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Where have all the GOOD promoters gone.?!?!?

I dont mean to put anyone down with this post...Just raising a question... Of course theres the obvious Biz, Gil, EddyG, Bugaloo, JCBliss &PMS... Btw 3 of those 6 work for Space... I know ive probably left out a couple ... JoeB & DHM seem to be doing there own thing consistently... Aside from these guys in the past couple of years ... Who has really stepped up??? I hear all the tranceheads constantly whining about wanting more trance or whatever genre....you fill in the blank... But lets use Trance as an example because they seem to be whining the most ;) ...

After SL who has stepped up??? With the occasional party @ Opium courtesy of Dade, or Space occasionaly booking someone on a friday...Who is really stepping up to push it??? :eek:

ps. - me and Digital7 were discussing this on saturday im just curious to hear some of your responses..:D

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who wanna lose $$ promoting trance anyways

its a past time fad that only a few people who are old and stuck in an adolescence stage and are affriad of growing onto new things , so they keep ahold of things that is from earlier years hoping to try and feel the same ay they did at thier peek.

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I wouldn't couch it in such terms, but AT has a point...the trance folk down here miss the "glory days" where they could wander by Shadow Lounge on a Saturday and catch their trance DJs...when the 'serious clubbing' market shifted to house, and trance became a favorite of the Kendall bunch, there was no replacement really.

But totally, instead of whining, do something about it!

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did someone say whine about trance cuz i'm here to help!!!

yes, we trance heads miss being able to go to see some of our fav trance DJ's. a couple years back, emi guerra helped promote the shit outta space and brought us lots of trance. what happened to that? gatecrasher, piu, picotto, kinticonti, scot project, johan gielan. things have swung in a different direction.

the city leans towards house but other than oscar g & deep dish, who else have you housers been going to see? i think you have us misunderstood, we do miss our glory days but you don't hear us hating on house. why can't there be lots of events going on in town at the same time. housers go to their thing and trancers go to theirs.

anybody got cheese for my whine?

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

the city leans towards house but other than oscar g & deep dish, who else have you housers been going to see? i think you have us misunderstood, we do miss our glory days but you don't hear us hating on house. why can't there be lots of events going on in town at the same time.

Nobody's hating ... as a matter of fact thats my point...Of course there can be lots of events...the question im asking is WHO IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?

to answer your question about who ive seen in the past couple of months besides OG & DD:

Slacker, Infusion, Jon Cowan, Dave Seaman , Sheldon Romero, Robbie Rivera, Ralph Falcon, Tom Stephan, Ariel Baund, Danny Howells... Just to name a few..

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Originally posted by pod

Just answered your own question right there...

Half those DJs you mentioned could not pack a club down here, either...

Pod ur forgetting theres alot of clubs down here...and some of them r the size of a lcloset...they can fill the smaller venues...the question is do the d.j's want to play the smaller venues????

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

Pod ur forgetting theres alot of clubs down here...and some of them r the size of a lcloset...they can fill the smaller venues...the question is do the d.j's want to play the smaller venues????

do djs wanna play??

they obviously are not getting gigs anywhere else

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

Pod ur forgetting theres alot of clubs down here...and some of them r the size of a lcloset...they can fill the smaller venues...the question is do the d.j's want to play the smaller venues????

why does size matter...unless your talking about the big boys that also come with a big price tag... Wouldnt you go hear lesser known DJ @ a smaller club if he played the music you liked???

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Originally posted by pod

Trance is a big-room sound...

i disagree...SL wasnt that big...it was actually perfect size for Trance...Nerve? lets face it people..NERVE IS A LOUNGE!!! Trance can fill: Mirage, NV, Space that use to be Living Room (Downtown)...hell even the space that use to be Red...

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Originally posted by pod

I wouldn't couch it in such terms, but AT has a point...the trance folk down here miss the "glory days" where they could wander by Shadow Lounge on a Saturday and catch their trance DJs...when the 'serious clubbing' market shifted to house, and trance became a favorite of the Kendall bunch, there was no replacement really.

But totally, instead of whining, do something about it!

House isn't doing so hot either. IMO everyone is going down with the ship. Everyone wanted underground parties. Well, they're fast becoming a reality.

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I say the best bet in my opinion would be to book 1 or 2 hardcore trance DJ not neccesarily a top notch one but a well recognized one, and do a once a month or bi-weekly TRANCE PARTY! this would be enough to cover the Miami Local Trance Fans, to cover the tourist in town that like Trance specifically and this would be enough to cover the OLD GLORY TRANCE DAY PERSON, that goes out once in a bluemoon now that they are a little older, still willing to throw down money and have a good time listening to their favorite toon! But the Club would definitely have to and should be a mid size club not a small one. Club Rain for instance Jimmy has not got the best sound system, or lighting at all but has a good size for this type of event, doesn't have high ceilings is kind of dark with the proper changes done to it, you have a foundation their! but then again it can just as easily be done at MAZE! have a housy DJ start the night and like at 100-130am throw on a harcore Trance Headliner and by that time the crowd will be pump up already. just my two cents peace out, CP and Jimmy good thread.;)

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Show Me The Money

A small club can make money, but there are several factors to consider.

