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Because of the time difference and the fact i'm only on the web when you lot are still in your bed, its virtually impossible to have an online sesh with you nutcases,so you'll need to bear with me.

VIXENFOXXY....i dont have the necessary shit to post a pic.

But who was voted the sexiest man of the 20th century?

Sean Connery.

I rest my case.

ECKOBARBIE1....Me and you are destined to be great friends. (christ,i'm starting to sound like Alex Kryczek)

And as for the rest of you, as i'm a foreigner who's just logged on this site, i feel its my duty to inform you americanos of your fffuuurballs. If you dont like what i say, you can just kiss my black ass:

*when americans try to be funny,they ARE funny. When you're trying to be serious,you're even funnier.

*boston tea party....a serious waste of good tea.

*George Wubya....sorry,they're aint enough time in the day to sound off on that one

*Baseball=rounders(a girls playground game)

*Basketball=netball(a girls playground game)

*American "football"=rugby with pads on. NFL players might be built like brick shit houses,but they wouldnt last more than 20 minutes in a game of rugby.if you dont believe me,ask johnny knoxville. (and for the record i've been a raiders fan since '83,so back off!)

*Chris Rock 'bring the pain'...."there are three kinds of women in this world".fvckin classic.hands up all those who voted for box number 3 (literally:D ).Cause lets face it, if i'm performing cunniningulus for three hours solid,i expect the same in return.

*Bill Hicks....god rest his smutty soul.

*Dennis Leary 'no cure for cancer'...."they say smoking takes 10 years (or was it 20?) off your life. Yeah,well you can have it".good ole Dennis wrote the script for that for the Edinburgh festival. I used to use that as an excuse for smoking,however now i conscribe to Homers point of view on old age:"old folks homes are sweet.its like being treated like a baby except your old enough to appreciate it"

*Dan Castellenata and Matt Groening....the greatest double act since FDR and Churchill.

*J-Lo and Asslick....the worst double act since J-Lo and Asslick.

*Once ive moved to your fine city,if anyone says to me "wow,i love the accent,where abouts in Australia are you from?" If the answer is "wow i love YOUR accent,where abouts in Canada are YOU from?"......then you'll know its me you've just met.

*'Cheers'....best sitcom ever.Lilith does things to my mind that that would be considered illegal in 43 states.

*'Scrubs'....a close second. But mainly cos i've taken a shine to Elliot.

*Other fine american felines include:Reese Witherspoon (even if her chin looks like a gardening tool),Denise Richards,Sharon Gless(mmmmmm....Cagney) and Christina Ricci (now that she's no longer jailbait)

*Americans re-writing the history books for hollywood films. It just aint funny.

*And if i get people telling me "whatevvvvvvverrrrr" or "talk to the hand", i'm going to kidnap them,tie them up on a chair reservoir dogs styleee, and force them to listen to 48hours of me playing the bagpipes. Trust me, after 20 minutes you'll be begging me to cut BOTH your ears off.

*A list of people i love:






*A list of people i hate:

The French.

God bless you all,you've been a wonderful audience.:D

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For someone with so many complaints you sure seem to pay attention to alot of things this country does. In addition if you're so against american expressions as you mentioned, "talk to the hand" why would you use them in your argument?

that would be considered illegal in 43 states.


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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Youve just proved to me that when americans are being serious,they're even funnier.

Get over yourself bro. If i was so anti-american,why the hell would i waste my time MOVING there? If you cant see that what i wrote was tongue-in-cheek, then maybe you should get that personality by-pass reversed.Do you honestly think i'd seriously kidnap someone? Even if i was that stupid,i wouldnt be stupid enough to splash the fact all over an American website,would I??

For a start, i cant even PLAY the bagpipes! And could someone on this board please explain to this fine gentleman who's obviously gotten out of the wrong side of the bed this morning what the words 'satire', 'sarcasm', and 'irony' mean.Thank you.

Strange how you only mentioned the 'bad' things about america i put in there. You failed to mention the good things.(which probably went right over your head,anyway)

And i dont "pay attention" to what America does.If you'd spent any length of time in the UK, you'd know that U.S. and U.K. culture are practically joined at the hip. Just because you're ignorant of what happens outside Brooklyn, doesnt mean to say we're ALL like that.

Thats one of the few advantages the UK (and most of the rest of the world) has over America. We know far more about you than you do about us.(and i'm generalising there)

Dont worry, brklynzzfinest......tomorrow i'm going to tell you the shit things about Scotland if that makes you feel any better.

Now go and have a joint.For you own well-being.




