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What a morning!!

Guest brwneydtrouble

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Guest brwneydtrouble

So at 7:00 my mom starts to wake me up, moaning and complaining that she hates having to wake us (me, my brother and my sister) up because we never want to get out of bed. Im irresponsible because I can't get up on my own, I should set my alarm and get up on my own. She wants to call my office to find out what time I am supposed to be at work and if I am getting there on time. Why does she have to make us breakfast?? :blah:

Ok. First of all, I never asked her to wake me up. I dont HAVE to get up at 7am. I only take 30 min to get ready and be out the door. And my office is 15 min. away from my house. My mother on the other hand takes her sweet time getting ready, in between harassing us to get out of bed and making breakfast. On top of that it takes her 30-40 min to get to work. Breakfast at my house if toasted waffles for me and my brother and tea for me. My sister doesn't eat breakfast.

WTF?!?!?! Waking anyone up like that will instantly put them in a nasty mood and make them not want to get out of bed. I know I have had a hard time waking up and getting to work on time, but everyone is out of my house by 8am including me now. I have been late to work once and thats because I was at work till 7pm the night before, I was late on purpose. Mind you, I haven't lived at home since I was 18.

What are the signs of menopause?? All she has to do to get us out of bed better is just be nice about it and we will all get up the first time, and be in a good mood.

I told her not to wake me up anymore that I would set my alarm. Now watch her STILL wake me up and bitch about it.:blank:

OTHER THAN THAT, what a glorious morning it was up here. Incredible weather, beautiful sunshine......was it that nice in Miami??

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Originally posted by shroomy

or even better... just set her clock a couple hours ahead :)

LMAO!! :laugh: I did this once!

I set the clocks, ALL OF THEM, ahead like 40 minutes.

My mom would always make me late to school.

She realized it after she got to work really early, then she attempted to ground me! But after explaining myself, she laughed about it.

Jackie - Set your clock, and tell her to leave you alone. You're a big girl and can take care of yourself, like you have in the past. Just make sure you get to work ontime woman!

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

So at 7:00 my mom starts to wake me up, moaning and complaining that she hates having to wake us (me, my brother and my sister) up because we never want to get out of bed. Im irresponsible because I can't get up on my own, I should set my alarm and get up on my own. She wants to call my office to find out what time I am supposed to be at work and if I am getting there on time. Why does she have to make us breakfast?? :blah:

Ok. First of all, I never asked her to wake me up. I dont HAVE to get up at 7am. I only take 30 min to get ready and be out the door. And my office is 15 min. away from my house. My mother on the other hand takes her sweet time getting ready, in between harassing us to get out of bed and making breakfast. On top of that it takes her 30-40 min to get to work. Breakfast at my house if toasted waffles for me and my brother and tea for me. My sister doesn't eat breakfast.

WTF?!?!?! Waking anyone up like that will instantly put them in a nasty mood and make them not want to get out of bed. I know I have had a hard time waking up and getting to work on time, but everyone is out of my house by 8am including me now. I have been late to work once and thats because I was at work till 7pm the night before, I was late on purpose. Mind you, I haven't lived at home since I was 18.

What are the signs of menopause?? All she has to do to get us out of bed better is just be nice about it and we will all get up the first time, and be in a good mood.

I told her not to wake me up anymore that I would set my alarm. Now watch her STILL wake me up and bitch about it.:blank:

OTHER THAN THAT, what a glorious morning it was up here. Incredible weather, beautiful sunshine......was it that nice in Miami??


:D :D ;):cool:

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