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Irresponsible Reporting on SF death ?

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Originally posted by bionic

No question, scandal sells.. Sad but true, I agree.

Now don't take this the wrong way, I'm merely playing devils advocate here, but it's a newspaper's job to report the news.

The club was recently in the news for blatant drug activity.

The death is news. Where it happened is news.

The fact that the club was just recently closed down for drug activity is news.

What kind of person he was, is not news. The article never said he did drugs, therefore, techinally speaking, no correction needs to be printed. Certainly no correction is needed by CP or any other msg board for merely posting what was already a publicly dissemniated news article.

Now in my opinion, certainly the "right" thing to do would be to print a follow up when the autopsy results come back and say that it was the result of a pre existing heart condition, not drugs. The argument can also be made that a follow up article should be written if there were in fact drugs found.

I'm not saying he wasn't a nice kid, or even that he did drugs.

I know a lot of nice kids. They have girlfriends, good families, go to church etc etc. They use drugs, certainly they're families don't know nor do a lot of their friends. I'm just saying its possible, and thats what the article points out as well as the fact it was possible that it was from a medical condition.

It's obvious this hits home for you b/c your relationship with him/the family and are taking things a bit personally, but you need to also be a little more objective in my opinion...

Anyway, I'm sorry for the loss of any young life, regardless of circumstances. Nobody should die so young.

You're right. whoever wrote the article covered their ass by only INFERING that he was doing drugs.

but you understand what i'm saying.. if and when we find out the truth, i'm sure it won't make the front page!

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Originally posted by babydoll2002

You're right. whoever wrote the article covered their ass by only INFERING that he was doing drugs.

but you understand what i'm saying.. if and when we find out the truth, i'm sure it won't make the front page!

Yes I completely understand what you're saying.

And I'm sure you're right!!

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Originally posted by babydoll2002

You're right. whoever wrote the article covered their ass by only INFERING that he was doing drugs.

but you understand what i'm saying.. if and when we find out the truth, i'm sure it won't make the front page!

in fact i doubt it would be in the papers at all.

shame, but thats the way the media in nyc is- for the most part they are puppets for the NYPD and the Administration in genneral.

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