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Is that all you got? :laugh: :laugh:

What?no opinions of your own? nothing about the UK you like or that pisses you off? And why is this a shit thread? Because your French n'est pas, or cos i forgot to mention Puerto Ricans? Or you genuinely haven't got an answer to any of it because you cant handle a different point of view? Surely with everything thats happened in the last 23 months you'd be more open to the fact that the world doesnt revolve around 4% of the worlds population.If you think i'm wrong then enlighten me,it doesnt bother me in the slightest if you think i'm wrong, but aint it better to tell me,rather than sitting there,responding to what i said by putting 'emoticons' rather than addressing the issue like men and getting deep vein thrombosis whilst shoving yer thumb up yer ass wishing you could score with the opposite sex?

Hey look, if you've got something bad about the UK to say, come right out and say it....chances are i'll probably agree with you.

So if you think i'm being harsh,i'll even the score for you.For a start,most of the criticism levelled at the USA that i've heard has actually come from the Americans themselves!!(and not just Michael Moore)

EVERY American i've met in the last 29 years has been intelligent, articulate, funny, keen to listen to other ideals, great story tellers, and they're all mad as hatters. Hell, first time i got fellatio was under a hotel stairway in Florida:laugh:

And if you want to know how american culture etc is embedded in UK society,then how about this for bizarre:i couldnt even tell you who was UK prime minister B4 Maggie Thatcher took office in '79....yet off the top of my head,i could probably rattle off every president right back to Woodrow.(shit,better get this right or i'm fvck'd):Wubya,Slick Willie(who's a legend in the UK),George'read my lips',Ronnie, Jimmy, Gerry, tricky Dicky,LBJ,JFK,Ike,Trueman, FDR,erm but i'm not sure who was president after Woodrow and B4 FDR.

The yanks that fought at Bastogne,Omaha and Utah,Leyte Gulf, Iwo jima,Okinawa,Saipan,Kesserine pass,Monte Cassino,Midway(your finest hour), Sicily, Anzio, Bataan(that was some bad shit,btw) and Manila in WW2 are fvckin legendary. And hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart risked his ass flying bomber raids over germany.

Growing up in the 70's/80's we were spoon-fed Starsky+Hutch,BJ and the bear(anyone remember that? and,no,it aint a Ron Jeremy animal special from the 70's),Charlies angels,M*A*S*H,Cheers, Dukes of Hazard, Mork+Mindy,Cagney+Lacey,Hill St Blues,Happy Days(Heeeeeyyyy).

Classic filmage:bladerunner,shawshank,goodfellas,airplane(still the funniest film ever),2001:A.S.O.,apocalypse now,pulp fiction, alien,raiders OTLA,true romance,full metal jacket,blues bros,the hitcher,get shorty,do the right thing,the shining,blazing saddles, house party, boyz in the hood, mississippi burning,empire strikes back.

The burning man festival in Nevada.....does anyone know if thats still going? Now THAT's a proper party.

Soccer. I dont blame yanks for turning their noses up at it. I've seen matches in the U.S,and the atmosphere just isnt the same.

But its surprising cos the U.S. national team is a bloody good side who excelled themselves at last years World Cup, and most of the US team ply their trade for decent teams in Europe. And a few weeks ago, NJ/NY metrostars goalkeeper Tim Howard signed for Manchester Utd,and in his first real match, he saved the very last penalty against their greatest rivals. Now THATS proof of what the Yanks are capable of when they get their shit wired up


Now, gridiron and basketball i enjoy watching.

Baseball:how can you call it a 'world series' when its only the US and japan that take it seriously?

One last thing: and this really cracked me up. Did anyone go to the hot dog eating competition in Coney Island on july4? Lined up on stage were these huge muthas,your stereotypical rootin,tootin

all american 300lb+ monsters, among them being a certain ex-Chicago Bears man-mountain by the name of William 'the fridge' Perry......and this skinny little guy from Japan called Kobayashi.

Guess who won.....:rolleyes:

ONLY IN AMERICA :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by substance1987

Is that all you got? :laugh: :laugh:

What?no opinions of your own? nothing about the UK you like or that pisses you off? And why is this a shit thread? Because your French n'est pas, or cos i forgot to mention Puerto Ricans? Or you genuinely haven't got an answer to any of it because you cant handle a different point of view? Surely with everything thats happened in the last 23 months you'd be more open to the fact that the world doesnt revolve around 4% of the worlds population.If you think i'm wrong then enlighten me,it doesnt bother me in the slightest if you think i'm wrong, but aint it better to tell me,rather than sitting there,responding to what i said by putting 'emoticons' rather than addressing the issue like men and getting deep vein thrombosis whilst shoving yer thumb up yer ass wishing you could score with the opposite sex?

