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another report on e on ABC right now. (8:20pm est)

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I missed it. how was it? like, was it one of those "when animals attack" type specials...make it all as extreme and unrealistic as possible? or was it fair? what'd they say?



"I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

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I've seen it before, and it's not that great of report.. They're definetly not representing all the sides of the issue.. The best thing I've seen on the topic is in a TIME magazine article in June.


I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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I saw some of that, they were just talking about how there are these people, that go around with raves, that test pills for "ravers" to make sure it's a clean safe pill, So ABC was saying that these "people" are promoting drug use ... witch I say is bullshit cause people are going to do it no matter what , So why not make sure their safe?


This is just the beginning ...

[This message has been edited by frankie_pep (edited 10-02-2000).]

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The gist of the story was that Dancesafe was testing Ecstasy for kids at raves, but was not giving anti-drug "advice" to those same kids. Basically accusing Dancesafe of "condoning" drug use. Dancesafe comes back and says they're doing the same service as handing out clean needles to junkies. I'm pissed off I wasted 20 minutes of my life watching that drivel. If I want to hear to truth about the clubs, I will NOT go to ABC to get it!!! I'll go to the clubs themeselves (like, maybe this weekend?) Or I'll keep on talking to you all on this board.

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i am soooooo f*ing sick of e in the media.. people are so stupid.. they will never get it......i don't even watch tv anymore..give me a computer and i don't need to leave tha house for weeks (er..except to go clubbing)...but i mean come on.. how many times can you puke up the same story? cwm43.gif

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If E is illegal... and kids are just bringing up their pills to get tested... uh... haahaa... where's the security?

I saw the story on ABC and didn't notice at the time... but now that i think about it... what kind of a place WAS that?

BIG ASS SIGN saying...


cwm13.gif UrGh~? haahaa...

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Dancesafe has a agreement with the establishment that the ppl that come up will NOT be harrassed, searched, detained, etc. after they get the pills tested. They don't ask where the pills came from, they just test 'em. It's not like...you walk up, test yer stuff, and then off in the paddy wagon you go. It doesn't work like that. If ppl were getting kicked out after they tested their stuff, dancesafe would not be very effective, b/c NO ONE would get their pills tested - not there anyways.

Did that make sense?



[This message has been edited by sxs (edited 10-03-2000).]

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Originally posted by frankie_pep:

So ABC was saying that these "people" are promoting drug use ... witch I say is bullshit cause people are going to do it no matter what , So why not make sure their safe?

That's something that the government just doesn't have the intellect to understand. And it's not like this is the first time, either. Prohibition (one of the biggest embarrasements in the history of the mankind) should have taught the lesson - apparently not.

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the govt doesnt make any sense..maybe one day they will get it..if they just legalize then everything would be safe and they wouldnt be pissing away out tax dollars money on fighting the impossible drug war that was lost the day it started


i only speak the truth

peace image-jaune.jpg

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I saw that too, but does anybody on this board worry about the effects of PMA in pills? When I heard those 2 kids died because of it, I got a little scared. How am I suppose to know what the hell I am swallowing? It kind of makes me re-think this whole e issue. It's bad enough that xtc makes you feel like shit the next day, but dying from it that's another story. Any other opinions??

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Dancesafe have a responce to the program

check it out @ http://dancesafe.org

bevilea, PMA is much more toxic than MDMA. The chances of over dose are very high. The ONLY way to test is to get a testing kit from the above link.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 10-03-2000).]

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i watched the stupid exposé.

i guess they ran out of real topics to report on.

and the one thing I don't understand about dancesafe is why they can't find out the percentages of the other things in your pill or why they'd bother to say "yep it's real" when you can just take a quarter and see what happens. it can't be that bad.and if you're lucky you will have friends who took the same ones before and know the results.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Dancesafe have a responce to the program

check it out @ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://dancesafe.org" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://dancesafe.org</A>

bevilea, PMA is much more toxic than MDMA. The chances of over dose are very high. The ONLY way to test is to get a testing kit from the above link.

