kramadas Posted September 29 Report Share Posted September 29 Threatening to harm ourselves By Akiva EldarThe lethal terror attack at Negohot on the eve ofRosh Hashanah confirmed the forecasts voiced inholiday interviews. This new year, like theprevious three, apparently will belong toreligious fanatics and other intransigentsrejecting compromise.Ariel Sharon has announced that"there is no possibility offorging a settlement so long asterror continues, and so longas the Palestinians fail tocrack down on terror."Ehud Barak, Sharon's predecessoras prime minister and perhapshis rival-to-be in the nextnational elections, has supported thisposition, opining: "Sharon is right when hesays that it would be wrong to move onemillimeter on an a major issue before it isclear that the Palestinians are doing theirutmost to destroy terror."The demand that the Palestinian police succeedin an effort that has frustrated Israel's airforce, tank corps, Border Police, and Shin Betsecurity service, Sharon knows, is implausible.Barak understands that no Palestinianorganization for national liberation has putdown its arms in the absence of a guaranteethat the occupation is to be brought to an end.Barak himself once said in a televisioninterview that had he been born a Palestinian,he doubtlessly would have joined militants whofight Israel.Up to three years ago, Israel's government(under Barak's leadership) upheld the principlethat Israel ought to pursue the peace processas though there were no terror, while alsofighting terror as though there were no peaceprocess. Barak conducted final statusnegotiations with Yasser Arafat at a time whenIsraelis were murdered in Ramallah and TulKarm.Now Barak supports Sharon's position thatdemands that the Palestinian Authority fightHamas as though there were no occupation (as isrequired under the road map), but overlooks thefact that Israel refuses to dismantle illegalsettlement outposts, and freeze settlementconstruction (as is also required by the roadmap), as though there were no terror. ThePalestinians, Israel's neighbors, must embarkon a civil war while Israel continues to killinnocent civilians who have the bad luck ofdwelling in neighborhoods next to "terrorsuspects." Palestinian authorities mustendanger their own lives in a struggle againsttheir own countrymen, and then return bynightfall to a village or city which has beenturned into a prison compound by Israel'sseparation fence.No national movement and no government,including Israel's government, would ever agreeto appear to play the role of collaborator withthe conqueror in order to improve theconqueror's security situation.Israeli security officials who are experts onPalestinian affairs urge that Saeb Erekat'sanalysis be taken seriously - the chiefPalestinian negotiator maintains that in theabsence of any progress on the peace process(and humanitarian) track, incoming PA PrimeMinister Abu Ala will follow in the footstepsof his predecessor, Abu Mazen; and armed,unrestrained, militias will, under thisscenario, replace Abu Ala.Standing on every available soapbox, Erekatwarns that he himself, and his colleagues inthe PA leadership, would be the first ones toreceive house calls by these armed militia men.These militants belong to a generation thatcame of age during the first intifada; forthem, an Israeli is the soldier who sits atop atank, at a roadblock or in an armed group ofsecurity men that frightened his mother in themiddle of the night. As far as these militiamen are concerned, there is no differencebetween Sharon and Barak, or between YossiSarid and Effi Eitam. En route to the nextviolent attack, they will sneer and laugh aboutthe threat voiced by Israel's prime minister -that there will be no peace agreement so longas terror persists.The suicide terrorists apparently have managedto distort the public's grasp of whatright-wing, and also opportunistic, politicianshave wrought. A growing segment of the publictakes it to be self evident that the issuewhich rivets Israel-U.S. relations is a fencebuilt against surface-to-air missiles thatmight threaten planes landing at Ben-GurionInternational Airport.Lurking behind this position of ratchetingconditions for resuming the peace process up toa level that the Palestinians will never reachis a dubious, troublesome position - viz, apeace agreement has become the Palestinians'interest. Should they behave well, they'llreceive such an agreement; if they behavepoorly, they won't. It's as though our ownlives, our morality, our democracy and oureconomy can do without a peace agreement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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