Hey look, if you've got something bad about the UK to say, come right out and say it....chances are i'll probably agree with you.

So if you think i'm being harsh,i'll even the score for you.For a start,most of the criticism levelled at the USA that i've heard has actually come from the Americans themselves!!(and not just Michael Moore)

EVERY American i've met in the last 29 years has been intelligent, articulate, funny, keen to listen to other ideals, great story tellers, and they're all mad as hatters. Hell, first time i got fellatio was under a hotel stairway in Florida:laugh:

And if you want to know how american culture etc is embedded in UK society,then how about this for bizarre:i couldnt even tell you who was UK prime minister B4 Maggie Thatcher took office in '79....yet off the top of my head,i could probably rattle off every president right back to Woodrow.(shit,better get this right or i'm fvck'd):Wubya,Slick Willie(who's a legend in the UK),George'read my lips',Ronnie, Jimmy, Gerry, tricky Dicky,LBJ,JFK,Ike,Trueman, FDR,erm but i'm not sure who was president after Woodrow and B4 FDR.

The yanks that fought at Bastogne,Omaha and Utah,Leyte Gulf, Iwo jima,Okinawa,Saipan,Kesserine pass,Monte Cassino,Midway(your finest hour), Sicily, Anzio, Bataan(that was some bad shit,btw) and Manila in WW2 are fvckin legendary. And hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart risked his ass flying bomber raids over germany.

Growing up in the 70's/80's we were spoon-fed Starsky+Hutch,BJ and the bear(anyone remember that? and,no,it aint a Ron Jeremy animal special from the 70's),Charlies angels,M*A*S*H,Cheers, Dukes of Hazard, Mork+Mindy,Cagney+Lacey,Hill St Blues,Happy Days(Heeeeeyyyy).

Classic filmage:bladerunner,shawshank,goodfellas,airplane(still the funniest film ever),2001:A.S.O.,apocalypse now,pulp fiction, alien,raiders OTLA,true romance,full metal jacket,blues bros,the hitcher,get shorty,do the right thing,the shining,blazing saddles, house party, boyz in the hood, mississippi burning,empire strikes back.

The burning man festival in Nevada.....does anyone know if thats still going? Now THAT's a proper party.

Soccer. I dont blame yanks for turning their noses up at it. I've seen matches in the U.S,and the atmosphere just isnt the same.

But its surprising cos the U.S. national team is a bloody good side who excelled themselves at last years World Cup, and most of the US team ply their trade for decent teams in Europe. And a few weeks ago, NJ/NY metrostars goalkeeper Tim Howard signed for Manchester Utd,and in his first real match, he saved the very last penalty against their greatest rivals. Now THATS proof of what the Yanks are capable of when they get their shit wired up


Now, gridiron and basketball i enjoy watching.

Baseball:how can you call it a 'world series' when its only the US and japan that take it seriously?

One last thing: and this really cracked me up. Did anyone go to the hot dog eating competition in Coney Island on july4? Lined up on stage were these huge muthas,your stereotypical rootin,tootin

all american 300lb+ monsters, among them being a certain ex-Chicago Bears man-mountain by the name of William 'the fridge' Perry......and this skinny little guy from Japan called Kobayashi.

Guess who won.....:rolleyes:

ONLY IN AMERICA :laugh: :laugh:

apparently you know next to nothing about anything. You type long and hard but no one reads your post, they skim it at best, you know why? Because no one cares what you have to say, and the drama you try to start.

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people have no fucking sense of humor.

the UK sucks. rains all the damn time, british men are fugly, the girls are, for the most part, jealous dumb bitches. the food sucks, entertainment is not that bad or fashion, but other than that...

and again, i will say this. I can't respect a country who has a statesman like Blair. you can obviously tell i'm against what the Us and the UK have been doing in the world, and with this Kelly case being a big deal now, it would be quite interesting to hear what Blair has to say about that.....

finally, the brits, along with many other european countries, have managed to fuck up the ENTIRE world. how, you ask?

colonalism=imperialism=oppression=murder on many levels.

tell me, where did the Queen get her crown jewels from? they sure as hell are not from jolly ol' england...

i'm not defending america here, also, btw. it has its faults too. and nowadays, way more bad things than good.

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welcome to the one-stop shop for all your nightclubbing needs, now do you actually have anything club related to add to this discussion board?

Originally posted by substance1987

Because of the time difference and the fact i'm only on the web when you lot are still in your bed, its virtually impossible to have an online sesh with you nutcases,so you'll need to bear with me.

VIXENFOXXY....i dont have the necessary shit to post a pic.

But who was voted the sexiest man of the 20th century?

Sean Connery.

