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Trance lovers profile..

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

G heads

K heads

X heads


flashing lights


Line of Ambulance's parked outside the venue

every set is the best

every trance dj is the best

LP should book every trance dj, cause clubbers will show up..

edgar v is never in the wrong

50 dollar cover

under the age of 21

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:laugh: I think mursa smoked you with his profile. :D

Originally posted by mursa

- Usually very self consious about themselves .

- Can't Dance , or are too embaressed to let themselves move .

- Usually come from a musical background of genres such as Opera, Classical ,some 80's style .

-stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of a Trance party ........ i saw a few in Edgar V at Maze . .... like this ---->:blank:

Would anybody care to add to my list of common characteristics of Trance Haters ... do so !

MY BEST ADVICE IS TO ...............LETS URSELVES GO ! we are only CELLS - WATER - and ELECTRICITY ! ............ F*^% the superficial egos !


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Originally posted by saleen351

G heads

K heads

X heads


flashing lights


Line of Ambulance's parked outside the venue

every set is the best

every trance dj is the best

LP should book every trance dj, cause clubbers will show up..

edgar v is never in the wrong

50 dollar cover

under the age of 21

:laugh: :laugh:

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Don't you ever forget ...........ALCOHOL is by far the most sinister drug of the bunch .

*If your a Alcoholic , you actually convince urself that u dont do drugs ?

And aren't COKEheads prevalent in House parties ? :tongue:

And just for the Record : I enjoy house ! ...heck you'll most often find me Fridays at Maze (falcon) and Saturdays (OG,space) , therefore my Actions Speak for my words aswell . Just don't call me out to go Square Dancing . :D

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mursas profile sucked

u know house heads can dance 1000 times better then them glowsticking fruity ravers

also we forgot to add to trance profile

half fags , and they act like it also

tweeking jaws

touchy feely sweat boxes who just gotta put thier hands all over you when there all sweaty and fucked up.

parachute pants

neon color clothing

facemasks with vicks in them

waterbottles with glo sticks in them

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

mursas profile sucked

u know house heads can dance 1000 times better then them glowsticking fruity ravers

also we forgot to add to trance profile

half fags , and they act like it also

tweeking jaws

touchy feely sweat boxes who just gotta put thier hands all over you when there all sweaty and fucked up.

parachute pants

neon color clothing

facemasks with vicks in them

waterbottles with glo sticks in them

Andrew sounds like your having a flashback from you old raver days. :laugh: parachute pants, face masks, etc wtf :laugh:
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ive done it all and u still left stuff off of the chems list.......My ? to all of u is r house and trance the only type of music u people ever listen too???? if u do ur losers....they both have good qualities...as a matter of fact i like em both, but theres a whole lot more to the people on here than house and trance, and drugs.......And about that like i said ive done it all and more, and still want to experience even more than that....i have never had any hospital dealings with or anything stupid like that....nor have any of the other people i know that do things...people who have no self control deserve to die...fuck it thats less traffic on the roadways...and laslty why do any of us have to approve of what we like to do in our time....no 1 here is god, bcuz lets face facts there probably is no god...so get over it.....lets just wander around the planet and try to have good times....if some1 does it differently...hey more power to them...if u dissaprove just dont do it with them....what im trying to say is dont hate.....APPRECIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


any hot chicks up for a :3some:

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

mursas profile sucked

u know house heads can dance 1000 times better then them glowsticking fruity ravers

also we forgot to add to trance profile

half fags , and they act like it also

tweeking jaws

touchy feely sweat boxes who just gotta put thier hands all over you when there all sweaty and fucked up.

parachute pants

neon color clothing

facemasks with vicks in them

waterbottles with glo sticks in them

lmao what a crock of shyt lol!!! Like in the patio everyone is straight on sunday mornings?lol !!! @maze i see lights and fridays which is what? HOUSE!! and on Saturdays I see light shows also when Oscar is spinning or ne other hous dj that spins on saturdays. DRUGS are everywhere just about so dont just throw that shyt @ TRANCEHEADS cause ya know thats a crock of shyt!!

ps. I really dont give fuck im all about having a good time out dont really go out to check out others thats there business and so on.

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The fact of the matter is, we're ALL on some mind-altering susbstance, we all look funny when we dance, and we all listen to a form of dance music. Just because we're different doesn't mean we suck because of it. Why, if that was the case and it was about race, you would all be bigots... This is a celebatory lifestyle, not a frikken Ken Starr hearing! :tongue:


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by diabolique007

The fact of the matter is, we're ALL on some mind-altering susbstance, we all look funny when we dance, and we all listen to a form of dance music. Just because we're different doesn't mean we suck because of it. Why, if that was the case and it was about race, you would all be bigots... This is a celebatory lifestyle, not a frikken Ken Starr hearing! :tongue:


speak for you self.... i wouldn't call 4 beers a "mind-alterning" substance....

i'm not a druggy like the rest of yous.............

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Originally posted by saleen351

speak for you self.... i wouldn't call 4 beers a "mind-alterning" substance....

i'm not a druggy like the rest of yous.............

wouldn’t four beers put your BAC at well over 0.10. thus making you in the eyes of most state laws "impared" ?? not for nothing but drinking, affects your body just as much as any club drug. most importantly it affects your judgment and reaction time.

alcohol is simply a legal drug, which is socially more acceptable.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

wouldn’t four beers put your BAC at well over 0.10. thus making you in the eyes of most state laws "impared" ?? not for nothing but drinking, affects your body just as much as any club drug. most importantly it affects your judgment and reaction time.

alcohol is simply a legal drug, which is socially more acceptable.

4 beers does not put you over the limit, everyone is different, and to say it affects your body just as much as any club drug means you are on drugs......

x k, g compared to Coors light????????????????????

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Originally posted by saleen351

4 beers does not put you over the limit, everyone is different, and to say it affects your body just as much as any club drug means you are on drugs......

x k, g compared to Coors light????????????????????

LIGHTWEIGHT................. :)
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Originally posted by saleen351

4 beers does not put you over the limit, everyone is different, and to say it affects your body just as much as any club drug means you are on drugs......

x k, g compared to Coors light????????????????????

0.10 makes you legally drunk ... try having 4 beers and checking your BAC .. you can get a kit from Eckerds.:laugh: your in denial a drug is drug, as has been stated. since you don't use drugs as you say , then you have no idea how it affects your body. "Everyone Is Different" as you also stated.

so have a :smoke: or a :pint: or both , listen to some trance, and STFU ! :laugh:

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