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...common courtesy...


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...i will never forget my father screaming at us when we were kids...just a simple phone call....just a simple yes or no...make sure you say thank you...i mean, it was pounded into us....and this was at age 2...JK...but idk...it is just that ridiculous these days...blah...

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funny. i just read an article about a survey done in american big businesses. more than half of the people polled said rudeness has become more common during the past 20 years. such a shame.

seriously, good manners are a thing of the past.

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So I'm meeting with a possible client @ his home yesterday evening...he seems like a pretty intelligent guy, kind of rude and quick, but whatever...

Right in the middle of a pretty deep discussion, his 8 year old son comes in, gets right in my face, and starts demading "WHO ARE THEY, WHO ARE THEY!!" (I was with my partner as well). "ARE YOU ORTHODINTISTS?!" then just walks away....his father just turns around and asks him over and over again what he was asking, not even disturbed at all.....The fuckin kid just keeps on yelling that shit, I think his dad was even getting a kick out of it. Then the kids just walks out...the father doesnt even apologize and says "well, is there something wrong?" WHAT THE FUCK - how the hell are people raising their kids??!?!?!!?

I dont know about you guys, but if I did that when my dad was in the middle of business meeting, he would either ask me to apologize and leave, smack me, or I'd end up being yanked out of the room by my mother. I wanted to punch this kid and his father out so bad!! I basically ended the meeting a little after that because i decided i didnt want to work with fucking assholes. FUCK PEOPLE. People are rude assholes, and the majority of the current generation being raised by these assholes are going to be worthless, rude, and selfish human beings....:mad:

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Originally posted by iamme

So I'm meeting with a possible client @ his home yesterday evening...he seems like a pretty intelligent guy, kind of rude and quick, but whatever...

Right in the middle of a pretty deep discussion, his 8 year old son comes in, gets right in my face, and starts demading "WHO ARE THEY, WHO ARE THEY!!" (I was with my partner as well). "ARE YOU ORTHODINTISTS?!" then just walks away....his father just turns around and asks him over and over again what he was asking, not even disturbed at all.....The fuckin kid just keeps on yelling that shit, I think his dad was even getting a kick out of it. Then the kids just walks out...the father doesnt even apologize and says "well, is there something wrong?" WHAT THE FUCK - how the hell are people raising their kids??!?!?!!?

I dont know about you guys, but if I did that when my dad was in the middle of business meeting, he would either ask me to apologize and leave, smack me, or I'd end up being yanked out of the room by my mother. I wanted to punch this kid and his father out so bad!! I basically ended the meeting a little after that because i decided i didnt want to work with fucking assholes. FUCK PEOPLE. People are rude assholes, and the majority of the current generation being raised by these assholes are going to be worthless, rude, and selfish human beings....:mad:

wow, that's something :eek:

I know a little girl just like that with no manners.

She lives next to my friends' bosses house up in woodstock, and she's horrible. We say that if she's just a little snobby , it's a good day :blank:

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...i actually think you're over-reacting on this one...it's an 8 year old...yes, his father shouldve said something - both to you and his son...and perhaps he did after you left...but that's a tough call...you're in a home environment, so things like that could potentially happen...idk...it's rude, perhaps, but i think it's overblown on your part...no offense..

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Originally posted by phatman

...i actually think you're over-reacting on this one...it's an 8 year old...yes, his father shouldve said something - both to you and his son...and perhaps he did after you left...but that's a tough call...you're in a home environment, so things like that could potentially happen...idk...it's rude, perhaps, but i think it's overblown on your part...no offense..

But based on what iamme said, the kid sounds very annoying and disrespectful.

Let me tell you, phatty. It's crazy how some parents just let their kids do the things they do,.

And the girl i was describing. She's about 11 or 12, but the things she says sound like it's coming from a 24 year old. She's ruthless. And you wouldn't believe it until you hear it.

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I have these neighbors that are SOOOO fucking rude......They are good friends of my family so they are at my house alll the time.....The wife is OBNOXIOUS as all hell....She constantly comments & puts her 2 cents in where it doesn't belong....Not only that her 1 son has no manners either......One day they were all sitting in my backyard...The kid walks into my kitchen...opens our fridge & says "I'm hungry, make me something to eat" I almost drop-kicked the kid into next week....

Maybe it's just me & how I am towards others.....but I don't understand how people can allow themselves to be so rude

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Originally posted by gmccookny

But based on what iamme said, the kid sounds very annoying and disrespectful.

Let me tell you, phatty. It's crazy how some parents just let their kids do the things they do,.

And the girl i was describing. She's about 11 or 12, but the things she says sound like it's coming from a 24 year old. She's ruthless. And you wouldn't believe it until you hear it.

...idk about you george, but i have two neices i spent a lot of time with as well as some of my friends' kids...i give them room for err because of the fact that they're not adults yet...do i get frustrated and angry? ofcourse...but it's not on the same level as with adults...not even close..sometimes kids are testing you...or reacting to situations...dont get me wrong - even children should have manners...but you can't compare it to someone pushing you in a line at the store...or cutting you off in a car and flipping you off as if you did something wrong...etc etc...with kids and adults, i usually make it a point to say something, in a nice way, about how they're acting...and for the most part, with kids, the parents will reinforce the statement...but either way, it's just not worth it...lol...they're just kids...

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Originally posted by phatman

..lol...they're just kids...

i agree with all you said, but at the same time, when you see trends that early, you don't want them to turn into the people cutting you off, or having a sharp tongue with you at the store.

I just think that the parents (who are ex-hippies) haven't really corrected the girl when she acts like that. It's important to see it early, and let them know that it's not nice.

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I agree with both of you, gmc and phatman:

I understand that they ARE just kids, but i do feel, as gmc mentioned, that when you see trends that early, that it should become a priority to take care of it ASAP. I was once a hyperactive ball of energy myself, but i at least had respect when around my parents and adults in general.

In my situation, I was more surprised by the fact that the father let that behavior CONTINUE, and was getting a kick out of it (hence encouraging it), and didnt even apologize to me...instead talks to me in a very insulting tone. It just really surprises me how much shit parents let their kids get away with...

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...not to justify the behavior, but didnt you say this was a "potential client"?...doesnt that put him in a position of power...some people are assholes by nature but even moreso when they know you're trying to win them over in some sort or that you need something from them...just a thought..

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...if anything, i was helping this putz, he needs me more than i need him, and i also went out of my way for his convenience to meet with him.

In general, yes, people are more defensive in that sort of position, but you can still act professional and respectful. There are some things that really shouldnt change no matter the setting. I

dont know, I might be overreacting b/c ive already had a shitty week, it just surprised me and really got under my skin...(which isnt good since there are assholes everywhere) :rolleyes:

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