deliberately 'forgot'...u are as 'hot' as the next girl....if for some reason she has an edge on u...u better watch u r back...best friend or not. u will get sidelined for the 'new and hotter version"...am i making any sense??

I don't care how hot the next girl is...if the relationship I have with someone isn't solid enough to withstand it...whats the point?? temptation can get the best of anyone...the way I see is why be unhappy trying to make something out of nothing??

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Originally posted by tastey


when i was a nice guys back in the days, like around when i was 16 or so, that was my way to get laid lol. i always kept my share of asshole friends i could introduce new girls to. and when they realized they were nothing for them, guess who was there? hehe :D

doesnt doing that make YOU an asshole?:tongue:

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ur the kind of guy she wants to marry not date!!!! (my definition as well as numerous other females i know)

"ur not like other girls i've dated...if and WHEN ill cheat on u i will actually feel guilty" (definition given to me by one of my exes....ironically i was cheating on him)

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Originally posted by solbeam

I don't care how hot the next girl is...if the relationship I have with someone isn't solid enough to withstand it...whats the point?? temptation can get the best of anyone...the way I see is why be unhappy trying to make something out of nothing??

hahahaha :laugh: .. u r funny... i'm trying to keep a straight face here:)

I'm glad i dont know n e body here, so, i'm obliged to divulge a few guy secrets here, nobody is gonna hassle me for it..so, pay attention...

1: hanging out with u r friends 'alot'..not good..

2: one or multiple of u r friends cant stand ur b/f and dont hide the fact (regardless of how classless he is).."stand by u r man" ??

3: ur friends are bitter about guys due to bad past relationships and for some reason, u r b/f picks up on it...and to make matters worse, you try to rationalize their sentiments :nono:

4: u r b/f asked u for something, could have been a favor, he may have asked in a subtle way, but u brushed it off as inconsequential due 2 some other commitments

5: u chastisized him for something that initially u considered all funny and bravo..being a guy, we get REALLY confused about these things..this brings to mind,...a girl meets a guy, she first shows interest or humor in it, but after some time, it "all of a sudden turns into a nuisance"

6:just coz we dont fit the mold that u and u r girlfriends find "romeo" like, we all of a sudden turn into the village creep.

7:....and this is my all time fav... just coz we dont smother u with wet kisses and hugs like we did before, doesnt necessarily mean we dont appreciate u like we did b4,..if anything, we are flattered thet u are there...just coz we dont say it often, doesnt take an iota of the fact that u are the girl in our lives....by u missing to pick on that,..makes u very aggressive. thats a concept that we guys have to learn,....doesnt make us any less of partners,...a little encouragement and support does wonders...

i dont know if i deviated from the topic...if not, ..i will let u know more... BUT..u gotta have an open mind...as sissy as it sounds... we love a little appreciation. "nagging" about something that guys think they are doing right is a major turn-off.........

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Originally posted by solbeam

try being a woman...;)

women got it made,...all they gotta do is flash a smile..and the drool starts dripping, how better of a scenario can u ask for?... are u serious about this miss?

u gotta be a big flirt..... aahhh...;)

but seriously, having a vagina may not b necessarily a good thing... nothing can be creepy as someone chasin ya for your moist folds, then again.. i could be wrong.... being iraqi could be worse :D

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Originally posted by sexxyh


ur the kind of guy she wants to marry not date!!!! (my definition as well as numerous other females i know)

"ur not like other girls i've dated...if and WHEN ill cheat on u i will actually feel guilty" (definition given to me by one of my exes....ironically i was cheating on him)

see, yeah. I think that's what she was getting at.

So she sees me as a guy she'd want to marry. But she's only 22, and im 24, and we both don't (or at least i) don't want to settle down too fast.

It seems we're trying to balance a relationship with feelings of still wanting to have fun and go out.

Either way, lately i've stepped back, and she's coming back to me. So the ball is moving back more to my court :)

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Originally posted by kaysersoze

what i meant was, being a 2 goody shoes in a relationship is a good thing to some extent... case in point, our buddy gm.. he was good in all aspects according to him, but the girl played him..sad, but true. it works for girls too. guys love a girl who keeps reinventing themselves, when they get lax and sit back, the guys eyes start to wander...proverbial..."girl who lets herself slide"

Well, lately i've been going out more, and i tell her, and she 's like "well, don't have TOO much fun" :laugh:

So you see, she's kinda wondering what im up to. And im not telling her my whole business, so in a sense im protecting myself.

basically, like i said before, im not gonna get walked on again, and im being more aloof, which hopefully will make her think and realize that i won't just be sitting on the sidelines doin diddly..

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Originally posted by chula22

That means im not attracted to you enough to guarantee i wont cheat.

Not necessarily, I've actually said that and meant it. I can be self centered and when involved with someone that could translate into not caring about them or their feelings. And normally this does not bother me unless I think the guy is a "nice" guy, so I basically warn them.

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