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More Rave Act Shit! Act Now


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Link to Action Site http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/action/display/wacmoreinfo.asp?item=10378

Full Bill Info: http://www.drugpolicy.org/docUploads/The_CLEAN_UP_Act_HR_834.pdf

Earlier this year backdoor politics led to the RAVE Act being signed into law making it easier for law enforcement to arrest event holders for the drug offenses of their patrons. Live entertainment will be furthered endangered if the CLEAN-UP Act, anti-rave legislation broadening the RAVE Act, passes Congress.

Like the RAVE Act, this piece of legislation currently being considered by congress could effectively ban live music and dancing, while throwing innocent people like you in jail. If enacted, H.R. 834 could prevent you from hearing your favorite band or DJ live. Every musical style would be affected, including rock and roll, Hip Hop, country, and electronic music. The proposed law could also shut down hemp festivals, circuit parties, and other events government officials don’t like. Both bills would allow overzealous prosecutors to send innocent people to jail for the crimes of others.

The CLEAN-UP Act (H.R. 834) will pass this year without your help. H.R. 834 was first introduced last year, but it failed to make it out of committee. This year’s bill has nearly 100 co-sponsors and will quickly become law unless you act now! Sponsored by Rep. Doug Ose (R-CA), the “Clean, Learn, Educate, Abolish, and Undermine Production (CLEAN-UP) of Methamphetamines Act†is largely an innocuous bill that provides more money and training for the clean up of illegal methamphetamine lab. However, hidden within the bill, is a draconian section that will allow any concert promoter, event organizer, nightclub owner and arena or stadium owner to be fined and jailed for the crimes of their patrons.

Section 305 of the CLEAN-UP Act stipulates that: 'Whoever, for a commercial purpose, knowingly promotes any rave, dance, music, or other entertainment event, that takes place under circumstances where the promoter knows or reasonably ought to know that a controlled substance will be used or distributed in violation of Federal law or the law of the place where the event is held, shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not more than 9 years, or both.'

This provision will allow any concert promoter, event organizer, nightclub owner and arena or stadium owner to be fined and jailed, since a reasonable person would know some people use drugs at musical events. Under the provisions of the CLEAN-UP Act, it doesn’t matter if the event promoter and property owner tried to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if the vast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding citizens that want to listen to music not do drugs. If enacted, this bill could be used to shut down raves, circuit parties, marijuana rallies, unpopular music concerts, and any other event federal officials don’t like.

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