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Official Put Oscar G. On Early by 6 Post

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i know u keep asking but as i mentioned before its not happening. At 6 he will be enroute from the W hotel in NYC. I want everyone to remember one thing for every person on the board that says they are leaving to go to Temps at 10 there are 3 more saying this is Oscar G one of the best DJs in the US I can go to Temps next Sunday or the Sunday after. I offer variety which allows the normal Temps person to say hey this Sunday I am not going to Temps. As a matter of fact I am a huge fan of Dennys retro night and I will go Saturday to hear it but when it comes to Sunday I will be at the SURF as long as Oscar is on the tables. There will be people that leave at 10 I am sure but there will other people that say hey its not worth leaving. If I thought that I couldnt keep people at SURF til later hours I would have just gone to work at Temps. I got 2 or 3 guys that fall in the top 100 in the WORLD as DJs, if people dont stay a little later to listen to them then u know what why am I wasting my time looking to bring in someone in the top 10 if I think people are going to leave to go to Temps. I am trying to let NJ hear some of the big boys in this WORLD. I am sick of hearing how my friends at HOM in the Hamptons have this DJ in the top 10 and that one and me running the biggest place on the shore is afraid to pay good money for one of these people becuase I am not sure if NJ clubbers are ready for it.

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Originally posted by godisadj

serg, people will leave because temps is temps. its not the dj its the energy.

were u at surf this past sunday. if so, can u not call that energy. U dont think Oscar G or any of the other big boys can supply that energy or more. if not what makes them the best djs in the world.

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Guest saleen351

I'd move the set....

Tempts classics night trumps all djs....

and i'm the biggest og fan you'll find... Hell i even booked him for my party... But Tempts is Tempts...

by 10:30 i'm out to tempts.....

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i gotta admit this past sunday the energy in surf was fucken insane but a denny tsettos retro set at tempts is gonna be insane......i wish oscar g's set was moved up myself....but hey one can only wish (maybe if we keep our fingers crossed it'll happen:D )

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To each his own. Being that a lot of people think of Surf as a Sunday afternoon or early evening spot, I thought you'd have a better chance of a larger crowd sticking around longer if Oscar G. got behind the tables by 6 so he is in the MIDDLE of his set BLOWING IT UP AT 9 instead of JUST BEGINNING HIS SET AT 9. Its all good though, you're the promoter Serge and a fine one at that. I just talked to a lot of people who felt the same way.

Chances are, I will not be at either Surf or Tempts that late on Sunday night, this old warrior has to work on Monday. Then again, I've said that before. I just thought I might be able to catch Oscar G. for a few hours before I head home on Sunday night. See you soon Serge!

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Originally posted by njdionysus

To each his own. Being that a lot of people think of Surf as a Sunday afternoon or early evening spot, I thought you'd have a better chance of a larger crowd sticking around longer if Oscar G. got behind the tables by 6 so he is in the MIDDLE of his set BLOWING IT UP AT 9 instead of JUST BEGINNING HIS SET AT 9. Its all good though, you're the promoter Serge and a fine one at that. I just talked to a lot of people who felt the same way.

Chances are, I will not be at either Surf or Tempts that late on Sunday night, this old warrior has to work on Monday. Then again, I've said that before. I just thought I might be able to catch Oscar G. for a few hours before I head home on Sunday night. See you soon Serge!


you know i feel that a lot of the points you bring up are valid but its still my job to get u to stay later. Most of the people that are excited to listen to Oscar spin has only heard him once or twice and they are looking forward to it. Maybe at 10:30 when u look at ur watch u might say wow this place is rocking we will go to temps at 11 instead or 11:30 since temps still does close at 3. Remember one thing I did 1500 people two weeks ago with Ojeda at SURF and that night i went to Temps and maybe they did 1/2 that amount there. Some people stayed and some went home. I got to make sure that i keep those people there later too. I can not worry about who leaves to Temps cause I support Temps also. Everyone knows how close Denny and I are and the owners and employees there show me the utmost respect. So if people want to go to Temps good cause I will probably see them there later on that night and they can all buy me drinks. Hahahah.

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Originally posted by stigeleiro


you know i feel that a lot of the points you bring up are valid but its still my job to get u to stay later. Most of the people that are excited to listen to Oscar spin has only heard him once or twice and they are looking forward to it. Maybe at 10:30 when u look at ur watch u might say wow this place is rocking we will go to temps at 11 instead or 11:30 since temps still does close at 3. Remember one thing I did 1500 people two weeks ago with Ojeda at SURF and that night i went to Temps and maybe they did 1/2 that amount there. Some people stayed and some went home. I got to make sure that i keep those people there later too. I can not worry about who leaves to Temps cause I support Temps also. Everyone knows how close Denny and I are and the owners and employees there show me the utmost respect. So if people want to go to Temps good cause I will probably see them there later on that night and they can all buy me drinks. Hahahah.

good way to look at it i must admitt

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Surf club last Sunday was probably one of the top 3 parties I have been to in the Jersey Shore EVER!!! And with Oscar G. there this week I am expecting the same or better. Thanks Serge for making this one happen. I can't wait til Sunday.

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While everyone makes valid points...I have to say that it seems people are so stuck in what they always do that they cant seem to steer away from it. Im finally learning variety can only add to things...and when there is DJ coming around that you dont hear that often, why not take advantage of it???

Serge- I think you are doing a great job with booking who you are booking, and if i can make it for sunday night I will be there....:D

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do you all get cabs to go to tempts? cause i know whenever i go to surf on sundays....there aint no way i could leave to go to tempts unless i plan on driving intoxicated and that just doesnt happen for me. The thing is...i never see cabs coming up to surf....so question..how the ump do you all even get to tempts. mine as well just stay at surf and be safe...cant go wrong with oscar g as well

Serge....get Steve Lawler in at SURF!!!

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I'm pretty excited to hear oscar g, never heard him live. As for tempts that night, maybe I'll go, maybe I wont, no clue what time I'm getting to surf and no clue what time I'm leaving. My point is that I go out to have fun and enjoy myself and I cannot say "At 10:30 I am leaving THIS club and going to another"...shit, I might love it at surf and stay all night or I might not be feelin' it and be home in bed by 9:30...you cannot plan FUN.

And serge, i gotta commend you. If all the chips fall into place, you got yourself quite a bangin' summer down at surf club.:D You already do, actually.

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Originally posted by carusomaas12

do you all get cabs to go to tempts? cause i know whenever i go to surf on sundays....there aint no way i could leave to go to tempts unless i plan on driving intoxicated and that just doesnt happen for me. The thing is...i never see cabs coming up to surf....so question..how the ump do you all even get to tempts. mine as well just stay at surf and be safe...cant go wrong with oscar g as well

Serge....get Steve Lawler in at SURF!!!

i walk my ass to tempts unless i find a ride.....i do make a pitstop at my shorehouse and throw down a few more drinks and whatever so im not a sweaty mess when i get to tempts

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Originally posted by xrapturex

While everyone makes valid points...I have to say that it seems people are so stuck in what they always do that they cant seem to steer away from it. Im finally learning variety can only add to things...and when there is DJ coming around that you dont hear that often, why not take advantage of it???

Serge- I think you are doing a great job with booking who you are booking, and if i can make it for sunday night I will be there....:D

thank u i hope u can make it there

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shit oscar g. at surf. i have been waitin since i heard about it before the summer even started. a lil retro night at temps is not a big miss. i mean shit. every club has a retro night like once a month now. so i will definitly stay at surf. might even have to sleep on the beach and take off work monday, lol


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