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dirty old men staring..


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not just old men, but any...

what is the deal with nasty mo fo's ogling you while you're with someone? I know there's no harm in looking, but fuck! i am sick of getting stared at while i'm out. and i'm sick of assholes whistling and saying hey baby every time i walk by......

why are there such disgusting swine out there? don't men respect women anymore? sometimes i wish i lived 100 years ago, i'm sure men still thought the same way, but at least back then they would have some decency to not call out bullshit everytime a woman walks by.

just random ranting...:blown:

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i'll try to give the old men the benefit of the doubt and figure that they're looking at you and reminiscing about how they used to go out with such pretty young ladies... back in the day...

some men, be they old or young, who haven't been ogled at themselves probably just don't understand how uncomfortable it makes women feel.

others are just jerks and don't care, or were raised in a culture (ours?) in which women are treated like objects to be scanned and purchased.

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I know! The feeling of a nasty old man staring at you as you walk or standing next to you purposefully at the train station or taking the seat directly across from you on the bus or train just so that they can stare at you is so gross. It makes me feel violated, used and dirty.

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Originally posted by wideskies

i'll try to give the old men the benefit of the doubt and figure that they're looking at you and reminiscing about how they used to go out with such pretty young ladies... back in the day...

some men, be they old or young, who haven't been ogled at themselves probably just don't understand how uncomfortable it makes women feel.

others are just jerks and don't care, or were raised in a culture (ours?) in which women are treated like objects to be scanned and purchased.

i understand that in a way, but they can be coy about it. staring from anyone is just rude and disrespectful, one of my worst pet peeves.
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Dirty old men stare at my sister and me ( But I just usually get the dirty kind)

I think it's soo fuckin rude. I wanna go up to them and say " What the fuck you staring at ?"

It's usually the ugly losers that can't get any pussy.

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