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I'm not talking about putting a P4 in there.

Check out the AMD Opteron chips (out now), and the upcoming Athlon 64s.

I hashed this out in another thread a few weeks ago, but it'd be so easy to dominate a Mac G5.

The OS is too fruity anyway, all that candy-coated crap makes me sick. Give me XP Pro any day of the week, or better yet, Red Hat w/ KDE.

With a Mac, you gotta deal with whatever Steve Jobs thinks is hip...with a PC, be it AMD or Intel-powered, you deal with whatever you want...utter customization, allowing for better performance...it's like hot-roddin'.

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Originally posted by pod

I'd rather not have my network defiled by a Mac.

No, you would rather support Bill Gates and the Dark Side of the Force.

Bill Gates: Pod i'm your Father

Pod: But Dad, how come you can't make an MP3 player and name it after me?

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FYI, I use PCs because I have a choice in operating systems...PC does not automatically mean Windows. I recently upgraded my motherboard, but once I get everything flowing nicely, on goes a Linux distro.

Most people fail to realize that, that a PC doesn't automatically mean you have to use Windows. As a matter of fact, Wal-Mart sells $300 PCs running "Lindows", which is a Linux clone of Windows 2000....most buyers don't notice a difference, since the Lindows PCs run normal Windows apps, without having a Microsoft-endorsed OS. The choice of Lindows lets Joe User get a pretty good box at a Wal-Mart price...

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Originally posted by pod

You bet your ass! Po' folk gots to have things too!

I'm sick of your "cry poor" bullshit, its getting old. I've seen your photo equipment and you paid BIG bucks for that shit. And, they don't sell it at discount stores. ;)

I think you complain about Mynt, Pearl and such to hide the truth. Your really are a Millionaire. Just admit it already and stop playing the part of "the poor boy".:tongue::laugh:

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Well, I'm glad to see I have a fan somewhere.

To take a serious turn, I'm not broke, I'm just cheap! :)

I wouldn't buy a PC from Wal-Mart, but the cheap side of me knows where to get the top parts for rock-bottom prices...local geeks know of that street near the airport with all the wholesalers, importers, and exporters of computer parts...you can get the brand name shit cheap, or the generic versions cheaper...it's like buying generic vs name brand prescriptions...same shit, but without fancy packaging.

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