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The Official Space Hold Out Thread!


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i think we support enough to bitch atleast once in a while...

atleast the regulars i know im always there..

although i dont really have anything to bitch about except the dress code

aslong as its a regular night with roland and oscar im good to go i wont complain but when they have other people like MS and stingray then maybe ull hear a complaint other then that space has always and will always bring superstar djs and for that i have to choice but to go back

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Originally posted by biznation00

hey man, not everyone can grow a nice shinny, healthy mullet like mine buddy!! :laugh:

With this mullet I could pass for a jersey guido at a Bon Jovi charity concert... :laugh:

Mullets Rock!!

Why does everyone hate on Biz & his beautiful head of hair & the trucker hats?

It's just Biz's style... Damn leave a brotha alone...


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Originally posted by sobeton

You know Biz put the sarcasm aside, and you have some valid and rather humorous points.. But again you fail to understand what Pete was saying,

Lemme break down Pete's post for you. Feel free to correct me.

Originally posted by djdekan

SO I was There last Friday to See a Dj Known as Chris Liebing and ohh yes Maurro Picotto. AND I am now totally fucked, it felt like the old space,

This means:

Oscar and Roland aren't good enough to make new space feel like old space. Chris and Marurro are good enough to make new space feel like old space. If Oscar and Roland were good enough I wouldn't have started this thread.

Originally posted by djdekan

And Now

I wont Go back till I know That will happen again......

Let The Hold out Begin.


This means:

I'm not going back to space until the DJ's I LIKE come back again.


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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Lemme break down Pete's post for you. Feel free to correct me.

This means:

Oscar and Roland aren't good enough to make new space feel like old space. Chris and Marurro are good enough to make new space feel like old space. If Oscar and Roland were good enough I wouldn't have started this thread.

The feel and vibe was like the old Space. no big deal several people; have already made this observation before. Pete just had the balls to say it again. it's has nothing to do with Oscar and Roly, they create the music people create the vibe. You can’t manufacturer a vibe; it’s something you feel. Reference nexusgroove’s comments in this thread (not the Hot Dog comment :laugh: ), and the various post concerning the new space.
Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Lemme break down Pete's post for you. Feel free to correct me.

This means:I'm not going back to space until the DJ's I LIKE come back again.

Sarcasm. He is at Space almost every week, I doubt very much that will change.. the fact that some people, believe this to be true, is hilarious. :laugh:

I think if we put up a poll , and asked people if they feel the vibe at the old space was better. the end result would be the old space had a better vibe. Actually I believe sobe2003 did something similar to this, and received a nice kurt reply from Louis. :rolleyes:

The lingering question IMO.. what can be done to bring back the feelings and vibe ,which made the old space so special to a great deal of us ?? ;) in the mean time I think, it's fairly safe to assume a majority of us ,will be out there supporting Space's efforts. ;) see ya saturday ??? ;)

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Originally posted by sobeton

The feel and vibe was like the old Space. no big deal several people; have already made this observation before. Pete just had the balls to say it again. it's has nothing to do with Oscar and Roly, they create the music people create the vibe. You can’t manufacturer a vibe; it’s something you feel. Reference nexusgroove’s comments in this thread (not the Hot Dog comment :laugh: ), and the various post concerning the new space.

Sarcasm. He is at Space almost every week, I doubt very much that will change.. the fact that some people, believe this to be true, is hilarious. :laugh:

I think if we put up a poll , and asked people if they feel the vibe at the old space was better. the end result would be the old space had a better vibe. Actually I believe sobe2003 did something similar to this, and received a nice kurt reply from Louis. :rolleyes:

The lingering question IMO.. what can be done to bring back the feelings and vibe ,which made the old space so special to a great deal of us ?? ;) in the mean time I think, it's fairly safe to assume a majority of us ,will be out there supporting Space's efforts. ;) see ya saturday ??? ;)

Fair enough... He could've meant it that way too.

Pete, it's your turn tell us what you meant :)

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

i think we support enough to bitch atleast once in a while...

I think you prob mean we "support" you...

Unless you consider getting in free @ anytime of the night & havin' access to vip & the dj booth @ no cost, your version of "support". Hell we make it easy for you to "support" us. As I understand this, I think it means we support you. We give you comp this & that & all the comfort you need anytime. How's that for support. How many other clubbers out there & close personal friends of mine wouldn't kill to be in your shoes. The best part is, we never ask you or anyone else for anything in return.. ;)

ps. I'm workin' on the hat & sneakers thing for you too...

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Originally posted by biznation00

I think you prob mean we "support" you...

