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Originally posted by majinbuu

can anyone help me think of a good wedding present to get a friend of mine?

they aren't registered anywhere (that I know of..) and i would like to get them something original.

any suggestions?

video tape urself having sex with the bride...give the tape to the groom and say "congrats on ur wedding" *joke*

how about a check for $100 or $200 if they are very good friends...money always is a good present which can be spent on the bills or honeymoon...

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My advice would be to look at other people's registries to get an idea of what married folks are wishing for. If they aren't living together yet, chances are that they are in need of basic home essentials. This includes dishes, silverware, glasses, etc. If they already have this stuff, I'd go with a home luxury. Personally, I'd love to get a wine fridge. You can always go the wedding keepsake route. This would include stuff like engraved champagne flutes, engraved silver picture frames, photo albums, or a nice wedding invitation frame.

Here's a link to Crate and Barrel wedding gift ideas:


Below is a link for the Wedding Channel's gift ideas:


Those are 2 great sites. Good luck on your shopping.

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Originally posted by mala

My advice would be to look at other people's registries to get an idea of what married folks are wishing for. If they aren't living together yet, chances are that they are in need of basic home essentials. This includes dishes, silverware, glasses, etc. If they already have this stuff, I'd go with a home luxury. Personally, I'd love to get a wine fridge. You can always go the wedding keepsake route. This would include stuff like engraved champagne flutes, engraved silver picture frames, photo albums, or a nice wedding invitation frame.

Here's a link to Crate and Barrel wedding gift ideas:


Below is a link for the Wedding Channel's gift ideas:


Those are 2 great sites. Good luck on your shopping.


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