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leter to Mr LOCKWOOD

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Mr. Lockwood i would like to take some of your time

and would expect a response from you as soon as you finish reading this-

I read through the article on this page

Tonic Brawl news

i have to say that i don't and cant for the life of me, for one second believe that you were

actually at the site of the incident-

i was there on all 3 nights this past week-

No i am not employed by them

and they don't even know im sending this to you-


i was in the establishment during closing of all nights last week-

and on the night in question to this article- there are MANY things i see (not believe to be, but Truly ARE)

- miss informative

- ill respectable

- way out of context

- completely wrong in content of information

and the list grows the more i read it, however, i will sum it up in as few words as passable.

What does telling about the problems of PAST owners , events, themes and so on have to do with the venue of today at Tonic?

what you're doing in that regard is saying that the same people from the years of 1983, are still attending and causing the same

type of problems.

This also applies to the naming if the issues of happened past when it was under previous management and ownership-

~~~If there was a murder in your home before you moved in, would the neighbors think that you would do the same?~~~

same rules

and proper ways of thinking apply. don't they?

on the MOST relevant of notes-

you say the incident had the better part of 200 people involved?

how could you be so wrong and un factaul in stating that? It is a terrably bold statement, and to think that i was actually printed?

Keep in mind the issues of YELLOW JOURNALISM. Im sure you remember reading about that in your earlier days, yes?

I was at the venue during the entire incident and there weren't even 200 people on the grounds-

Just in that statement alone- i would be just as bold to DEMAND seeing a retraction printed in the next follow-up editorial spread.

Now lest see how professional you can be in the next few minutes by telling me what YOU believe would be ample and

sufficient actions to gain such a retraction from you?


you printed this in the article

<<<<<police were not being attacked by the crowd, but the Stanhope officer could not get through the crowd and called for more backup>>>>

do you mean to tell me that the shoulder radio attached to each officer does NOT go to the central command location and dispatch personnel?

this is something i can not believe. because in the following words you added this

<<<A dispatcher put out an alert over a statewide police emergency network,>>>

now tell me something/?.. how did dispatch know to get more backup and report to surrounding counties if (AS YOU SAID) the officers could NOT get to their radios to let proper persons know to do this?

now lets take this further

here you say

<<<Two police officers suffered minor scrapes>>>

but earlier you already told that the fight was between the bouncers and crowd and <<<The police were not being attacked by the crowd>>> in your own words.

well? i have said my piece and as you can see its not as short as either one of us would have hoped it to be-

i will be expecting a response in this matter so that at least I can understand all the facts that you so claim to have seen-

(usually a THANK YOU is added here but i have yet to feel the need to do so)

Eric Robinson

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Originally posted by aim4night

liqid u r too much bro. lmao. gotta luv ya & your stuff.:tongue:


im suprised you read it that fast- :eek:

and i dont like it when people are trying t oBULL-ISH others for no apparent reason other then

having nothing better to mend thier time with

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Originally posted by sandstormer

The writer didnt say he was there, and all the information he gives comes quoted directly from john swanson cheif of hopatcong police. Read the article you fool.

So if you have a comment direct it to hopatcong police cheif.


dont start with the names if u want to maintain your credability

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Originally posted by sandstormer

The writer didnt say he was there, and all the information he gives comes quoted directly from john swanson cheif of hopatcong police. Read the article you fool.

So if you have a comment direct it to hopatcong police cheif.


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i probably will never go to this club ever, but i do know how bad press goes, having worked at bunka for 4 yrs, and working the door while being raided, i know where your coming from, so with that i would like to quote the mayor from that article you showed us

"It's a very serious situation when you think about the large numbers of people," Mayor Richard Hodson said. "We're fortunate this was nipped where it was nipped and we're trying to get hold of the operator to make sure it doesn't happen again."

When we think about the large numbers?? 200 people is not a large number for a nightclub, maybe a colleg bar, shit i have had 200+ at numerous bday parties of my own,

isnt this club way up in north jersey by the mountains??

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This whole article was quoted from the police. If you have a problem with it write a letter to them. Lockwood is just reporting. That is his job. Before you send it to the police check your spelling.

This reporter is probably laughing at you. Stick to record spinning.

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Originally posted by dancerbar

i probably will never go to this club ever, but i do know how bad press goes, having worked at bunka for 4 yrs, and working the door while being raided, i know where your coming from, so with that i would like to quote the mayor from that article you showed us

"It's a very serious situation when you think about the large numbers of people," Mayor Richard Hodson said. "We're fortunate this was nipped where it was nipped and we're trying to get hold of the operator to make sure it doesn't happen again."

When we think about the large numbers?? 200 people is not a large number for a nightclub, maybe a colleg bar, shit i have had 200+ at numerous bday parties of my own,

isnt this club way up in north jersey by the mountains??

Hopatcong, NJ Northwest Jersey

20 minutes from the Willowbrook Mall Exit 28 off of Route 80.



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Originally posted by sandstormer

The writer didnt say he was there, and all the information he gives comes quoted directly from john swanson cheif of hopatcong police. Read the article you fool.

So if you have a comment direct it to hopatcong police cheif.

as true as this may be,

the write is still the representative for what has been printed. That is also his job.

and for DARB76

copy and paste it to Microsoft word and run the spell check-

for i have already done this and just as well have already recieved a respoce-

only those who are "in the know" will know what that is.

stick to reading posts and dont bother replying unless you have something constructive to add.

thank you

Diva- YES sweety - ill see you there

you got my champagine?

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

as true as this may be,

the write is still the representative for what has been printed. That is also his job.

and for DARB76

copy and paste it to Microsoft word and run the spell check-

for i have already done this and just as well have already recieved a respoce-

only those who are "in the know" will know what that is.

stick to reading posts and dont bother replying unless you have something constructive to add.

thank you

Diva- YES sweety - ill see you there

you got my champagine?

Youre still alive?

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Thats why people like you are so stupid. You can't rely on spell check your whole life because it is not always correct. Instead of wasting your life on CP __Go take an english class. LEARN TO SPELL.

on the MOST relevant of notes-

you say the incident had the better part of 200 people involved?

how could you be so wrong and un factaul in stating that? It is a terrably bold statement, and to think that i was actually printed?

Keep in mind the issues of YELLOW JOURNALISM. Im sure you remember reading about that in your earlier days, yes?

I was at the venue during the entire incident and there weren't even 200 people on the grounds-

Just in that statement alone- i would be just as bold to DEMAND seeing a retraction printed in the next follow-up editorial spread.

Now lest see how professional you can be in the next few minutes by telling me what YOU believe would be ample and

sufficient actions to gain such a retraction from you?

This is 1st grade english.

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Finally an intelligent post.

Spelling isn't the only problem for liquid its basic grammar and common sense.

as he writes

"as true as this may be,

the write is still the representative for what has been printed. That is also his job."

The writer of the article used quotes. Which means someone else said it. He didnt say it was true or untrue, just repeated what the cheif of police said.

And since you are so outspoken call the police cheif and let him know of your views on his statements and how mad everyone at tonic is about his statements. Here's his number 398-5000, Extension 229. Or email him at ltjohnswanson@hotmail.com

I am in the know. Retract THAT!.

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Originally posted by aim4night

ok liqid who is mr lockwood and what has he done to u now?? j/k:laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: Verrrrry funny

you freaky little


actually i had a 4th grade theacher that was REALLY a mean one

her last name was lockwood too !

so whats up? are you comming tuesday or not?

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