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Iron Brothers Vs. Warriors?

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Originally posted by johnholmes

Listen you fat BIG STUFF can you make it anymore obvious its you with your typical comments and screenename. just remember we know what your FAT BODY and face looks like so next time ur out ur getting a drink on u or spit on. i respect girls but a BIG STUFF like you isnt even a girl.

john you crack me up:laugh: :laugh:

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trewbacca.......best nickname ever......he sounds like he has a mouthful of buffallo balls......ha ha ha......"dkosugiek kdoouiell oeouggle BUMP".......i want to meet your kindergarten teacher and find out if she taught you the ABC's upside down or backwards......there must be an explanation!!!!!

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Originally posted by sleep1souljerz

What the hell are you people talking about?

whos the Warriors?

Iron Brothers?

Monster guidos?

Please drop a clue !


Souljerz Crew

It's the Crips Vs. The Bloods

"What set choo claimin essssssss-ay?"

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Sorry I was not there to support the Iron Crew...I was busy trading hundreds of millions of dollars...Fact.

Anyway...VIP it is like this....

The post was funny...not serious....you are turning it into a somthing more than it is....Yes?

Yes I shake your hand...because I think you "mean well".....You carry a warm smile and have a decent personality...

If you think we are only 3 deep...ummmmmm hardly....I am sure Billy will tell you differently....and I am assuming people are not backing you on this post because they simply understand our power.

As for the sauce...well of course I can understand being emotional....towards the end of a cycle...You have made good gains....So no worries...on my side...this was a joke....if I truly had an urge to Hate on the "Warriors" I would do it to your face...I am not like that...I love my life...and have no reason to start trouble...And please I believe I am the first guy to back any of you clowns up......Right Billy? See you all Sunday....and the Miami Vice reference was geared towards me ....because I fucking love them....oh ...and I will let you buy one for me on Sunday...Deal?....Great!

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stacked....if p-tech didnt feel bad enough about over-reacting as it is.....now you ask him to buy you a drink........bus wants free shots......hell p-tech......I will take a bottle of grey goose and some medz........good, great, grand!!!!!......see u fucks sunday!!!

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Originally posted by neena16

Yes I'll give you another.

It's not about what's on the outside...its about what's on the inside that makes you a better person. :tongue:

Some people need to flip their ugly asses inside-out then. :laugh: :laugh: get it? haha.

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