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The luck of Irish Quoth (extremely long but good...)


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Hoooooooooooooooooly shit...listen to this...and this is just the kinda shit that happens to me and is my luck...

So last night i went to Vinyl for dt and dh had a good time and decided it was time for me to pack up and leave. So as i left im thinking of my money situation and the fact that i left the house with only so much. I contemplate if i should take a cab to Christopher st. for the PATH station since my car was parked there in jersey.

I say to myself...eh fuck it...i'll walk...its a beautiful day and its only a few blocks and it saves me $5 on a cab ride that i need to pay at the parking garage in jersey.

I walk to the corner of Hubert and Hudson and i tiredly begin my trek. As i start to cross over the 1st block...i see some dude talkin to some girl like he is tryin to mack it to her on the street. What is VERY obvious to me is this girls short khaki-lookin skirt and that she is EEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXTREMELY HOT and has an A-1 PERFECT 10!!! MUTHAFUCKIN BANGINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ASS....

Of course i pay no mind and i cross the street and continue my walk but now i am behind this girl..and she is by herself (it's showtime, Quoth). As we come up to cross over the next block..the light is red, so we now are both simultanously at the crosswalk.

"Hey exscuse me...do you know where "Houston St." is? " She asks.

So i tell her.

She says "i wanted to go see the gay pride parade today and i think there is a good spot on houston but i am not from around here"

Of course..me being me..i say to her "wow...i never thought a beautiful woman like yerself would be a lesbian?"

she laughs.

she says "oh no..im not a lesbian...im just in town and its a beautiful day out and i just wanted to see the drag queens and their costumes"

So i ask her, her name and she says, Maria and we start talkin on the corner for a little bit and we talk about music and she tells me that she is a fan of Armin Van Burren.

I say to her "well, im on my to christopher st. for the train station....there is definitely a good view of the parade there...you're more than welcome to take a walk with me"

she goes "is it sketchy over there?"

i go "well...if you're scared of gay people then yes..but if not..then its perfectly safe.

So now i have a partner to walk with me to Christopher St. I can not help but notice how fucking gorgous this woman is and the fact that she is very much in shape and has EVERYTHING...chest...ass....legs....thighs....tan..flat stomach...all the packaged goods.

We start kicking it and get this...i come to find out she is visiting..and i ask hern from where..she says she is from fuckin..... CANADA! ..ottawa to be exact.

So i ask her what she is doing in town..and get this....she is a rock climber and particiaptes in Eco-Challenge Adventure races (which explains her awesome body)...im like NOOOOOO SHIT.....cause thats just extremely cool ..like those endurance races they have on ESPN where u have 24 hours to kyak....rock climb...run like 10 miles...and mountain bike etc etc...

So she was in town for a competition in upstate NY and was stayin here in the city.

Of course....now all this time is passing by and me and her are bullshitting so much as we are walking that we unoticably walk 10 blocks!! past christopher st. At this point...im saying to myself.. "man fuck the PATH train and getting back to jersey..i am chillin with this incredible girl i just met and we are having a lot of fun".

So we wind up getting to christopher st. and i kinda pretty much got dragged to see the gay pride parade with her as well. So as we look for a nice spot to stand ....some douchebag cop named, Alfonso who is like 40+...comes over and scumbaggedly starts kicking his shit to this woman...but me...i play my shit cool as fuck cause i just met this girl myself so why should i care lol? she aint mine?

So after "Alfonso's" poor attempt at kicking game with his "oh whats the weather in cananda like?" she decides to wanna move her spot cause he is getting annoying (ha ha fuck u alfonso u got dissed)

So to make a super long ass story short (if thats even possible at this point hehe my bad..i just love details)...friggin....i wind up spending a good part of my morning and afternoon with this complete stranger who im just getting to know.

All i thought i was gonna do was, just walk from vinyl to christopher st and go home..but as fate would have it..that didn't happen.

Now check this shit out for the grand finale....at this point i pretty much gotta get home cause as the hours go by...the fee on my car in the garage rises..and i was strapped for cash at the moment as it was.

So i go and part ways and me being slick and remembering that she is a big fan of Armin Van Burren...i say to her... "u know Armin Van Burren is playing at that club i came from in July" she gets excited and can't belive it.

So i suggest we keep in touch in case she wants to come to town to hear Armin spin at ARC.

So she has a pen and a napkin...i write her email and phone number down on it (woo-hoo) and now i write MY email and phone number down....as im writing my email "quoth blah blah @ blah blah blah) she says to me...

