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He says he loves his girlfriend


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Originally posted by tastey

oh man, this is senseless and only frustrating...

so many of you are caught in their own little world, unable to even LOOK past your own opinions and views, without even *trying* to RELATE to other people :blown:

Relate to what ? Scumbags that fuck anything w/ a pussy ? :blank:

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Originally posted by tastey

you are not wrong. you are not right either. there is no right or wrong. if you would just accept that every one has different values and views and really accept this...

just like you would accept someone who has a different religious belief then you.

if you are not a close-minded religious fanatic, you ACCEPT that other people believe in different things than you. what you do is like these christian activists: "believe in our god or you will burn in hell!" "everyone who doesn´t believe in our god is stupid or doesn´t understand or isn´t intelligent or has low self esteem or has issues believing at all, etc etc (they might even call others scumbag ;) )".

do you get what i mean?

i see your point.. and i can relate to it.. but in this case i don't really see it workin that way.. because the implications of him getting her sick... are a big deal.. that's my main problem.. plus.. the girl definetly needs to get some issues worked out, cause that is a bad situation to be in

what if he gets her pregnant.. and the kid has to grow up watching his father (if he's even still around) being this way to his mother

what if he knocks up another broad.. i mean.. there are so many things that are just not right in that situation

i understand his point of view.. and if they are on Okay terms with it.. then hey.. more power to them

but that does not mean that either of them aare being smart about it...

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obviusly you didn´t get my point ;)! you don´t know if it´s a bad situation for the girl, if she has issues. maybe she thinks like him in these things? did you consider this?

the only one who has issues is SOCIETY (read: most people) who judges her because of her to *them* stupid decisions

there is no doubt of course that things like the possibility of pregnancy and STDs are a relevant factor here, and i don´t knock that. these are relevant, acual reasons against this! cheers

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I'm SURE this girl doesn't know EXACTLY what her man is doing......If they have been together for 1 1/2 yrs. I don't see how she could be okay w/ her boyfriend fucking other girls......& If she does know he is probably stretching the truth A LOT...Cause I don't care what any woman says....She would be pissed off either way......

This girl obviously has serious issues w/ herself if she tolerates this.......& he obviously has commitment issues.......& these put together can lead to serious trouble for the both of them...

But on the other hand...If she DOES know eeverything & is stupid enough to let this guy get away w/ it....then he might as well go & do it b/c in that case she's letting it go on

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Why do women always relate sex to love?

Maybe his girlfriend is more secure than you are and knows that he will always love her and be with her even if they both are fucking around?

BTW all the arguments about pregnacy and STD's are just fucking stupid and don't apply to a couple anymore than two people in a new relationship.

but that aside, here is a question for you...

say two people are in a relationship and have a 3some, are they less commited? Its not all that different. They are still getting sexual satisfaction from someone else. Or how about a few couples I know where its OK for the woman to be with other girls but not other guys?

Damn... most women are just so insecure when it comes down to it they can't accept anything but their version of a relationship. (of course I mean most women and not you!) :rolleyes:

BTW these same women usually have had a ton of shitty monogomous relationships.

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his girl does not know..

i also bet my ass his fucking around without a condom, most men are pigs. men just dont give a fuck...

If one wants to fuck everyone and everything that walks on bye then way be in a relationship. I've had open relationships before and they never work somone always gets jeallous and somone always lies i guess its human nature.

If he is honest with her then who are any of us to judge them it's there set up BUT thats if his being REAL..

which i doubt he is

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Originally posted by shroomy

BTW all the arguments about pregnacy and STD's are just fucking stupid and don't apply to a couple anymore than two people in a new relationship.

right.. but it's a higher risk because he is openly doing other girls.. and that increases the risk of an STD

so it's not fucking stupid

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Originally posted by shroomy

Maybe his girlfriend is more secure than you are and knows that he will always love her and be with her even if they both are fucking around?

Damn... most women are just so insecure when it comes down to it they can't accept anything but their version of a relationship. (of course I mean most women and not you!) :rolleyes:

I think that as long as people are open and honest with their partner, whatever they decide on is their own business...

But why do people always try to use "security" as a reasoning behind open relationships?

