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Fast Food Nation

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...i truly wish i could remember the name of the book, but there was something released in the 20s or 30s that described the workings of slaughter-houses and I believe it helped lead to FDA standards and so forth...either way, i have not read this book, nor will until i am ready to give up my heart-killing ways...when that happens, i will read the books my sisters gave me on macrobiotics, proper eating, etc....

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Originally posted by phatman

...so am i...:( ...but it did stir up a lot of shit...

oh i know this book! i read parts of it in high school and it was stomach churning, it described in detail what went on, how unclean the facilities, the accidents that happened, ugh so sickening. the name is on the tip of my tongue... grrr this is gonna piss me off now :mad:

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Originally posted by mssabina

oh i know this book! i read parts of it in high school and it was stomach churning, it described in detail what went on, how unclean the facilities, the accidents that happened, ugh so sickening. the name is on the tip of my tongue... grrr this is gonna piss me off now :mad:

same with me..just cant remember the title..i keep mixin it up with slaughterhouse 5...but its not that...:mad:

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Originally posted by phatman

...i truly wish i could remember the name of the book, but there was something released in the 20s or 30s that described the workings of slaughter-houses and I believe it helped lead to FDA standards and so forth...either way, i have not read this book, nor will until i am ready to give up my heart-killing ways...when that happens, i will read the books my sisters gave me on macrobiotics, proper eating, etc....

yes, i know exactly what you're talking about but i cant remember the name! ahh... this is gunna bother me all day

someone help me out........

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Originally posted by mssabina


gooood shit homie...exacttllyyy..us queens/long island kids had some good old socialism mixed in on the low with our HS education ...readin all this muckraker union communist literature.....did u have to read about Standard Oil as well??

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...i dont even wanna list the books i have waiting to be read...uggg...but anywho...i wonder what parallels food nation would have to the jungle...someone who has them both fresh in their mind should write a paper or something...lol

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

gooood shit homie...exacttllyyy..us queens/long island kids had some good old socialism mixed in on the low with our HS education ...readin all this muckraker union communist literature.....did u have to read about Standard Oil as well??

yeahhh we learned a little about that too... i really liked my class and teacher the year we were taught that so a lot of it still sticks in my mind. it's interesting stuff.

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yeah i read that book last year, great book, i cant believe some of the things i read in that book, i really didnt eat red meat for a few months.:blown:

some parts of that book are sad especially of what they do to the animals.:(

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i read this review of the book...thought it was hysterical:

Bob Dobb, A reviewer, June 27, 2003,

I'm a McDonald's Manager...

...and this book is misleading. McDonald's merely gives the public a choice of food, healthy and less healthy. It's wrong to believe the public is forced to eat the less healthy, because both are available. McDonald's and others simply give the public what they've shown an inclination to buy, as well as offer healthy choices. It's a free market, and if McDonald's didn't do it, someone would. I really...wait,...oh God, what the..ach!..pain - warm tingle in my arm..I'm having a heart attack!...It's from snacking on all those fries while I'm working...I couldn't help it, they were just so convenient,..ack! ugh...XXXX


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Originally posted by misk

..the jungle....ugh....i remember something about a finger getting chopped off by accident and being mixed into the meat! puke!


So whats the problem :confused:

Just put enough Tabasco on that extra rare burger and you wont notice the 'finger' taste...works for me all the time...:D

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