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Dj Bruno new to the board!!!


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Hey everyone! I'm Dj Bruno. I spin @ Crobar Thursday and Saturdays, Lime Bar on Fridays, and Nikki's on Sundays(after Cedric). I occasionally read the boards, but never commented. I thought it was time I introduced myself. I really love that everyone here supports the local Dj's, and is constantly commenting on them. Even though alot of Dj's get bashed, at least you guys give your honest opinions! I would love for you guys to come see me spin, intoduce yourselves, have a drink with me, and talk shit for a little wile.. My party at lime on fridays is pretty cool. There's no cover and we have alot of fun!! Check out the review @ http://www.cooljunkie.com/clubs/nerve/slacker_review.html It's in the wrong place, but it's there. Anyway i want you guys to get to know me, so again come and have a drink on me, and hang out for a bit. Hope to see you guys., and keep supporting your local Dj's........:D :D :D :D

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by funketeer

Welcome to the Miami Board Bruno!


Here's your official Funketeer's Patented Welcome Tuna Sandwich...enjoy! :D

Funk, that tuna's satrting to look a little brown and crispy around the edges....doing competition with the potato salad.

Welcome djbruno.....I have heard you at Nikkis, when I used to go every sunday. Good!

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I say you last fri @ L.B. nice work on the wheels!

Anyone who has the balls to wear a mowhawk on SOBE is definately their own man!

Well You have my vote!


I was wondering where are you from ?

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dj bruno is one of the most underrated dj's in miami. he doesn't get the exposure other dj's get, but on any given night he is just as good if not better then any local house dj.

the new friday night party, squeeze @ lime bar, is f*ing great and you can be sure to catch me there every week.

keep supporting your local dj's and the miami house music scene.

and for all you who watch tv, stay tuned to mun2 for the new 'no cover' show starting soon... thursday nights at 11 pm.

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Welcome to the board!!! I know first hand how extremely underrated you are. I've seen you spin with the best, I won't drop any names (don't want to sound pretentious)!! LOL!!! We are more than excited to have you as part of our family at Lime Bar. For those of you that have not had the pleasure of hanging out w/ Dj Bruno, you don't know what you're missing!!! Take him up on his offer. :)


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Originally posted by djbruno

Hey everyone! I'm Dj Bruno. I spin @ Crobar Thursday and Saturdays, Lime Bar on Fridays, and Nikki's on Sundays(after Cedric). I occasionally read the boards, but never commented. I thought it was time I introduced myself. I really love that everyone here supports the local Dj's, and is constantly commenting on them. Even though alot of Dj's get bashed, at least you guys give your honest opinions! I would love for you guys to come see me spin, intoduce yourselves, have a drink with me, and talk shit for a little wile.. My party at lime on fridays is pretty cool. There's no cover and we have alot of fun!! Check out the review @ http://www.cooljunkie.com/clubs/nerve/slacker_review.html It's in the wrong place, but it's there. Anyway i want you guys to get to know me, so again come and have a drink on me, and hang out for a bit. Hope to see you guys., and keep supporting your local Dj's........:D :D :D :D

Welcome to the board djbruno and good luck!:D

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