Unless you consider getting in free @ anytime of the night & havin' access to vip & the dj booth @ no cost, your version of "support". Hell we make it easy for you to "support" us. As I understand this, I think it means we support you. We give you comp this & that & all the comfort you need anytime. How's that for support. How many other clubbers out there & close personal friends of mine wouldn't kill to be in your shoes. The best part is, we never ask you or anyone else for anything in return.. ;)

ps. I'm workin' on the hat & sneakers thing for you too...

thats funny u say that

ide like to see u go out somewhere hen u gotta pay caise i know for sure u wouldnt...

i mean everyone gets in free anyway who are nobody's in the industry atleast i think i have earned my privledge to get comps..

oh and im always bringing friends out with me who usually pay to get in and no matter what we always buy drinks

so its not like i get anything free

vip well clubs can shuve it up thier ass cause i dont wanna sit in vip but if u think having to go into vip just to say whats up to pleople that u talk to is anything special ur wrong.

i dunno whats been up ur ass lately biz , maybe it was the whole liebing thing that happened, but if thats what it is u should get over it cause ur posts have been rediculous lately. i was gonna call u the other day to shoot the shit like we do sometimes but i hesitated cause i feel u got a chip on ur shoulder lately..

even if i get in free or not i support u guys and u should just be appreciative of that.

by the way biz we all know u get paid for ur comp list you have so why are u complaining?

if i put 15 names on ur list thats extra $$ in your pocket

so dont come to mee with this crap

P.S. thanx for the hat and sneakers thing:D

imma call u later cause i need to talk to u so u better kill that chip homiee

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Grateful eh-

yeah, you're right dude, i'm the bad one. The ungrateful one... I've taken care of this board like a baby @ Space for the past 2 years. I never expect anything in return either.

Whenever you have a prob at Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever you have a question regarding Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever Management decides to close Roly or Oscar's list too early who do you call?? Whenever you have any prob or would simply like to enter the booth to say hello, who do you speak to??

Lets not talk bout being comped at a club. I get taken care of at alot of places & I'm thankful for that. One thing you won't catch me doin' is bitchin' about any club. I'm just happy to be there period. I walk in with a smile & leave with one too...

P.S. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but I don't get paid for my comp list per person. However, it is a way of tracking my progress among the many many other things I do for Space. I'm one of the only remaining promos since 2001 (if not the only one, I don't know.. The promo title gets thrown around very easily @ Space). Guess that tells you something. Since day one, I have received a salary at space. wanna call LP & ask him yourself?? While your at it, you can also ask him what kind of employee I am...

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Originally posted by biznation00

Grateful eh-

yeah, you're right dude, i'm the bad one. The ungrateful one... I've taken care of this board like a baby @ Space for the past 2 years. I never expect anything in return either.

Whenever you have a prob at Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever you have a question regarding Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever Management decides to close Roly or Oscar's list too early who do you call?? Whenever you have any prob or would simply like to enter the booth to say hello, who do you speak to??

Lets not talk bout being comped at a club. I get taken care of at alot of places & I'm thankful for that. One thing you won't catch me doin' is bitchin' about any club. I'm just happy to be there period. I walk in with a smile & leave with one too...

P.S. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but I don't get paid for my comp list per person. However, it is a way of tracking my progress among the many many other things I do for Space. I'm one of the only remaining promos since 2001 (if not the only one, I don't know.. The promo title gets thrown around very easily @ Space). Guess that tells you something. Since day one, I have received a salary at space. wanna call LP & ask him yourself?? While your at it, you can also ask him what kind of employee I am...




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Originally posted by biznation00

Grateful eh-

yeah, you're right dude, i'm the bad one. The ungrateful one... I've taken care of this board like a baby @ Space for the past 2 years. I never expect anything in return either.

Whenever you have a prob at Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever you have a question regarding Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever Management decides to close Roly or Oscar's list too early who do you call?? Whenever you have any prob or would simply like to enter the booth to say hello, who do you speak to??

Lets not talk bout being comped at a club. I get taken care of at alot of places & I'm thankful for that. One thing you won't catch me doin' is bitchin' about any club. I'm just happy to be there period. I walk in with a smile & leave with one too...

