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I want to thank everyone who came out on Friday night to Club Mirage, in support of Jimmy T.:D

I also want to take a second to thank all who have given good and bad feedback. Without the feedback we won't get any better.

Before I go any further I would like to tell all who went that we have taken all your feedback and put it to good use. I would also like to take a sec to introduce myself and take a sec to thank beatfriek for hoouking me up with CP.

Eventhough we are in the ghetto of southbeach we have to deal with what we have. We have moved the party from the main room of Mirage into the Den.....:idea:

We have sat down with J.Felix (whom which I give mad props to, this boy had mad mad skills:eek: :eek: ) so we can play what you the crowd wants to hear.....

If you want more details I am making a personal invitation to all that came out last week. Come out and support your local DJs and Promoters.

:) Most of you that came out probably saw me at the door but I really don't know any of you except JFelix and Beatfriek. I look foward to meeting all of you :)

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Hey Damini! I was able to meet you for a moment and you walked me back inside to meet Greg. Thanks again for your help.

Sounds like you guys have agood thing started and I am looking forward to hanging out with all you folks, hearing some mad beats and having blast.

Although I will be at Crobar on Fri for EV I will def be back at Mirage for a second helping. :D

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Hey CrzyC,:D

Thanks for the support, we are turning the party around a little bit trying to give it more of a loungy feel. Try to pass by before you head to Crobar. I would love a second opinion.

Hope you have a good time at Crobar.

Candyrollx69...:D If your able to come out on Friday please introduce yourself or have Beatfriek introduce...


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Originally posted by damini

Hey CrzyC,:D

Thanks for the support, we are turning the party around a little bit trying to give it more of a loungy feel. Try to pass by before you head to Crobar. I would love a second opinion.

Well, I wont be able to make it before Crobar since I am coming straight from my 2nd job, but in the words of Arnold..."I'll be back"

Thanks again!!!!

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Guest saleen351

were you the blonde at the register? if so you need to dress up much more than you did... as for the chick outside, she was banging.. perfect..


tell the head bouncer with the bald head, that I saleen351 said he is a dirty spic!!! I"m serious, i should have dropped that stunad... he knows who i am, i punked him down!!!

Good luck to all trying to get a decent party going, but with too many ghettos niggas and white underage chicks hanging outside, i ain't going back...

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Originally posted by saleen351

were you the blonde at the register? if so you need to dress up much more than you did...

I dont know if you are talking to me but...no I am brunette and Greg was going to introduce you to me but you were busy at the time then I left.

However, please enlighten me on what you feel the proper attire would consist of?;)

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