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Taste Nov 1st..... Remember the Classics Party!!!!

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this past wekend was great also ........ there were soo many hot women in Taste. Mature birds ........ not like those little chick that run around the regular spots with their push up bra's and fake id's !!

thisis the classy upscale party that is gonna be taken to the next level this weekend .. we are kick it up a notch ......... don't miss out !!!!!!

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Originally posted by MrCHOOPA2u

this past wekend was great also ........ there were soo many hot women in Taste. Mature birds ........ not like those little chick that run around the regular spots with their push up bra's and fake id's !!

thisis the classy upscale party that is gonna be taken to the next level this weekend .. we are kick it up a notch ......... don't miss out !!!!!!

Hey chris...speak for yourself...I like chickens and push up bras......damn bro....y u hatin'.....

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how can choopa be playing a classic night when in one of his own posts hes only been to sf once.

what kind of classics is he going to play?

also i was @ tunnel, limelight, roxy, speed, sf & teilo in there day & i never heard of a moo or a choopa being anywhere in the scene.

if it was a jesery shore classic party from the past 3 years but to throwing this event as a old city classic night is lie.

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Originally posted by godisadj

how can choopa be playing a classic night when in one of his own posts hes only been to sf once.

what kind of classics is he going to play?

also i was @ tunnel, limelight, roxy, speed, sf & teilo in there day & i never heard of a moo or a choopa being anywhere in the scene.

if it was a jesery shore classic party from the past 3 years but to throwing this event as a old city classic night is lie.

THey will be playing classics from that time period. They didnt have to be there.

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Originally posted by godisadj

how can choopa be playing a classic night when in one of his own posts hes only been to sf once.

what kind of classics is he going to play?

also i was @ tunnel, limelight, roxy, speed, sf & teilo in there day & i never heard of a moo or a choopa being anywhere in the scene.

if it was a jesery shore classic party from the past 3 years but to throwing this event as a old city classic night is lie.

Not for nothing but who would base classics knowledge on how many times they've been to SF. I believe that they mentioned 96-2000. I've been playing Vinyl as a DJ since I was 11 or 12 years old that means 90 or 91. I think that qualifies as being fit to play classics. And the classics years where years spent at city parties until NYC went down the shitter. People weren't partying in Jersey as much as NYC back then, I know I wasn't. So I like you, learned the music from New York until the summers of 99 on, and even back in 99 and 2000 we were still partying non summer weekends in NYC. And it was those fall/winter NYC parties that the classics from NYC really came out. Roxy was a fall/winter party. SF was hotter in Fall/Winter. Twilo was hotter in fall/winter and the same with the others. The bug city parties where winter parties. Just clearing that up....Not arguing here.

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Originally posted by themoo

Not for nothing but who would base classics knowledge on how many times they've been to SF. I believe that they mentioned 96-2000. I've been playing Vinyl as a DJ since I was 11 or 12 years old that means 90 or 91. I think that qualifies as being fit to play classics. And the classics years where years spent at city parties until NYC went down the shitter. People weren't partying in Jersey as much as NYC back then, I know I wasn't. So I like you, learned the music from New York until the summers of 99 on, and even back in 99 and 2000 we were still partying non summer weekends in NYC. And it was those fall/winter NYC parties that the classics from NYC really came out. Roxy was a fall/winter party. SF was hotter in Fall/Winter. Twilo was hotter in fall/winter and the same with the others. The bug city parties where winter parties. Just clearing that up....Not arguing here.

moo nothing personal, but the flyer says classics back in the day from all the city clubs. i'm nit saying you mostly but how can choopa play tracks whrn he doesnt even know them.

thats my point. its a fair ?

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Originally posted by meatstick

Yo I cant wait I told Dana she needs to find something to do that night cause MEAT wont be 'round. I cant wait to see the strippers and listen to the classics. the list on the other board is pretty sick


yooooooo homey I didn't know you were here too. LoL. ;)

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I dont understand why you people all talk so much shit, I never see you out so you have no right to critique Chris Giorgio or Moo.

Who made you guys professional DJ critics anyway.

We are having a classics party, you're alll welcomed to come. I have faith that the music will be off the hook (just like it's always been with these guys).

If you dont have anything nice to say get off my fucking thread and keep your mouths shut..... you cant make educated comments on people that you never heard spin.

You guys must be jealous or something.

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Originally posted by godisadj

moo nothing personal, but the flyer says classics back in the day from all the city clubs. i'm nit saying you mostly but how can choopa play tracks whrn he doesnt even know them.

thats my point. its a fair ?

no its not fair. lemme tell you something ........ just because i did not sit in the soundfactory at 2pm on a sunday afternoon next to you doing drugs does not mean that i don't know the classics !!!! are you serious? i know all the classics and i have all the classics. i have been in a record pool for almost 10 years now! who are you to judge me when you don't know me !!!!




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Originally posted by wakeup

hahahah a classics night where the djs are posting in the music forum asking for ids on classic tracks or where to find them ......the comedy of this site:laugh:

read the post ........ i was asking about a new mix, of the new version of sunshine, by milk & sugar, that i heard out this weekend !!!

i have the original on 12", i have the milk & sugar mixes on 12" !! i was asking about another mix of the milk & sugar that i don't have ......... and by the way ........ why am i explaining this to you ...... who are you ? i don't know you!! i don't talk to you !! people on here think you are some fucking walking dance music dictionary ..... i think you are an asshole (but thats my opinion). instead of criticizing and laughing at question .. why don't you just answer them? i didn't ask you for the track all i asked was if somebody knew the version i was talking about ?

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All these DJ's are pretty good....who the fuck cares if they have only been to SF once? That is stupid! Have you ever been to London and partied at the Ministry of Sound and listened to Europes Top DJ's? I have! Does it matter? No!

People...you know why I love hearing Kirk Lopez at Surf Club every Sunday in the summer?

Because he gets the whole place going....! Isn't that the bottom line....

I have done the Twilo thing a while back and was not impressed with all the fags jumping around...giggling to Junior! Fuck Junior...I would rather hear Skribble drop a Biggie Track into his house beats....and make the crowd go nuts ..."I got 7 mac 11's about 8 .48's 9 9mms 10 mac-10's the shit never ends".....

Good Luck Digga, Joe, Moo and Choopa...!!!

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