P.S. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but I don't get paid for my comp list per person. However, it is a way of tracking my progress among the other things I do for Space. I'm one of the only remaining promos since 2001. Guess that tells you something. Since day one, I have received a salary at space. wanna call LP & ask him yourself?? While your at it, you can also ask him what kind of employee I am...

sad it has to come down to this


i dont need ur list i put friends on the list cause it makes things easier, dont think for a min that i NEED.. i havent asked u for a list in a while and big thanks to LP he has been hooking things up for me and im very appreciative of that

secondly i bet if they told u to take ur trucker hat off or they said u couldnt get in cause of ur trucker hat im sure ude bitch too

and ude bitch to anyone u can, so thats bull..

you came on CP and made urself the official space rep. now u wanna complain that people bitch to you about things at space..

it was all part of ur marketing scheme to make noise for lunar sessions and now u want to turn it all around..

no offense to roland hes great but lunar sessions wasnt doing to good from what i remember back at the old space, but i was there even where there was 15 people on the patio..

i dont bitch about anything other then the dress code so i dont know how you can say i bitch about everything..

i dont bitch about djs cause if there is a dj i dont like i just simply wont go..

i never said u were a bad person you hook things up lovely for everyone, especially me and my friends and i thank you every time. not much i can do to repay the favor ide buy u drinks but u always have a bottle anyway so thats kinda senseless

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Everyone needs to chill, lol.

I was just trying to say, the industry has become to much of a buisness, and I feel and understand for all the clubs who have to play the games of this business. When Space started (I remeber fucking Aqualords - Witches in the blue room, at like 9 and even OG pumping Super California at 9 in the Blue room), thats when i first had experiences at Space. I support anyone and everything

in this industry, maybe im getting old but the feel is not there in most clubs, even crobar. Its not orignal, Its to (Let's go out to Crobar/Space/Nv were ever and take a Pill), its become a math equation that just wants to = a profit. And its just my opionion it hurts the vibe of almost any club, by booking relatively unknown talent, you create a whole new crowd and a whole new vibe.

Biz, I was always jking with you, and I know you work hard, I run around Crobar all night being grabbed by everyone, get me this get me drinks get me bands but thats my job, i listened to peoples bullshit and I love it.

The Final Point is it is as simple as GA sayed, I wont go back to Space until a DJ I feel and like can create that vibe and DRAW the right people. Nothing against OG or Roland, throw them on a thursday night and i would come support them, you know thats not my sound, although Ive heard OG go off with everything from techno to trance.

GL Biz and Space 34, See Ya for The Return of Chris Liebing and Maurro Picotto (Thanks for brining CL along) ohhh and book Michel De hey (Ill come)

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lets begin with the hat thing.. I get told to take my hat off @ crobar @ times & guess what. I don't bitch. I take it off!!

2ndly, yes you can label me the space rep & I don't mind receiving complaints. I try to get to them all, even if it means my night goes to shit tryin'. But I'm sorry kiddo, I've grown weary over 2 years attempting to continue to plant seeds & feeling like its in vain at times.

I know alot of cpers who never complain about anything, even if the dj is not their cup of tea. I'm not gonna call anyone out here, they all know who they are & I know who they are. I still keep a relationship with them & many here on the board. However, there are a certain handful that think they are well deserving of too many things & all they do is bitch & moan. Do they give us in return what we or I give them?? not sure, only god knows I guess.

Chip on my shoulder, maybe.. I guess it's cuz some of us are spoiled & take some of our local clubs & djs for granted. but hey, the grass is green, the sky is blue & a part of clubplanet will always consider themselves special cuz they found this jem of a messageboard & use it to their advantage...

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Originally posted by biznation00

lets begin with the hat thing.. I get told to take my hat off @ crobar @ times & guess what. I don't bitch. I take it off!!

2ndly, yes you can label me the space rep & I don't mind receiving complaints. I try to get to them all, even if it means my night goes to shit tryin'. But I'm sorry kiddo, I've grown weary over 2 years attempting to continue to plant seeds & feeling like its in vain at times.

I know alot of cpers who never complain about anything, even if the dj is not their cup of tea. I'm not gonna call anyone out here, they all know who they are & I know who they are. I still keep a relationship with them & many here on the board. However, there are a certain handful that think they are well deserving of too many things & all they do is bitch & moan. Do they give us in return what we or I give them?? not sure, only god knows I guess.

Chip on my shoulder, maybe.. I guess it's cuz some of us are spoiled & take some of our local clubs & djs for granted. but hey, the grass is green, the sky is blue & a part of clubplanet will always consider themselves special cuz they found this jem of a messageboard & use it to their advantage...

bro why do you take sh*t so personally ?? we understand what you do for us, well at least I do. people are going to bitch and moan , it's human nature, and such a big part of CP miami. :laugh: the bottom line is who ,is going to be supporting the efforts put forth ??

so let people bitch and moan , get sh*t off there chest. in the end the fact that still people support Space.. should be a testimony of their dedication, appreciation, and support. which goes well beyond "comps".. ;) see ya saturday :)

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