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How easy is it for you to communicate your feelings and needs to your sig. other?

Do you feel as tho they should somewhat know what you want/need/expect . . . or is that gender barrier (( along with their skulls )) just a bit too thick for that sort of simple logic?

Me's havin' some problems here...... :half:

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I always ask questions...

make suggestions.. dont give directions..

like start the sentence like

"you know what would feel sooooooo good?"

"i bet you cant guess what i'd like you to do"

"you know what naughty thing i was imagining you to doing?"

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Well... there are certain things that seem like they would be so painfully obvious, but clearly, they are not...

I'll admit, I'm not the best at communicating things of this nature... either saying them at all, or saying them the *right* way (ie, not being bitchy about it)... but I'm working on it...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well... there are certain things that seem like they would be so painfully obvious, but clearly, they are not...

I'll admit, I'm not the best at communicating things of this nature... either saying them at all, or saying them the *right* way (ie, not being bitchy about it)... but I'm working on it...

what kind of things?

miscommunication usually comes from expecting my sig. other to understand how i'm feeling about something... when there's really no reason why he SHOULD.

sometimes, instead of understanding that he's not in my mind and doesn't see things my way at all times, i just get upset that he can't ... and getting upset never solves anything.

in any event, i've never pinned problems with communication on gender or lack of intelligence.

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i usually tell people (not only my significan other) exactly what i want, need, and expect. pretty clear, no bullshit.

whats so hard about this? maybe i don´t understand the question, can you give an example?

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

just rememebr this at all time...

~Women are Physically COMPLEX, and MENTALLY simple~

~Men are MENTALLY COMPLEX, and Physically simple~

look who bought into what men told her all her life

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Originally posted by tastey

look who bought into what men told her all her life

men didnt tell me anything...

its conclusion...

u look at a mans crotch and he gets hard.....

you try to get to know a guy better and he gets deffensive and puts up walls,

women try to make themselves more mentally complex sounding, and only cause problems..

go stare at a womans crotch.. see where it gets you....

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Originally posted by wideskies

wow Lik, that's a really lame explanation of the genders.

well i could write a book, but i dont have the space...

and i think you are all taking what i said the wrong way....

say a guy and a girl like eachother.... they are dating pretty exclusive for 2 monthes..

the guy asks the girl

'where do you think this is going or see this going'

a woman can usually come up with an answer.. USUALLY

the girl asks the guy the same question i think it stirs up a bit more emotion..

shes moving to fast, am i ready for this, what about boys night out?, the waitress looks really hot in those tight pants, i wonder if this date is dutch.

and i dont think anyone will argue about me saying a womans body is physically complex...

but this is my opinion, no one has to agree..

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