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Jersey is the worst state ever..all you spiked hair retards who walk around the same 3 clubs each weekend showing off their original fist pump move..Everyone in the bar is wearing the same 5 shirts that they got at AX or Diesel. Stop spending all your money on your late model BMW and move out of your parents house...27 is a little late to be living at Mommy's house...Nothing is better than walking around the beaches of Belmar with all the dudes with needles hanging out of their arms..they look like swollen gorillas..what even more funny is watching them run...everyone in NJ walks around like they are so tough and it looks like everyone is carrying suitcases 24/7...My advice to all of you is stop the steroids and chill with the tanning salon for just one week...and what's the deal with all these juiced up dudes who wear the tighest jeans ...your not from Europe you momos.....

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Originally posted by k-hole6969

Jersey is the worst state ever..all you spiked hair retards who walk around the same 3 clubs each weekend showing off their original fist pump move..Everyone in the bar is wearing the same 5 shirts that they got at AX or Diesel. Stop spending all your money on your late model BMW and move out of your parents house...27 is a little late to be living at Mommy's house...Nothing is better than walking around the beaches of Belmar with all the dudes with needles hanging out of their arms..they look like swollen gorillas..what even more funny is watching them run...everyone in NJ walks around like they are so tough and it looks like everyone is carrying suitcases 24/7...My advice to all of you is stop the steroids and chill with the tanning salon for just one week...and what's the deal with all these juiced up dudes who wear the tighest jeans ...your not from Europe you momos.....

Advice take massive amounts of. Ketamin. Let that air dry this way it is the most potent . Sniff at least 3-4 licks worth...that should do the trick. :blown:

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Originally posted by k-hole6969

Jersey is the worst state ever..all you spiked hair retards who walk around the same 3 clubs each weekend showing off their original fist pump move..Everyone in the bar is wearing the same 5 shirts that they got at AX or Diesel. Stop spending all your money on your late model BMW and move out of your parents house...27 is a little late to be living at Mommy's house...Nothing is better than walking around the beaches of Belmar with all the dudes with needles hanging out of their arms..they look like swollen gorillas..what even more funny is watching them run...everyone in NJ walks around like they are so tough and it looks like everyone is carrying suitcases 24/7...My advice to all of you is stop the steroids and chill with the tanning salon for just one week...and what's the deal with all these juiced up dudes who wear the tighest jeans ...your not from Europe you momos.....

At least we stopped wearing Z-Caverices and Sergio T's... give us a little credit!

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This loser posts in Jersey Boston and Sex boards with quite a few in the drama section.

His idiotic remarks are as follow...just a few of his excellent lines to let you know the charchter were toying with.


Nice jokes you fucking loser....you are by far the biggest jerkoff on the board...."

No I think You got DG Beat by a long shot

"I hung out with Coral and LAurie the other night....they came up to my school and met them at a party....Laurie is smoking and Coral has the biggest chest ever....Malik was also there he smoked some serious amounts of weed....I second the real world jersey shore...."

Trying your best to "fit in" just isnt good enough YOURE NOT COOL

"Domestic violence.....

I witnessed the most fucked up shit last night at my house....one of my boys beating the fucking shit out of his girlfriend...this girl is like 4'8 and 90 pounds and he is almost 6 foot and has some pounds on him..."

Nice Friends you got.

"Wow after reading this over again and drinking all afternoon watching the games, I must of spelled 10 words wrong...just wanted to clear that up so heads dont think im a retard...."

Now why would we think that??

"Fucking chickens....

I was dating this girl at school for a few months...mad hot but whatever...She leaves for spring break in CANCUN and tonight tells me that she is seeing this dude from NY that she met in Mexico....let it go it was a hook up and I told her off big time..it didnt help that I drank my two best friends tonight johnny and Jack...Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels for the rookies...fuck her..who the fuck is she....I went to Europe and I hooked up but am I binging back girls from Italy..no...I Think i should of.....girls suck my ass..."

Guess He's not a big hit with the women after all

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Originally posted by k-hole6969

wow buddy---you have some free time on your hands...how about getting a job jerkoff...and working at the door of some shit club doesn't count.....

hOW BOUT Im posting from my job and How bout Im the guy that banged your girlfriend in cancun youfuck.

She slobbed my knob better than your moms did....did you know they both take it in the ass??

I do the club stuff for fun my pathetic loser friend...

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[Fucking chickens....

I was dating this girl at school for a few months...mad hot but whatever...She leaves for spring break in CANCUN and tonight tells me that she is seeing this dude from NY that she met in Mexico....let it go it was a hook up and I told her off big time..it didnt help that I drank my two best friends tonight johnny and Jack...Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels for the rookies...fuck her..who the fuck is she....I went to Europe and I hooked up but am I binging back girls from Italy..no...I Think i should of.....girls suck my ass..."


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Originally posted by k-hole6969

wow buddy---you have some free time on your hands...how about getting a job jerkoff...and working at the door of some shit club doesn't count.....

I work the door, you got a problem with that!?!?

Name a place and a time fuckface, I'll have Kosta kick your gayass from here to Miami!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by k-hole6969

wow buddy---you have some free time on your hands...how about getting a job jerkoff...and working at the door of some shit club doesn't count.....

Listen jackass - I will smack you and you cheatin ho of a girlfriend - dont distress cause she is getting laid and you are not. Just cause Kosta is a loser and has time to look up your pathetic attempts to make friends on cp dosent mean you can make fun of him. The difference between him and you - Besides the fact that your chick has a map of Mexico tatooed to her ass - is that we will whip your fag ass. Bottom line - I dont like you and thats very bad for you if I find out who you are. Have a nice day - I know your girl is
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Originally posted by nootsy

Listen jackass - I will smack you and you cheatin ho of a girlfriend - dont distress cause she is getting laid and you are not. Just cause Kosta is a loser and has time to look up your pathetic attempts to make friends on cp dosent mean you can make fun of him. The difference between him and you - Besides the fact that your chick has a map of Mexico tatooed to her ass - is that we will whip your fag ass. Bottom line - I dont like you and thats very bad for you if I find out who you are. Have a nice day - I know your girl is

Anthony havent you realized on my past few years on cp I have started fights with just about everyone and their mother and no one has ever thrown a punch. I told notallthere his mom was in the middle of an inter-racial gangband that I had on film and I told him to come to Metro and find me at the bar..The bald guy with the goatee...He ended up going up to Petey K and he wasnt looking to fight!!!!!!

The donkey crew they were a filed day...so many others..bottom line.no one would ever throw a punch. I even offered a grand to who-ever knocks me out and it still hasnt happened.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Anthony havent you realized on my past few years on cp I have started fights with just about everyone and their mother and no one has ever thrown a punch. I told notallthere his mom was in the middle of an inter-racial gangband that I had on film and I told him to come to Metro and find me at the bar..The bald guy with the goatee...He ended up going up to Petey K and he wasnt looking to fight!!!!!!

The donkey crew they were a filed day...so many others..bottom line.no one would ever throw a punch. I even offered a grand to who-ever knocks me out and it still hasnt happened.

Wait a grand?:confused: hmmmm.
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