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for the phone call on Saturday night :D LOL I got the message while I was still pre-partying and I tried to call Ken back during Gaaf's set. SO MUCH FUN! OMG!

I got into NYC aruond 6:30 pm. Headed straight to Ad's. We chilled for a bit then went to dinner. My friends picked me up around 10 and we headed to the Groovanauts party in Jersey. The music was off the chain and it was all djs from the message boards :D Everyone proceeded to get sauced which was pretty funny to watch! I only had a few drinks considering the state I was in that morning from Friday night's debauchery.

Shady - you really need to hit up a Groovanauts party. Girl on girl action everywhere! LOL My ass hurts from getting it slapped so many times by my one girl friend. :laugh:

We left there around 2:30 am and headed into Manhattan for Gabriel & Dresden. When we got to Arc j00f was on. He was alright. His trance is a bit hard & fast for me (hehehehe) but I did enjoy his set. G&D came on at 5 am and just blew me away. I have heard their live sets before and was really anxious to see them. I couldn't believe how packed Arc was! I didn't expect such a large turn out. The place looks different then the last time I was there but I couldn't place it. The floor looks larger & more open if that makes sense. Anyhow I had a blast! They spun till 8 and then we headed to Brooklyn for the afterparty.

This was pretty funny - it was like a crackhead caravan getting to Brooklyn. :laugh: When we got to the party Vic Dinare was spinning. After he was done Gabriel & Dresden took the decks again. I sat in a chair and literaly was doing the "falling asleep and catching my head before it hit the ground" move LOL I was so tired but the music was so good. A few friends were suppose to spin at this party that was clearly going to go into the evening but I had to get home. Ad & I left the party, grabbed some Taco Bell and I came home at 12:30 pm.

What an adventure :D


So I'm wondering when I get to do it again :D

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Originally posted by hotcheme

good to see you briefly... you were at vic's party?! how did i miss you? i was there from like 6-12:30. i had such a blast saturday...

I thought I saw you but I was too tired to get up from my chair LOL. It was good to see you briefly at Arc as well. Vic's loft is AWESOME! I love the graffiti on the wall :D

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LOL! the only person's voice I recognized was Ken's. But it was nice to know I was missed :D

I really wish you guys would have come up. It was just a crazy fun, very long evening! But so much great music from the pre-party to the after party.

I was so tired at one point I was zoning out... I thought I saw Gaaf motioning to me but I wasn't sure, then he's like "HELLO??? come here!" I walk over and he intros me to Dave Dresden. Whoops, he probably thought I was a crackhead but I was just tired! Not one of my finer DJ whoring moments but at least I could form sentences *lol*

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