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Why are Saturday's lacking?


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It seems to me that most new parties and succesful parties have been on Friday nights recently. What happned to a good Saturday night party also? :confused:

right now we have good events on Fridays at:




Maze/ Lime Bar



Opium/ Prive


plus others

they just seem to be lacking to me, is it because competition against Space?

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Originally posted by erickamikaze

It seems to me that most new parties and succesful parties have been on Friday nights recently. What happned to a good Saturday night party also? :confused:

right now we have good events on Fridays at:



Maze/ Lime Bar


Opium/ Prive


plus others

they just seem to be lacking to me, is it because competition against Space?

we have a great party at luna every saturday,plus bedtime sessions @ bed one saturday every month....come and check them out and you will think diferent..:D

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Guest brwneydtrouble

I agree Eric, there isn't much to choose form on Saturday nights. Frankly, I am VERY tired of Space, and have no real desire to go there except to be with my friends.

Blendprod, thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely try to check out those parties.

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

I agree Eric, there isn't much to choose form on Saturday nights. Frankly, I am VERY tired of Space, and have no real desire to go there except to be with my friends.

Blendprod, thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely try to check out those parties.

no prob.......pm me for guest list....this weekend were taking off...cuz LUNA is being remodeled.....but from next weekend were back in business.....i recomend you on august 30 the party at B.E.D is really nice

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That's pretty funny you mentioned it Eric b/c just today I was chatting with Trouble about the same thing, we shot off about a million things to do on Friday but then when we asked each other what was happening on Saturday we were like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmmmm, (Cricket Cricket). I'm curious to see what's up with the Luna party Blend, see you out there. Peace!

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I'd like to know what city you're in....


Space 34


BED from time to time

Luna when it's not time to time.

Maze for the tranceheads

NV's an option too.

Not lacking much from my perspective. Fridays are stronger, sure, but Saturdays aren't anything to complain about.

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Originally posted by pod

I'd like to know what city you're in....

I guess my main question was, that the majority of the new events seem to be on Fridays when there is already strong competition. I will definetly have to start checking out the Luna and BED parties. I like Space but I am not into being up for 24 hours straight and being at the club at 8 am, Its just not my thing.

I was at Crobar last Saturday, and it was just about average.

I was also just looking for some new places to hit up, sometimes i just need a change.

Im not complaining at all, just curious as if promoters see Fridays more lucrative.

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Okay lets run down this list:

Space34: Did'nt mention Space b/c it's just a given in my mind.

Crobar: They rarely have good Dj's on Saturday's...Origins this Saturday, case closed.

Luna: Have'nt checked it out but I have too soon.

Bed: The Same

Maze: I'm not really into Trance

NV: Goooooooo Ivano!

Dont get me wrong, I love most of these place but and i'm sure if I was hard pressed to find something good to do on any given Saturday I could, but what I think Eric means is that all the Big Name events that everyone wants to go to are on Friday's. There's nothing really that happens on Saturdays that grabs your attention and makes you say "Damn I cant miss that party tonight". Someone can always find somewhere to go out to, but the question is, is it worth going.

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