I know that Back2basics...that's what scares me. No one knows what's inside the pills once they get them. The dealers wouldn't even be aware of it. What I really want to know is how does some stupid organization like Dancesafe, get away with this kind of stuff? I mean if you put one of those tables in the Soundfactory or Exit, people would be getting arrested left and right. Here you have people taking pills up to them and having them tested. It's rediculous.

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Here's how i see it, people are going to do drugs no matter what, so someone should help to make it safe. If they made drugs legal noone would ever die from getting bad shit b/c it would all be pure, maybe that sounds extreme, but it's true. Last year my psych professor told us that if we ever got pure LSD to take it. Anyway the media needs to stop being such hypocrites, i'm sure they've all done something.

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i doubt that the tobacco and alcohol lobbys have any interest in encouraging the legalisation of illegal recreational drugs as it would cause them immense harm. in addition they have loads of money (=vote carrying power) which it seems they could use in the name of deterring these evil drugs.


there is no law - except the law of the drug and the music

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In theory it's supposed to work that way,,,but I've never had first hand experience. It is much better and less nerve racking to test at home with your own testing kit! cwm11.gif Look here: "]http://www.eztest.com/ for more info on buying a testing kit. Also check out '>http://www.bluelight.nu/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Pill+Testing

for testing info in general.

Good luck and be safe!



[This message has been edited by sxs (edited 10-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by sxs (edited 10-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by sxs (edited 10-04-2000).]

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Dancesafe's reply is pretty cool.

Do you think the government could really legalize and regulate a drug as powerful as ecstacy? The long term effects are not yet understood. Although, it would be nice for us if there was more honest research to study the true short and longterm effects of the drug.

Problem is that when you have government sponsored research, it is always going to be skewed...

So much for getting the facts. At least someone like Dancesafe is out there helping out the community who would use the shit anyway.

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Originally posted by filthy_slag:

i doubt that the tobacco and alcohol lobbys have any interest in encouraging the legalisation of illegal recreational drugs as it would cause them immense harm.

Definitely. If E were legal, how much would it cost? A dollar? Maybe two? Five? Who the hell would pay eight for a watered-down drink then? Especially considering that drinking isn't really something you'd wanna use at a danceclub anyway.

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In that segment, there were two kids who unfortunatley died (not sure if it was from E or not). Anyways their parents and a few others were criticizing dancesafe for testing the pills and handing them back to the kids. It was as if they were blaming dancesafe for their kids death. Don't they realize that they would have dropped regardless of whether dancesafe was there or not? People are gonna drop regardless of whether dancesafe is there or not and since people will drop anyways, why not test their pills so that they know what they are getting? It seems so simple, yet somehow there is controversy over this?




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Originally posted by bevilea:

I know that Back2basics...that's what scares me. No one knows what's inside the pills once they get them. The dealers wouldn't even be aware of it. What I really want to know is how does some stupid organization like Dancesafe, get away with this kind of stuff? I mean if you put one of those tables in the Soundfactory or Exit, people would be getting arrested left and right. Here you have people taking pills up to them and having them tested. It's rediculous.

I think you have missed the point completely. Dancesafe are there to stop people taking PMA. They are not 'getting away" with anything, what they do is legal and is a great public service. If they save 1 life then what they are doing is good. DanceSafe test pills, if their is PMA in your pill the only way you can tell is testing it yourself or dancesafe doing it...

Every day i here people in this board who dont have there own testing kit, so they are taking a calculated risk with their lives.. because they carn't be arsed. DanceSafe make it easy for them.

I dont understand what you taking about at all your argument seems to contradict it's self. And most dealers WILL know what is in them. I have never met anybody who doesn't test them themselves(via injestion), have a favored customer who they trust to test them, or have a testing kit.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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