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PCP Angel Dust


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actually never tried it

i was thinkging about giving it a one time shot before i move.. wednesday night

have you or anyone else here done it before? like whats the story with it....how am i gunna feel when i do this shit

help me out here someone lol...

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dust is strange.... at first you get an amazing rush...and then various negative effects take over.... paranoia...tunnel vision....

extreme mood swings.... extreme dizzines...... and it really tastes land smells nasty.... some people like it.... if you'tr gona try it make sure your getting it from someone who knows.....and BTW embalming fluid used in bio labs and funeral homes has absolutely no phencycledine (PCP) in it....

get yourself some acid ....its a much better head

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Originally posted by ladyshady

id unno...im still thinking about giving the dust a try

i will never do acid...i might freak out and kill myself :shake:

You think PCP is any better than acid???

In my experience way more ppl freak out on PCP than acid.

PCP is nasty stuff...find yourself some good acid (ie. liquid, or a micro dot) and you will have a much better time. :D

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I'm surprised you folks do so little reading.

If you are afraid to freak out and do something (especially something violent) on acid, you really aught not to be doing any drugs at all.

The trip is mediated by set and setting. Setting is where you do the drugs. Set is your head space. If you have it in your head that you might "freak out" you have just "set" yourself up for a bad drug experience. Acid is a love trip. Don't believe the government hype -- the reason that acid is so strongly classified is that it causes "subversive" behaviour in its users, who are no longer willing to buy into the war mongering capitalistic agenda. Ask your parents, I'm sure they'll tell you all about it.

It is, however, difficult to obtain unless you know someone -- its distribution is often personal (i.e., the acid heads pass it to each other down a chain, mostly to share the good vibe). This doesn't mean quantity is not available, just that there is an "inside" component to the availability of the good stuff. (For example, the best acid I ever did was call ruby pyramid -- a sacred substance, specially created in an old hippy-like community - literally a red gel pyramid. Pure, beautiful, enlightening, world-view transforming, healing. It was never available "on the street.")

PCP, on the other hand, is a "horse" of a different colour. Unlike Ketamine, its very different younger sister, PCP was not developed for human consumption. It IS a horse tranquilizer. It is extremely dangerous. Dosage is difficult to control and effects are not linearly related to dose (that means a tiny bit more may have a huge difference in effect).

The hallucinations are considerably different than acid (which are, more often than not, usually visual drifting, color streaking, and other visual distortions). Unless you are prone to seeing entities, you aren't likely to on acid. This stuff (PCP) often causes extreme visuals, violent reactions, and it, not acid, is the drug that had kids thinking they could fly and jumping out of windows! This is the drug that usually takes 5 or 6 cops at a time to hold a person on a bad trip down. The trip is long.

If you insist that you are going to take it, start with a really small dose - probably less than the person who usually takes it takes. This way, if you like it, you'll still be able to take it another day. And, a co-pilot you trust (someone sober, or at least considerably less high than you and you will listen to when you are high) to babysit.

And, you might consider a time other than moving day to try something new and reality shifting!


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Originally posted by gager

You think PCP is any better than acid???

In my experience way more ppl freak out on PCP than acid.

PCP is nasty stuff...find yourself some good acid (ie. liquid, or a micro dot) and you will have a much better time. :D

micro dots are not acid... they are mesculin.

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Originally posted by jimk29

micro dots are not acid... they are mesculin.

What ever they are its the best trip I have ever had...way better than PCP.

But thats just IMO...everybody is different & one drug my have very different effects on different ppl. I happen to like the effects of LSD & Mesculin way more than PCP.

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Originally posted by jimk29

I'm just confused as to how you had no idea what you were taking.

Dude I was told it was acid...I was always under the impression that a micro dot was acid. This is the first I have heard of them also being mesculin. I am pretty sure the micro dot's I have done have been acid.

Mabey they come in both forms????

Still very good trip either way!

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OMG...Dippies were the shit back in the day. Had some sick moments on that shit. You gotta be careful though...my ass was about to Jump off the 2nd Tier in the HammerStein Ballroom til a bouncer pulled me down.

Make sure your always around some friends that are sober or else stupid shit can happen.

Def. awesome though...



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i tried angel dust once - but i didn't know what it was when trying it. my buddy stole a joint off his brother - little did we know is was a dusted joint.

there were five of us and we couldn't finish the joint (that was hint # 1). also, we were at the bottom of a hill very close to where we lived. as we walked back i was like "i never realized how fucking steep this hill was" - but it seemed like we were climbing a mountain (hint # 2). when we got to the top - 5 minutes that seemed like hours) we hung out talking and i had a total out of body experience - my conscience was like 5 feet above us looking down, a totally wierd experience. it was at this time i KNEW this wasn't just pot. actually it wasn't that bad, but i would never do it again - too far out there for me.

anyway, thats my story!


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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

I feel like smoking some tonight but I don't feel like going to "the hood" to cop it. I probably will though.

always had the same problem...the projects are always hot.....not to mention the problem of getting ripped off....only happened once (luckily)....unfortunatly I know so many people who got locked up after going in the hood.....cops hate white kids in the projects....

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Originally posted by podes881

always had the same problem...the projects are always hot.....not to mention the problem of getting ripped off....only happened once (luckily)....unfortunatly I know so many people who got locked up after going in the hood.....cops hate white kids in the projects....

Well this is a legit "store front" spot. Never been beat there.

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