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UK Dj wants Gig in NYC- No Charge


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Hi, Im over in NYC on the weekend of the 12th of October, Me and some listeners of my Radio Show are hookin up there, and Im after a gig in a decent House Venue on the Saturday (12th Oct).

Just after a good party that will let me play to my mates for 2 or 3 hours.

If your interested or got a contact or suggestion . . .(well thats askin for it) please check my site and email me, I do play across the world on a regular basis, but dont know sh1t about NYC . . please educate me.

Theres mixes and Info here. . . . . . . .. . . . . even if you cant help, welcome to listen in . . .


C ya soon?


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Instead of the negative reply you could have simply given a few names of some decent house clubs. All Cheets is trying to do here (since he DID say that he knew nothing about NYC) is get some names of clubs that we can contact for an event we are holding next month. I am a regullar listener to his show that is broadcast weekly all over the world, so we are not really worried about getting him into a venue...we simply need a list of some clubs to contact since we are not familiar with NYC clubs. If you were to visit his site, his credentials speak for themselves. So please try to be a bit more helpful instead of rushing to attack someone who is simply seeking a bit of assistance. If anyone knows of a decent house venue please let us know. Thanx much...

Demetrius - "The Usual Suspects"

I can also be contacted on Cheets' behalf at demetrius@usualsuspect.us

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Hey kids :) I've gotten out of the promotions business (thanks be to the heavens) so I can't really personally hook anything up for you, but I can give you a few leads as to where you might look for stuff. Who knows, maybe some day you'll want to help a poor pathetic chica get a gig on your side of the ocean some day ;) I'll drop a PM over to one of you guys with the info


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Originally posted by bbbooom

if you want a gig... which you probably wont get... you need to get off of these boards and ask some one that knows .. not someone who has an 'inside source' here LOL :laugh: :laugh:

BTW, why the hell do you always reply to incoming DJ's like this haughty little shit when you are niether a DJ nor connected, and try to discourage other artists who probably have talent and style to share with the city? Why don't you STFU and let something new make its way over here? Anyone who DJs for real understands that it takes tons of time, effort and patience to get booked and none of us care to hear your snivelling crap about our bookings. :blown:

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if yar online now . . its 01:15 uk time so . . . .????

20:15???? NYC time . . .

say hello to me a Demetrius in our chatroom, ps its a backdoor entrance . . . . . shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

TOO LATE . . . . . .

I'll put the kettle onTOO LATE . . . . . .

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Thank you SOOOO much!!! We will be checking into these. As Cheets has said, if you are ever in the vicinity of any of his (or our) parties, let us know. We are part of a global family called the Usual Suspects, who have basically come together for the love of music. We are currently working on getting a website up, but until then you can check us out at The Usual Suspects' community. Please feel free to join up, and become part of the family. This way you can communicate the rest of our music-loving masses, see our pics (and pics of some of our events), and actually post some of your own. We look forward to welcoming you, and thanx again...


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

BTW, why the hell do you always reply to incoming DJ's like this haughty little shit when you are niether a DJ nor connected, and try to discourage other artists who probably have talent and style to share with the city? Why don't you STFU and let something new make its way over here? Anyone who DJs for real understands that it takes tons of time, effort and patience to get booked and none of us care to hear your snivelling crap about our bookings. :blown:

calm down.. dont be tough.. it doesnt work... i simply told him what to do 'contact clubs' not people here, like you that 'think' theyre 'big time' and 'connected':finger:

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Originally posted by bbbooom

calm down.. dont be tough.. it doesnt work... i simply told him what to do 'contact clubs' not people here, like you that 'think' theyre 'big time' and 'connected':finger:

I think if you go back and read what I wrote I explicity stated that I am no longer connected to anything in new york. I stopped working there well before I moved to italy. If you meant to be helpful, fine that's cool, but you make it sound so condescending, and that is totally unnecessary. If you had really wanted to help you would have provided some names of clubs and whatnot where he could have looked into. That is, of course, unless you have no clue which places even play house :rolleyes:

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Still nothing positive at all from you. Why do you even bother to post? Anyhow, despite what you have said we've already gotten PLENTY of contacts thanx to these messageboards. I guess that proves your theory unsound. Anyhow, thanx to the peeps who have actually posted USEFUL info, and if there are others out there with any other info please do not hesitate to post or contact one of us. Thanx again you guys.


Once again, you can send any info to either Cheets or myself...my email addy is demetrius@usualsuspect.us

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Damn - welcome to the wonderful world of message savy wit...

I wish I had that much time on my hands to scour the boards and bash evryone who mentions a god damn word!!! But reality strikes and we surpass the bullshit with good beats...isn't that why we are here?

Who has the hookup - get this fuckin man a nite in NYC....I'll be there.....


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