I rest my case.

ECKOBARBIE1....Me and you are destined to be great friends. (christ,i'm starting to sound like Alex Kryczek)

And as for the rest of you, as i'm a foreigner who's just logged on this site, i feel its my duty to inform you americanos of your fffuuurballs. If you dont like what i say, you can just kiss my black ass:

*when americans try to be funny,they ARE funny. When you're trying to be serious,you're even funnier.

*boston tea party....a serious waste of good tea.

*George Wubya....sorry,they're aint enough time in the day to sound off on that one

*Baseball=rounders(a girls playground game)

*Basketball=netball(a girls playground game)

*American "football"=rugby with pads on. NFL players might be built like brick shit houses,but they wouldnt last more than 20 minutes in a game of rugby.if you dont believe me,ask johnny knoxville. (and for the record i've been a raiders fan since '83,so back off!)

*Chris Rock 'bring the pain'...."there are three kinds of women in this world".fvckin classic.hands up all those who voted for box number 3 (literally:D ).Cause lets face it, if i'm performing cunniningulus for three hours solid,i expect the same in return.

*Bill Hicks....god rest his smutty soul.

*Dennis Leary 'no cure for cancer'...."they say smoking takes 10 years (or was it 20?) off your life. Yeah,well you can have it".good ole Dennis wrote the script for that for the Edinburgh festival. I used to use that as an excuse for smoking,however now i conscribe to Homers point of view on old age:"old folks homes are sweet.its like being treated like a baby except your old enough to appreciate it"

*Dan Castellenata and Matt Groening....the greatest double act since FDR and Churchill.

*J-Lo and Asslick....the worst double act since J-Lo and Asslick.

*Once ive moved to your fine city,if anyone says to me "wow,i love the accent,where abouts in Australia are you from?" If the answer is "wow i love YOUR accent,where abouts in Canada are YOU from?"......then you'll know its me you've just met.

*'Cheers'....best sitcom ever.Lilith does things to my mind that that would be considered illegal in 43 states.

*'Scrubs'....a close second. But mainly cos i've taken a shine to Elliot.

*Other fine american felines include:Reese Witherspoon (even if her chin looks like a gardening tool),Denise Richards,Sharon Gless(mmmmmm....Cagney) and Christina Ricci (now that she's no longer jailbait)

*Americans re-writing the history books for hollywood films. It just aint funny.

*And if i get people telling me "whatevvvvvvverrrrr" or "talk to the hand", i'm going to kidnap them,tie them up on a chair reservoir dogs styleee, and force them to listen to 48hours of me playing the bagpipes. Trust me, after 20 minutes you'll be begging me to cut BOTH your ears off.

*A list of people i love:






*A list of people i hate:

The French.

God bless you all,you've been a wonderful audience.:D

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speaking of which...

when was the last time you added something club related to the board? I just breezed through your last 10 pages of posts (T-1 line here) and you have maybe 5-6 club related posts.

10,000 fucking posts on a clubbing board and none of them are about clubbing....

are you related to Sassa?

Originally posted by bigpoppanils

oh crap.

please dont start that argument. please!


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Originally posted by reddog4063

speaking of which...

when was the last time you added something club related to the board? I just breezed through your last 10 pages of posts (T-1 line here) and you have maybe 5-6 club related posts.

10,000 fucking posts on a clubbing board and none of them are about clubbing....

are you related to Sassa?

fuck you
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Originally posted by reddog4063

speaking of which...

when was the last time you added something club related to the board? I just breezed through your last 10 pages of posts (T-1 line here) and you have maybe 5-6 club related posts.

10,000 fucking posts on a clubbing board and none of them are about clubbing....

are you related to Sassa?

haha that is a quality post( non-club related)

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Originally posted by sassa

people have no fucking sense of humor.

the UK sucks. rains all the damn time, british men are fugly, the girls are, for the most part, jealous dumb bitches. the food sucks, entertainment is not that bad or fashion, but other than that...

and again, i will say this. I can't respect a country who has a statesman like Blair. you can obviously tell i'm against what the Us and the UK have been doing in the world, and with this Kelly case being a big deal now, it would be quite interesting to hear what Blair has to say about that.....

finally, the brits, along with many other european countries, have managed to fuck up the ENTIRE world. how, you ask?

colonalism=imperialism=oppression=murder on many levels.

tell me, where did the Queen get her crown jewels from? they sure as hell are not from jolly ol' england...

i'm not defending america here, also, btw. it has its faults too. and nowadays, way more bad things than good.

The uk has the best selection of electronic music. A sick club scene.Really nice people.Happy hardcore,d&b,jungle,whateva!!!!!
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