For an unknown DJ to fill even a small club, there has to be $$$ to back the consistency. You have to have enough money to keep the guy there every week and build the crowd slowly. However, Promoters, club owners and DJ's both want the quick big bucks. And, since the economy sucks ass Promoters only want to do 1x per month big parties. They feel that they can make as much 1x per month with a big event (or even 1x per quarter), then 4x per month for small bucks. Work Smarter not Harder.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Show Me The Money

A small club can make money, but there are several factors to consider.

For an unknown DJ to fill even a small club, there has to be $$$ to back the consistency. You have to have enough money to keep the guy there every week and build the crowd slowly. However, Promoters, club owners and DJ's both want the quick big bucks. And, since the economy sucks ass Promoters only want to do 1x per month big parties. They feel that they can make as much 1x per month with a big event (or even 1x per quarter), then 4x per month for small bucks. Work Smarter not Harder.

This is very true Guyman! I worked over at Rain and to keep a steady crowd every single week is no walk in the park! you only have a certain amount of friends, close friends, co-workers, party followers, etc, for a weekly event you have to be out and about every week recruiting and bringing in more people, and your friends friends, etc. its a viscious cycle, you can't just skip a week your show rate will show for that, your bar will be lower instantly.

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

I say the best bet in my opinion would be to book 1 or 2 hardcore trance DJ not neccesarily a top notch one but a well recognized one, and do a once a month or bi-weekly TRANCE PARTY! this would be enough to cover the Miami Local Trance Fans, to cover the tourist in town that like Trance specifically and this would be enough to cover the OLD GLORY TRANCE DAY PERSON, that goes out once in a bluemoon now that they are a little older, still willing to throw down money and have a good time listening to their favorite toon! But the Club would definitely have to and should be a mid size club not a small one. Club Rain for instance Jimmy has not got the best sound system, or lighting at all but has a good size for this type of event, doesn't have high ceilings is kind of dark with the proper changes done to it, you have a foundation their! but then again it can just as easily be done at MAZE! have a housy DJ start the night and like at 100-130am throw on a harcore Trance Headliner and by that time the crowd will be pump up already. just my two cents peace out, CP and Jimmy good thread.;)

i agree with what your saying Stogie thats a plan...now my question is WHO is going to carry it out???

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

This is very true Guyman! I worked over at Rain and to keep a steady crowd every single week is no walk in the park! you only have a certain amount of friends, close friends, co-workers, party followers, etc, for a weekly event you have to be out and about every week recruiting and bringing in more people, and your friends friends, etc. its a viscious cycle, you can't just skip a week your show rate will show for that, your bar will be lower instantly.

you guys did a damn good job too... Crappy venue, crappy sound system, mgmnt didnt want to invest $$$ back in to the night...and still packed for a good 6 mos...

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my bad AJ is one name i left out... topnotch promoter makin a difference...Also RCrespo and his Jazid gig...

guyman in reply to your post... to establish yourself as a promoter or as a DJ you gotta take risks...some will pay off some will bomb... still gotta have balls and do it... i agree work smarter not harder ... that doesnt necessarily mean work less....;)

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Originally posted by pod

I wouldn't couch it in such terms, but AT has a point...the trance folk down here miss the "glory days" where they could wander by Shadow Lounge on a Saturday and catch their trance DJs...when the 'serious clubbing' market shifted to house, and trance became a favorite of the Kendall bunch, there was no replacement really.

But totally, instead of whining, do something about it!

Hey I resent this comment, how about the little Havana folks!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by lavosdeldiablo

my bad AJ is one name i left out... topnotch promoter makin a difference...Also RCrespo and his Jazid gig...

guyman in reply to your post... to establish yourself as a promoter or as a DJ you gotta take risks...some will pay off some will bomb... still gotta have balls and do it... i agree work smarter not harder ... that doesnt necessarily mean work less....;)

Very True! I think in 2003 you have a lot of places to go to as in the 3-4 years ago all you really had was Shadow, Liquids, Crobar was not around, Opium was still i forgot what it was called now but was not what it is today, nikki beach was not around either, Nor was Nerve, MAZE, it was just the first three I mentioned, then afterhours you had the MIX and KIT KAT, it was all in the beach, all pretty close to one another so the genres were all concentrated not that difficult to steer people if you had a a good gig going, today peeps are everywhere! some get to space early on saturdays to not pay cover, some are in the beach, so its not as easy to steer! plus hip hop is getting popular as well, back 3-4 a hip hop club in the beach consistenly packed that was unheard of unless it was a 18-21 year old ghetto party where fake id's were not even needed as long as they knew you. I think in today's competition you really have to sit down and have a well strategic plan and the $$$ to go with it just again my two cents ;)

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Originally posted by lavosdeldiablo

guyman in reply to your post... to establish yourself as a promoter or as a DJ you gotta take risks...some will pay off some will bomb... still gotta have balls and do it... i agree work smarter not harder ... that doesnt necessarily mean work less....;)

But, you need everyone to be willing to take a risk, and if you just put down big $$ for a club, you don't want to hear about risk.. you want people in the club.

Yes - you will find some DJ's willing to work for peanuts, but promoters and club owners want money now... That is why everyone on the beach is running to HIP HOP. That is where the bling, bling is now.

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