"you know i have this really awesome album called "Surfing on Sine Waves" and there is a song on there named "Quoth"

Indeed...i flip the fuck out right then and there...because this girl not only has this album...but she knew right away the origin of the name Quoth..and THAT is not very common AT ALL.

Of course we then couldnt help but talk of our love for Richard D. James aka Aphex Twin aka Polygon Window (the album Surfing on Sine Waves is done by his alias Polygon Window)

I left by giving her a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug (dear lord those are some firm ass breasts)

So now im home and i ask myself...did all that just really happen? and if so..how fucking odd it was.

Now...u may ask yerself...am i gonna go out with this girl? and i am gonna ask you....are u on crack? she lives in fucking canada give me a break...

but i will and would love to definitely see her again.....

it is just yet another strange chapter to the life of quoth and how he oddly and so randomly meets the most interesting people.

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thats cool. i always meet cool people in random ways. hey werent you the one that met that couple from texas that was goin to jeff mills? thats pretty random too. but for real though, why didnt ask her to go out then and there. i woulda been like wow you know where quoth came from now im obligated to buy you lunch...or something to that effect. or did you really just wanna stay at the parade and mac it to alphonso. i know how u love men in uniform :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ronin

isnt armin at roxy

arc my brotha arc.

tony: bro...i was thinkin the whole time.. FUCK! if only i had more money on me...cause i usually have a decent amoutn..but christ almighty all i had was like $10 and some balls of lint....as for the texan couple..yea that was me...but this chic was pretty keen on chillin at the parade...and i had to go..besides i have work tonight its not like i coulda chilled tonight ya know?

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Originally posted by Ronin



no offense but...

do u get a raging hard-on by always trying to be Mr. Right?

u replied only to pick at and point out some misinformation?

will this girl be reading this thread and/or does she even know the clubs ARC and Roxy?


Just chill with the links...its really not a big deal..u didn't have to go through all that bullshit just to show that u are right and i am wrong... i mean seriously..its a bit pathetic.

i picked up a flyer saw made events on it...assumed it was an arc party. i was wrong...

can i move on with my life now?


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Originally posted by t0nythelover

bro you dont have an atm card? hell you could have brought her back to the ikea showroom for a quick bang and told her it was your place.

i didn't have my card on me...

and tony yer so fucked up :laugh:

"yea this is my place...the flat screen tv, the girl and the boy laying in the other room...yup....its all mine"

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thats a great story...

Are you fucking kidding me...that was the gayest story I have ever heard in my life. Are you sure you weren't walking in the parade when you met her.

I mean come on now, you will never see this "hot" girl again and all you got was a kiss on the cheek. Jesus Christ. When you said the grand finale, I thought you would have banged her right then and there. Big fucking deal...I can't believe I just waisted two minutes of my life to read that wack ass gay story!

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Originally posted by quoth

Hoooooooooooooooooly shit...listen to this...and this is just the kinda shit that happens to me and is my luck...

So last night i went to Vinyl for dt and dh had a good time and decided it was time for me to pack up and leave. So as i left im thinking of my money situation and the fact that i left the house with only so much. I contemplate if i should take a cab to Christopher st. for the PATH station since my car was parked there in jersey.

I say to myself...eh fuck it...i'll walk...its a beautiful day and its only a few blocks and it saves me $5 on a cab ride that i need to pay at the parking garage in jersey.

I walk to the corner of Hubert and Hudson and i tiredly begin my trek. As i start to cross over the 1st block...i see some dude talkin to some girl like he is tryin to mack it to her on the street. What is VERY obvious to me is this girls short khaki-lookin skirt and that she is EEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXTREMELY HOT and has an A-1 PERFECT 10!!! MUTHAFUCKIN BANGINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ASS....

Of course i pay no mind and i cross the street and continue my walk but now i am behind this girl..and she is by herself (it's showtime, Quoth). As we come up to cross over the next block..the light is red, so we now are both simultanously at the crosswalk.

"Hey exscuse me...do you know where "Houston St." is? " She asks.

So i tell her.

She says "i wanted to go see the gay pride parade today and i think there is a good spot on houston but i am not from around here"

Of course..me being me..i say to her "wow...i never thought a beautiful woman like yerself would be a lesbian?"

she laughs.

she says "oh no..im not a lesbian...im just in town and its a beautiful day out and i just wanted to see the drag queens and their costumes"

So i ask her, her name and she says, Maria and we start talkin on the corner for a little bit and we talk about music and she tells me that she is a fan of Armin Van Burren.

