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reoccuring dreams of death.....


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i don't even know why i'm posting this, but maybe someone has some insight into it.

for the past week, i've been having similar dreams of being shot or dying somehow by someone's hand.

last night i dreamt i was with my other half in a red jeep next to a cornfield. as soon as we park to talk, the back trunk door opens, a man with a close shaved beared, dark eyes, hair and skin comes in, and pulls a gun. i also have a gun in my hand but he is quicker than me to pick his up (a revolver) and shoot. didn't think about what happened next, i woke up and freaked out.

anyone know anything about the meaning of dreams/symbols in dreams? i'd appreciate anything anyone has to say. except bullshit ;):) thank you....

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Ive had some dreams about death, but i wouldn't worry about it.

This last one, i was at school, also with a "significant other", and this jealous guy comes at me with a sword. I kept getting away, but at one point i think he got me, and i woke up.

I don't think it's possible to dream about yourself actually dying, is it?

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Pulled these off various websites:

death symbolizes the end of something that's ready for change, and a new beginning. Most people start out highly resistive to changes of any sort, and see any upcoming change in their life as something foreboding and scary. Death dreams are usually about change.

Death – Need to eliminate negative influence from past. An aspect of the dreamer has to die before another aspect can find expression; Of father: need to eliminate negative influence of father; Of mother: need to eliminate negative influence of mother. (more)

Dead/Death- the end of something, with a new beginning i.e., leaving an old job for a new one; death in a dream rarely means a real death.

<1>If the dead person is someone you actually knew it may mean you should take notice of what he or she said or did, or what happened to him or her. The person is not coming back to 'haunt' you but to advise you or to help you. In actuality, this person is a part of your own psyche, taking the form of the dead person. Such encounters may help you to fulfill a long desired relationship, or put something right. For example, you may learn to forgive the person {or yourself}and as a consequence get peace and healing for yourself.

<2> If a deceased partner or parent appears in dreams, the above may apply. Bear in mind that the dead do live - inside us; and that it is important to realize when this is a healthy and life-enhansing thing and when it is purely negative, stunting your own personal growth. If it is the latter, resolve to have it out with the dead person the next time he or she appears in a dream

<3> If the dead person in the dream is actually a living person - and especially if that person is your partner or sibling - the dream may be expressing unconscious resentment towards that person, or a desire to be independent. Feelings toward someone close are often ambivalent {simultaneous conflicting feelings toward that person}: love or respect mixed with fear or hatred or resentment or jealousy. The usual conscious response to such a dream will be anxiety, and you will feel anxiety in the dream itself.

<4>The dead person may be you. If so consider the following possibilities:

What is being expressed in the dream may be your own anxiety about dying. Death is inevitable {an old Islamic proverb: when the angel of death appoaches it is horrific, when it reaches you it is bliss}, and facing up to the fact may bring great rewards: self-acceptance; new values; a broadening of one's personality, compensating for past omissions or lopsidedness and utilizing hitherto neglected personal resources. This would be especially applicable if you are in the second half of life.

The message may be that your old self needs to be left behind. This may mean that you must stop carrying around with you the crippling burden of your past {irrational guilt-feelings and martyrdom complex, or any other negative self-progreamming}; and, instead, you must open yourself to what the present moment is offering. Alternatively, the 'old self' may be old attachments, habits, ambitions, values, goals; in which case the dream is telling you that the only way forward for you lies through giving these up and looking deeper within yourself for better values, etc. {where 'better' means more in tune with your real self}.

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Yeah, Reeni and Iamme were right in their interpretations, I just can't help but wonder what a *violent* death stands for? Perhaps it's your subconscious's way of saying that you need to be dragged kicking and screaming into a new phase of life? Just a way to further emphasize that a change needs to be made??? (I'm just taking a stab at it...)

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