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Originally posted by fostech

fu)kers used Christian Hornbostel's "into your mind" sample on this track. Dont respects producers who sample rythms that

are obviously taken from another rec. booo

wassup erik........long time no c. where you at?

I'm around! where have you been? :D

didn't realize they ripped off the the rhythm, it's still a cool track, that kind of thing happens all the time, though they should've been more original :mad:

ok listening to the original now, and yeah that was pretty blatant, though I like the rip-off version better, the original sounds kind of boring, it's like the rescued a cool beat from a boring track and turned it into something more interesting.... can you even be sure that Christian Hornbostel produced that loop in the first place? maybe he stole it too... maybe it's from one of those sample CD's that producers use

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to be honest.....ive heard that loop being used a bunch of time in all types of records....so christan h. probably did steal it from someone too.... both tracks are cool... "into your mind" was a track that I used to love when it first came out. I played it every chance I could.

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