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Gay School...

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Originally posted by njangel

but there are schools for different religions, ethnicities, etc. We have YMCA's & community groups for kids from the "hood" which are geared to help these kids: like this school is, and I am aware that there are parts of the world where they can barely afford books - that’s why I'm leaving in December to go do volunteer work in one of those countries, my point is this: Homosexual teenagers have a rough time growing up, high school is hard enough w/out having added stress (like dealing w/ppl who dont accept your sexuality). Some kids may just be teased about it, fine - that happens to everyone in life, but there are some teenagers who are constantly harassed, beaten, and even raped b/c they are gay. I think this school gives the kids who are in real danger (at school) a safe haven. Yes, they'll have to deal w/it when they leave school, but I have known teens that have dropped out & done nothing w/their lives b/c they couldn’t go to high school safely. This gives them the opportunity to do so, I see nothing wrong w/that

Yeah but these schools are private. You have to pay a tuition to go to them. As far as the YMCA, yes they are to help underprivledged kids. Keep them off the streets after school. The YMCA can't be compared. you don't have to be black, white green, purple, poor gay or straight to go to the Y.

This school is being paid for by the taxpayers and it is not fair.

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Originally posted by njangel

but there are schools for different religions, ethnicities, etc. We have YMCA's & community groups for kids from the "hood" which are geared to help these kids: like this school is, and I am aware that there are parts of the world where they can barely afford books - that’s why I'm leaving in December to go do volunteer work in one of those countries, my point is this: Homosexual teenagers have a rough time growing up, high school is hard enough w/out having added stress (like dealing w/ppl who dont accept your sexuality). Some kids may just be teased about it, fine - that happens to everyone in life, but there are some teenagers who are constantly harassed, beaten, and even raped b/c they are gay. I think this school gives the kids who are in real danger (at school) a safe haven. Yes, they'll have to deal w/it when they leave school, but I have known teens that have dropped out & done nothing w/their lives b/c they couldn’t go to high school safely. This gives them the opportunity to do so, I see nothing wrong w/that

i see your point. but i think it's still not right. that goes back to what you think about homosexuality in the first place. the fact that millions of children around the world are not educated makes me angry about this. besides, is the education different or is the environment only different? also, everyone gets taunted and teased at some point while they're in school. God knows i was. it's something people need to deal with. they are making these kids even more of an exception, which isn't right. they need to learn how to live as members of society, not just a GAY society.
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do you think there is any discrimination within the gay school on other tips?

ie: poorly dressed, fat, nerdy, etc....would be interesting...put people in a discriminated group all together to avoid discrimination, and then they will probably start discriminating against each other for other reasons.. "look at the way he is dressed..." "look at his hair"....."he is such a jock"....etc....etc

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Originally posted by charrails

do you think there is any discrimination within the gay school on other tips?

ie: poorly dressed, fat, nerdy, etc....would be interesting...put people in a discriminated group all together to avoid discrimination, and then they will probably start discriminating against each other for other reasons.. "look at the way he is dressed..." "look at his hair"....."he is such a jock"....etc....etc

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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No the real question you should be asking is :


They expect special treatment, special laws made just for them, they got their seperate party scenes, own cruises + etc....

Gay people are predujice against straight people too ! I used to have gay friends - they used to laugh at how straight people can't dance have no style ! lol

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I have no problem with someone who is gay..to each his own is the way I feel about it.However,gay people always want to be treated equal not as outcasts or looked upon differently.That cannot happen if they keep isolating themselves.Why do they have to have their own school ? You can't have it both ways!

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Originally posted by tasmaniandevil

If girls can have their own schools, and boys can have their own schools, I don't see why gays can't have their own schools; since it looks to me tht it's purely based on the magic werd:


I will say it once again. Those types of schools are private. You have to pay to go to them. If the gay school was private and they had to pay to go there I would have no problem with this.

I pay my taxes and I don't think its right that we have to pay for this "special school".

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Originally posted by lollie60

No the real question you should be asking is :


They expect special treatment, special laws made just for them, they got their seperate party scenes, own cruises + etc....

Gay people are predujice against straight people too ! I used to have gay friends - they used to laugh at how straight people can't dance have no style ! lol

that is the stupidest thing I have read in awhile......what laws are you talking about? If your talking about the sodomy statue it applied to straight ppl also - or gay marriages? if it is allowed for everyone else how is it "a special law made just for them"

and sassa I see your point also, but I still believe in it - i dont know if the education is any different or if it is intended to be, I think is is based solely on enviorment

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Well, gays generally face the added discrimination that normal boys and girls don't face...so we gotta take that into consideration...in being financially responsible for it as a society...since it maybe be at least partially our fault as a society( which is supposed to e free of this type of discrimination)that this kind of discrimination occurs....so it's sort of like giving them the benefits of medicaid....don't chat think????

Originally posted by kaligirl

I will say it once again. Those types of schools are private. You have to pay to go to them. If the gay school was private and they had to pay to go there I would have no problem with this.

I pay my taxes and I don't think its right that we have to pay for this "special school".

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I think its a great idea...keep em out of the OTHER publiceschools so they cannot infiltrate the straight people. There are enough gay people in this world...this is one way of concentrating them into one place, saving them the embarrassment of getting beat up by the straight kids, and lets the straight people not have to look at them...

Great idea.


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i just got back from the registrar IM IN!!! (lol usually we only worry about coming out!) and great for me, i found out that my gym and shop class credits are the like honors classes and i get double credit for each one!!! hot damn!!!

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

I think its a great idea...keep em out of the OTHER publiceschools so they cannot infiltrate the straight people. There are enough gay people in this world...this is one way of concentrating them into one place, saving them the embarrassment of getting beat up by the straight kids, and lets the straight people not have to look at them...

Great idea.


...There's the justification for this school...:rolleyes:...Bravo, you just proved why we're doomed...

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Originally posted by njangel

that is the stupidest thing I have read in awhile......what laws are you talking about? If your talking about the sodomy statue it applied to straight ppl also - or gay marriages? if it is allowed for everyone else how is it "a special law made just for them"

What a dumb thing to say.

YOu know gay organizations send lobbyists to Washington D.C - so they can get breaks in civil, healthcare,employment, housing, marriage laws work in favor to their side ?

EX. SOme tranny in San Francisco sued her employer becuz they didn't want to pay for her sex change operation.

GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. This ain't just about sodomy.

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Originally posted by lollie60

YOu know gay organizations send lobbyists to Washington D.C - so they can get breaks in civil, healthcare,employment, housing, marriage laws work in favor to their side ?

as large as you may think the "gay" lobby is in this country, the "anti-gay" lobbyists are ten times larger. they are just seeking a level playing field....whats the harm in that?

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Originally posted by lollie60

What a dumb thing to say.

YOu know gay organizations send lobbyists to Washington D.C - so they can get breaks in civil, healthcare,employment, housing, marriage laws work in favor to their side ?

EX. SOme tranny in San Francisco sued her employer becuz they didn't want to pay for her sex change operation.

GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. This ain't just about sodomy.

wow really, who would have thought - I responded to your pm (which is what you wrote here so I dont know why you felt the need to send it) I could go into this w/ you, but I aint (great grammer) b/c I can see youre a homophobic, I guess you would like them better if they danced like hewas a christian weddings

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