I say to her "well, im on my to christopher st. for the train station....there is definitely a good view of the parade there...you're more than welcome to take a walk with me"

she goes "is it sketchy over there?"

i go "well...if you're scared of gay people then yes..but if not..then its perfectly safe.

So now i have a partner to walk with me to Christopher St. I can not help but notice how fucking gorgous this woman is and the fact that she is very much in shape and has EVERYTHING...chest...ass....legs....thighs....tan..flat stomach...all the packaged goods.

We start kicking it and get this...i come to find out she is visiting..and i ask hern from where..she says she is from fuckin..... CANADA! ..ottawa to be exact.

So i ask her what she is doing in town..and get this....she is a rock climber and particiaptes in Eco-Challenge Adventure races (which explains her awesome body)...im like NOOOOOO SHIT.....cause thats just extremely cool ..like those endurance races they have on ESPN where u have 24 hours to kyak....rock climb...run like 10 miles...and mountain bike etc etc...

So she was in town for a competition in upstate NY and was stayin here in the city.

Of course....now all this time is passing by and me and her are bullshitting so much as we are walking that we unoticably walk 10 blocks!! past christopher st. At this point...im saying to myself.. "man fuck the PATH train and getting back to jersey..i am chillin with this incredible girl i just met and we are having a lot of fun".

So we wind up getting to christopher st. and i kinda pretty much got dragged to see the gay pride parade with her as well. So as we look for a nice spot to stand ....some douchebag cop named, Alfonso who is like 40+...comes over and scumbaggedly starts kicking his shit to this woman...but me...i play my shit cool as fuck cause i just met this girl myself so why should i care lol? she aint mine?

So after "Alfonso's" poor attempt at kicking game with his "oh whats the weather in cananda like?" she decides to wanna move her spot cause he is getting annoying (ha ha fuck u alfonso u got dissed)

So to make a super long ass story short (if thats even possible at this point hehe my bad..i just love details)...friggin....i wind up spending a good part of my morning and afternoon with this complete stranger who im just getting to know.

All i thought i was gonna do was, just walk from vinyl to christopher st and go home..but as fate would have it..that didn't happen.

Now check this shit out for the grand finale....at this point i pretty much gotta get home cause as the hours go by...the fee on my car in the garage rises..and i was strapped for cash at the moment as it was.

So i go and part ways and me being slick and remembering that she is a big fan of Armin Van Burren...i say to her... "u know Armin Van Burren is playing at that club i came from in July" she gets excited and can't belive it.

So i suggest we keep in touch in case she wants to come to town to hear Armin spin at ARC.

So she has a pen and a napkin...i write her email and phone number down on it (woo-hoo) and now i write MY email and phone number down....as im writing my email "quoth blah blah @ blah blah blah) she says to me...

"you know i have this really awesome album called "Surfing on Sine Waves" and there is a song on there named "Quoth"

Indeed...i flip the fuck out right then and there...because this girl not only has this album...but she knew right away the origin of the name Quoth..and THAT is not very common AT ALL.

Of course we then couldnt help but talk of our love for Richard D. James aka Aphex Twin aka Polygon Window (the album Surfing on Sine Waves is done by his alias Polygon Window)

I left by giving her a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug (dear lord those are some firm ass breasts)

So now im home and i ask myself...did all that just really happen? and if so..how fucking odd it was.

Now...u may ask yerself...am i gonna go out with this girl? and i am gonna ask you....are u on crack? she lives in fucking canada give me a break...

but i will and would love to definitely see her again.....

it is just yet another strange chapter to the life of quoth and how he oddly and so randomly meets the most interesting people.

great fuckin story~! thats a great ending to a great night... :clap: more importantly though... kismet, fate, serendipity, destiny whatever you wanna call it is your duty to meet up with this girl again...

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Originally posted by nomembername

Are you fucking kidding me...that was the gayest story I have ever heard in my life. Are you sure you weren't walking in the parade when you met her.

I mean come on now, you will never see this "hot" girl again and all you got was a kiss on the cheek. Jesus Christ. When you said the grand finale, I thought you would have banged her right then and there. Big fucking deal...I can't believe I just waisted two minutes of my life to read that wack ass gay story!

relax man...:laugh: its just a fuckin story.

And who is to say i would have banged her right then and there no matter how good someone's game is?...what am i gonna do, rape her just to make the story sound better?...this was DEFINITELY not some easy euro-trash sluts u meet at pangea that u are used to..that is...even if u actually HAVE sex.

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