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As a recipient of the Health Alerts list, you receive

critical alerts to keep you informed about important

issues in the news today and how you can take action

to help make a difference! Today we are sending you

a special alert that I am sure will interest you.

Many of you have heard in the news that some of the

information used as a rationale for war in Iraq may have

been false. In fact, recent statements by the CIA* suggest

that President Bush knowingly used unreliable information

about Iraq during his 2003 State of the Union address to

increase public and congressional support for war. The

American people need to know if this is indeed true.

More: http://www.care2.com/go/z/7054

It is important to know if we can TRUST our President to

tell the absolute truth, especially during these times of

terrorism and instability. We can not allow our loved ones

and our country to be exposed to danger unless it is

TRULY a necessity.

An independent committee should investigate the truth

behind information that led the U.S. to war in Iraq to know

if we can entrust our lives and those of our loved ones to

the orders of our President. More upheaval and unrest lies

in our future, and we must know whom to trust.

We need to be able to trust our president! Sign this

petition to call for an INDEPENDENT BIPARTISAN Commission

to help discover the truth!

Go to: http://www.care2.com/go/z/7054

Once you have signed, please forward this petition to all

your friends and family! This effort will succeed by word of

mouth and every person counts.

Thank you,

Ingrid Baker

Online Activism Manager


PS: We want to know what you think. Do you feel that you can

trust the President? Poll: http://www.care2.com/go/z/7058

* "CIA officials warned members of the President's National

Security Council staff the intelligence was not good enough

to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy uranium from

Africa..." (July 10, CBS News) http://www.care2.com/go/z/7054

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oh yeah. Just what we need.

political bickering, posturing and an "independant committee" made up of men with their own private agendas to put this country's leadership on trial and showboat their own ability to bring down the top man in the USA.

nigga please.

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