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6 Best Delt Exercises...


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6 Best Delt Exercises

Diversify your delt training with these mass-building training techniques.

By Bobby Aldridge, CPT, LWMC

If you've been bodybuilding for any length of time, you know what a dramatic effect well-built shoulders can have on your appearance. They give you a muscular, wide, athletic look that can be achieved only through regular weight training.

If you haven't been able to develop your delts to the degree that you can throw away the padding in your favorite sportcoat, give these shoulder exercises a try. They are some of the most effective at building, shaping and strengthening the delts.

Each of these muscle-building exercises targets a slightly different area of the deltoid, so mix and match 3-4 different movements in each workout to develop all three deltoid heads. To get started on the right foot, give some of the following sample routines a try (see related workout). Stay consistent, use variety and overload with proper form.

Each of the routines outlined here hits all three heads of the shoulder. Depending on your level of experience, perform 2-4 sets of each with 8-12 reps. Use as much weight as you can handle while maintaining proper form. If your form suffers, you're going too heavy. This takes the focus off the targeted muscle and increases your injury potential.

Routine 1

Smith-Machine Behind-Neck Press

Cable Lateral Raise

Reverse Pec-Deck Flye

Routine 2

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Seated Dumbbell Press

Reverse Pec-Deck Flye

Routine 3

Seated Dumbbell Press

Upright Row

Reverse Pec-Deck Flye

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Originally posted by anotherway83

i dont know abt that behind-the-neck press...i guess thats for advanced bodybuilders...i've heard that it's very easy to get injured using behind-the-neck pull-downs or presses

I love the behind the neck press... People get injured because they try to use to heavy weight and wind up bending there back to much. It is supposed to be done with your back straight and with a controlled weight...

As far as behing the neck pull downs... I guess you can get injured doing anything if you do not stretch or use proper form. But I have never felt as if this exercise is an easy way to get unjured.

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Originally posted by elementx

I love the behind the neck press... People get injured because they try to use to heavy weight and wind up bending there back to much. It is supposed to be done with your back straigh and with a controlled weight...

As far as behing the neck pull downs... I guess you can get injured doing anything if you do not stretch or use proper form. But I have never felt as if this exercise is an easy way to get unjured.


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With proper for you should not have a problem with behing the neck press, even with alot of weight. I have done 300 plus behing the neck with no problems - just make sure you know what you are doing and make sure and have a good spotter. The smith machine can also give you some stability.

As far as behind the neck pull downs - personally, I don't like them. Not b/c of injury but b/c they really do not do a whole lot. The best exercise (by far) for the back is weighted wide grip pull ups to the chest. After a couple of sets of those, I don't have much left for anything else anyway.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

With proper for you should not have a problem with behing the neck press, even with alot of weight. I have done 300 plus behing the neck with no problems - just make sure you know what you are doing and make sure and have a good spotter. The smith machine can also give you some stability.

As far as behind the neck pull downs - personally, I don't like them. Not b/c of injury but b/c they really do not do a whole lot. The best exercise (by far) for the back is weighted wide grip pull ups to the chest. After a couple of sets of those, I don't have much left for anything else anyway.


I switched over to the hammer strength machines for the behind the neck pull downs and have felt a large difference in my lats.

But I agree. I do not do pull ups. But I do the Chest pull downs following the behind the neck pull downs and I love this exercise... I feel my lats get an intense workout everytime. :D

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

hammer strength is awsome - to bad my gym does not carry them. I sometimes have to make a trip over the bridge just to use the hammer stregth machines.


Yeah... I usually use the hammer strength machines towards the end of my workouts to get an extra burn... Or different angles...

The machines are great my gym has a machine for almost every exercise you can think of. I am not so much into the chest exercises on them but I love the back and bicept, and shoulder machines.

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i have been doing the same routine for quite some time (sometimes i change it up a bit, but it works, so why fuck with it right?)... i get complememnts on my shoulders all the time, they are definately my strongest asset... they use to be my weakest asset.

- dumbell presses (sometimes i will do smith machine presses infront or behind neck, or arnold presses)

- front lateral raises

- side lateral raises (lately i have been using the hammer strength machine - kicks serious ass)

- rear cable lateral pulls (sometimes i just use dumbells and do normal rear lateral raises)

- upright barbell or cable rows

- dumbell or hammer strength shrugs - i do traps with shoulders cause if i do them with back (ie: tues) i cant go as heavy with shoulders (ie: wed)

i usually do 5 sets each (ie: front laterals 15 rep 30#, 12 rep 40#, 8 rep 50#, 10 rep 40#, 12 rep 30#)

i like to go up and down to get a pump from hell, rest between sets on the way up (getting heavier) but very little to no rest on the way down (like a drop set.)

i really like to burn the shit out of my shoulders.

i love looking at my side profile in the mirror after doing heavy rear lateral cable pulls (like a cable crossover for your shoulders)... they stick out and look insane.

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hammer strenght is a brand of machines, basically u can do each side (meaning left and right arm) individually with hammer strength machines, but then u can do that with sum other brands of machines as well, but every hammer strength machine i've seen has that as a characteristic

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