Why does it have to be about security??? Since when is monogamy about insecurity? Why can't it just be about personal preference???

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Originally posted by shroomy


BTW all the arguments about pregnacy and STD's are just fucking stupid and don't apply to a couple anymore than two people in a new relationship.

Damn... most women are just so insecure when it comes down to it they can't accept anything but their version of a relationship. (of course I mean most women and not you!) :rolleyes:

BTW these same women usually have had a ton of shitty monogomous relationships.

Glad to see STD's and pregancy should be taken SO lightly...I guess some people are invinsible right ? :rolleyes:

As far as 3some's & being insecure :blah: lustforyou is right...someone will almost ALWAYS get jealous.....

As far as different "versions" of a relationship...Sorry if the only pussy I like my man's cock up is mine for the time we're together....But I guess that's just insecurity rearing it's ugly head

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Originally posted by lustforyou

I've had open relationships before and they never work somone always gets jeallous and somone always lies i guess its human nature.

True, but that shit happens all the time in most relationships. Who hasn't been lied to, been jealous or been cheated on?

Originally posted by tastyt

Why does it have to be about security??? Since when is monogamy about insecurity? Why can't it just be about personal preference???

I was responding to the people who said the girl must have issues if she puts up with it. Just giving a different point of view.

right.. but it's a higher risk because he is openly doing other girls.. and that increases the risk of an STD

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Originally posted by shroomy

True, but my point was it is no different than any two people who are in a new relationship, it is an issue you have to deal with. He would face more of a risk if he were a nurse of adversly affecting their health. When talking about fucking other people, it would be such a small issue as to be insignificant compared to the other issues.

okay, i get your point

but the problem with your point is.. that in a new relationship... one establishes the use of protection and safe sex.. and what have you... but in this guys case.. he is out here bangin other girls that might not care about safe sex and what not..

then if he goes home and bangs his girl.. then the more time this happens the more their is a risk of the guys condom breaking and the spreading of diseases..

it drastically increases the risk.

If he were just bangin his girl, even if the condom breaks.. the STD issue would be lessend (simply because he's not exposed to them as much) and the pregnancy thing.. well that's different.

but the point is the risk will increase substantially

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Originally posted by tastey

you are not wrong. you are not right either. there is no right or wrong. if you would just accept that every one has different values and views and really accept this...

just like you would accept someone who has a different religious belief then you.

if you are not a close-minded religious fanatic, you ACCEPT that other people believe in different things than you. what you do is like these christian activists: "believe in our god or you will burn in hell!" "everyone who doesn´t believe in our god is stupid or doesn´t understand or isn´t intelligent or has low self esteem or has issues believing at all, etc etc (they might even call others scumbag ;) )".

do you get what i mean?

Even though I might not necessarily believe in swingers and such, I agree with you 100%. ITs not right to judge others according to your values. If both of them are happy with their situations, then more power to them. Its not ANYBODY elses right to step in and say "I feel bad for his gf...I wish I could hunt him down and kill him!". Like, who the fuck are you to interfere in other people's businesses?

Now, on the other hand, if the gf is just putting up with this coz she doesn't want to lose him, and secretly cries at home every night, then its a completely different situation. The alternative lifestyle stuff only works if both people agree with it competely and are happy with it.

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Originally posted by lollie60

SO guys it's ok if your GF said " I fucked that guy from work last night but since I love you and we're in a relationship -it's cool right ?"


I would not be OK with that, and my gf would not be ok with me bangin other girls. BUT, I am open-minded enough to realize that other people have other preferences that are different from mine. If both of them are OK with it, and have weighed the pros and cons, then more power to them. I will not judge them.

And its also not right for you to ASSUME that he's not telling the truth...try open your mind a bit.

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Originally posted by daemoncel

If he were just bangin his girl, even if the condom breaks.. the STD issue would be lessend (simply because he's not exposed to them as much) and the pregnancy thing.. well that's different.

but the point is the risk will increase substantially

Just so you know, I was never not agreeing with you, just to bring it up when your talking about a relationship where they are OK with fucking other people, is like bringing up the danger of burning your self with a match when your talking about the dangers of smoking :)

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