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SO "WAKEUP" AKA BRIAN YOU ARE Iluvlouiedevito!

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this girl is great, all she does is ask stupid questions, and try to figure out which memebers have alter ego's, before being banned on ST's, she would post the exact same things here and on there, thank god she doesnt know the third board i go on to interact with my nightlife friends, they would have a field day with her

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Originally posted by eddie3

housediva.... are u a middle child??? It seems like you didnt get any attention as a child.:confused:

some how i think you 2 are related, lol, or maybe the same person

its over housediva, we have now found out you are in fact eddie3, :laugh:

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Originally posted by dancerbar

some how i think you 2 are related, lol, or maybe the same person

its over housediva, we have now found out you are in fact eddie3, :laugh:

*will refrain from responding to an unfunny thread*

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